With the loss of one of its two Grand Prizes, Scrabble #1861 drops into second place. Replacing it on top is Crossword #3212. This is a jumbo game with an original float of almost 15 million tickets. Only an estimated 9% of that float remains (+/- 2%) but that translates into 1.4 million tickets so you should be able to find them in your local area. Three of the original 9 $50,000 tickets remain to be claimed. Also available to be won are 2 of 9 Second Prizes, 1 of six Third Prizes, and 1 of four Fourth Prizes. That's pretty good availability for a game whose days are running short.
On the downside, only 1 in every 4.25 tickets is a winner (4th worst) and one in 6.93 is worth more than the price of the ticket (8th worst). Regardless, the top prize money imbalance places this game well on top of the list.

No new games were introduced. The overall Top Prize money availability sits at 99.8% and there are 100 million tickets available for sale.
Here is OLG news concerning the extension of the second chance prizes for Instant Bingo. https://bingocontest.olg.ca/ec/webversion.aspx?i=63e495f1-0bd5-44bf-893f-61c3c9693035
I always wondered why they added this little feature and why they have extended it. Any wisdom from readers?
And lastly, an article from Niagara This Week wherein the Mayor of Niagara Falls is expressing concern about the impact that the Woodbine expansion will have on the Niagara Falls Casinos. http://www.niagarathisweek.com/news-story/6327690-woodbine-theatre-a-cause-for-concern-diodati/ . Of course it will impact! I have little doubt that a significant percentage of Niagara's business comes from Toronto. As soon as table games are added and a concert hall built, the bleeding away from Niagara will begin in earnest.
Best to all.
On the downside, only 1 in every 4.25 tickets is a winner (4th worst) and one in 6.93 is worth more than the price of the ticket (8th worst). Regardless, the top prize money imbalance places this game well on top of the list.

Top Rated Games
- $3 Crossword #3212 - Very positive Top Prize imbalance.
- $3 Scrabble #1861 - Available tickets getting scarce. Only one GP left.
- $3 Keno #1417 - Best game with wide availability.
- $3 Fruit Explosion #1866 - Good game and selling rapidly.
- $30 250 Golden #1782 - Best of the expensive games.
Games to Avoid
- $10 Classic White #1844 - A stinker and still 2.5 Million tickets left. Beware!
- $1 Red Hot 50's #1827 - Terrible choice.
- $1 Lucky Lines #1826 - Forget it.
- $1 Hit 100 #1849 - The best of the worst.
- $4 Cash For Life #1171 - Half the Grand Prizes left and 3/4 of the tickets to sell.
Games Devoid of Grand Prizes
- Classic White
Comings and Goings
Tripling 7's was retired this week - thankfully. Only 10% of the float remained and all the Grand Prizes had been claimed. The game was ranked 20th of the 25 games for sale.No new games were introduced. The overall Top Prize money availability sits at 99.8% and there are 100 million tickets available for sale.
Personal Play
Nothing to report.Post Script
Here's the kind of guy I liked to see get lucky: http://www.intelligencer.ca/2016/02/19/roblin-man-scratches-100000-win .Here is OLG news concerning the extension of the second chance prizes for Instant Bingo. https://bingocontest.olg.ca/ec/webversion.aspx?i=63e495f1-0bd5-44bf-893f-61c3c9693035
I always wondered why they added this little feature and why they have extended it. Any wisdom from readers?
And lastly, an article from Niagara This Week wherein the Mayor of Niagara Falls is expressing concern about the impact that the Woodbine expansion will have on the Niagara Falls Casinos. http://www.niagarathisweek.com/news-story/6327690-woodbine-theatre-a-cause-for-concern-diodati/ . Of course it will impact! I have little doubt that a significant percentage of Niagara's business comes from Toronto. As soon as table games are added and a concert hall built, the bleeding away from Niagara will begin in earnest.
Best to all.