Scrabble #1835, with only 14% of its float left (+/- 3%) has taken over from 15X The Money which has 12% of its float left (+/- 3%). I have given up on 15X The Money and Scrabble is becoming progressively more rare in my neighborhood.
Each game has an identical outstanding Top Prize ratio of 1.69. 15X The Money has 260 prizes of $100 or more left and 20% of the money associated with those prizes. Scrabble has 197 such prizes representing 25% of the prize money. Scrabble offers a .9% higher small prize return ratio and its that difference that makes the difference between the two. Your chances to find the 15 X Money Grand Prize are 1 in 380,000 whereas they are 1 in 450,000 for Scrabble. Both games should be gone before too long.

Some good advice has been posted this past week by Tommy and JayDee.
Lots of discussion over the location of winners and whether things may not be as they appear. I have to preface my comments with the statement that seeing patterns is an ability that has contributed to the evolutionary success of our species. Seeing patterns that are not there does not necessarily hurt us but being right certainly helps.
A while back I set out to collect the data as to where winning scratch tickets were sold. I abandoned the mission mid-stream. There is too much information that is needed to make the project reasonable in scope. The OLG arrays sales data by Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). If we knew, over a substantial period of time, what the sales data was for Scratch tickets and we knew the Grand Prize distribution then we could start to form some conclusions about whether what we are seeing is reasonable. We have to remember that although a winner may come from a small town that there are many many small towns out there and only one Toronto. Like Tommy, I'm not convinced that it is true but I am also not 100% sure that it is not. I am confident that there is no direct finagling but it is possible that winning tickets are randomly produced and delivered to particular CMAs to ensure that all parts of the province get to share in the thoughts that they too could win. The OLG might call that a Marketing Strategy.
The proof of this would be in the contract the OLG signs with the ticket producer but I have no doubt that such details are protected from Freedom Of Information legislation as being counter to the financial interests of the Province of Ontario. The truth will become all the more opaque when the OLG contracts out the entire Scratch Ticket business to a third party.
I chuckled at the lament from one poster who longed for the days where the numbers came out of a machine with balls. Take a look at this: . An axiom when I was young was , "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. ". That should be updated to "Don't believe anything you hear or see!"
I'm still trying to figure out who owns the 49% of the company that has been awarded the Ontario East Gaming bundle. There has been a flurry of activity with the CEO of the Great Canadian Gaming Company (owner of the company that won the bid) phoning the Mayor of Belleville. The winning company has ideas around location and the Mayor has three possible sites but the OLG has been very clear in saying that nothing has been decided as of yet. Belleville may find that what the "civic minded" casino company has in mind may not correspond with what the democratically elected representatives of the good people of Belleville have envisioned. More to come....
Each game has an identical outstanding Top Prize ratio of 1.69. 15X The Money has 260 prizes of $100 or more left and 20% of the money associated with those prizes. Scrabble has 197 such prizes representing 25% of the prize money. Scrabble offers a .9% higher small prize return ratio and its that difference that makes the difference between the two. Your chances to find the 15 X Money Grand Prize are 1 in 380,000 whereas they are 1 in 450,000 for Scrabble. Both games should be gone before too long.
Top Rated Games
- $3 Scrabble #1835 - New Leader
- $3 15X The Money #1840 - limping into the great beyond.
- $3 Crossword #3209 - Strong candidate to head the list soon.
- $3 Super Bingo #3018 - Takes a long time to lose my $3.
- $1 Bingo Express #1823 - Cheat the parking meter and pick one up.
Games To Avoid
- $1 5X The Money #1838 - If it's the only ticket for sale - leave it.
- $5 500 Frenzy #1838 - Three blog contributors have snagged a $500 prize. That's a first!
- $2 Fast 200's #1817 - 800 to 1 to win $200 versus 550 to 1 to win $500 for Frenzy.
- $3 Tetris #1832 - My seller still has some - no thanks.
- $2 10X The Money #1839 - Bad all around.
Games to Play If All You Want Is A Grand Prize
- Frenzy
- Fast 200's
- Extreme
- Cash Blast
- 15X The Money
Games Devoid of Grand Prizes
- 5X The Money
- Tetris
- Crystal 7's
Comings and Goings
Nothing to report this week although my update is as of yesterday and I note that CL66 has posted a review for the new game "Wild Card". See last weeks post for the details.Personal Play
Eight Super Bingos and four Scrabbles returned two winners totaling $9. I am in a bad rut and I'm thinking of breaking out by reaching down my list a ways. You have to like the games you're playing and I don't like Super Bingo at all. Maybe some Cross Triplers or Classic Whites are in order.Post Script
Some good advice has been posted this past week by Tommy and JayDee.
Lots of discussion over the location of winners and whether things may not be as they appear. I have to preface my comments with the statement that seeing patterns is an ability that has contributed to the evolutionary success of our species. Seeing patterns that are not there does not necessarily hurt us but being right certainly helps.
A while back I set out to collect the data as to where winning scratch tickets were sold. I abandoned the mission mid-stream. There is too much information that is needed to make the project reasonable in scope. The OLG arrays sales data by Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). If we knew, over a substantial period of time, what the sales data was for Scratch tickets and we knew the Grand Prize distribution then we could start to form some conclusions about whether what we are seeing is reasonable. We have to remember that although a winner may come from a small town that there are many many small towns out there and only one Toronto. Like Tommy, I'm not convinced that it is true but I am also not 100% sure that it is not. I am confident that there is no direct finagling but it is possible that winning tickets are randomly produced and delivered to particular CMAs to ensure that all parts of the province get to share in the thoughts that they too could win. The OLG might call that a Marketing Strategy.
The proof of this would be in the contract the OLG signs with the ticket producer but I have no doubt that such details are protected from Freedom Of Information legislation as being counter to the financial interests of the Province of Ontario. The truth will become all the more opaque when the OLG contracts out the entire Scratch Ticket business to a third party.
I chuckled at the lament from one poster who longed for the days where the numbers came out of a machine with balls. Take a look at this: . An axiom when I was young was , "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. ". That should be updated to "Don't believe anything you hear or see!"
I'm still trying to figure out who owns the 49% of the company that has been awarded the Ontario East Gaming bundle. There has been a flurry of activity with the CEO of the Great Canadian Gaming Company (owner of the company that won the bid) phoning the Mayor of Belleville. The winning company has ideas around location and the Mayor has three possible sites but the OLG has been very clear in saying that nothing has been decided as of yet. Belleville may find that what the "civic minded" casino company has in mind may not correspond with what the democratically elected representatives of the good people of Belleville have envisioned. More to come....
The game many regulars here have probaly never forgiven, returns October 5th - kudos to the first person to correctly name it. ^_^
ReplyDeleteWould it be: Lucky "Lets Take In Millions Of Dollars And Pay Out Nothing" Mines." No, wait a minute, it's: Lucky "Let's Rip Off Our Dedicated Customers To The Tune Of Millions Of Dollars So we can Give Our A-Hole Execs Some Hefty Bonuses." Ah shit! I give up, what is it?
ReplyDeleteWe have a wiener! lol - spot on Lloyd - More Lucky Lines 1829 will be released Monday October 5th - this is the game that the last time around had ALL of it's grand prizes won within 10 days of it's release and then continued to be sold for another 3.5 months before it was deactivated - the version before that gave us the term "lucky lined", as it was retired early at 3 months, with an estimated 18% of it's tickets still remaining, with ALL of it's grand prizes + 2nd top prizes UNCLAIMED. Many regulars on here were left fuming, with comments of wasted time and $ on something that may or may not have ever even been available as advertised. I do not expect any change to the structure of this game, yet i have no information on this game as yet, if i do happen upon such before it's release, i will post about it.
DeleteSay it ain't so!
ReplyDelete$300+ gone on lucky lines and had nothing to show for it.
ReplyDeleteWhat improvements are they making to Lottario?
@Doug: I guess 500 Frenzy & Fast 200's can be looked at like games which have no top prizes (ie. > $10,000) but lots of mid-range ($200-$500) prizes. But doing so would quickly make them "undesirable" just like any game which no longer has top prizes.
ReplyDeleteAnother way would be to create a separate category to account for them which, in a way, you already have. It's actually your "Games to Play If All You Want Is A Grand Prize" category. When I adjust my Jackpot listing for ticket cost and prize size, I end up with your listing which I believe is the "right" way to calculate the comparison. The only reason why I have an unadjusted listing is because most JP seekers tend to ignore cost and prize size and jump right to best odds.
Take comfort in knowing your "Grand Prize" listing has already had five winners(!)... three $500 Frenzy and two Fast 200's (by the same reader if I recall).
P.S. "It takes a long time to lose my $3"... LOL! I'm sure we all have had dry spells. Recently, I have had terrible luck (zero wins) with games with the word "Bingo" in them making me afraid to even try Cashingo!
I've been curious about this for a while and maybe someone here knows the answer. Do retailers get paid a percentage of winnings from winners sold from their locations? Or winners checked at their locations? Or both?
ReplyDeleteThey only receive a standard commission (estimated 5%) on SALES of tickets that they were assigned or were printed on their terminals - they receive no added $ on any kind of redeemed winning tickets - they will receive an added special commission if a winnning ticket worth a substantial amount (estimated $10k+) was sold by them.
DeleteI did worked for a company that will go out and repair broken terminal equipment. So a reserved fund went to that company. Scratch games average 70% payback so 30% will go back to OLG, retailers and repairman.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteImagine all the more that occurs when not on a screen in that case
ReplyDeleteI bought 1 Wild card today and won 2x $2 3 times, for $12!! Yay. Likin' my stats so far! ;)
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I got 4 Wild Cards today and won on zero of them!
DeleteHowever, this weekend I bought a $500 Frenzy for the first time and won $15, used that to buy another and won $5. 100% success rate! I should probably quit with those while I'm ahead :)
Oh crap...sorry to hear that!
Delete$1 Red Hot $50's - Review
ReplyDeleteTop prize: $50
Other prizes: $30, $20, $10, $6, $5, $3, $2, $1
Number of tickets: 3,030,000
Odds to win:
any prize - 1 in 4.27
$2 or more -1 in 8.05
$3 or more -1 in 26.28
$5 or more -1 in 74.35
$6 or more -1 in 118
$10 or more -1 in 202
$20 or more -1 in 253
$30 or more -1 in 270
$50 -1 in 278
Out of all 28 games:
Ranks 10th on winning 8-10x your $ or better
Ranks 15th on winning 6-8x your $ or better
Ranks 24th on winning 5x your $ or better
Ranks 26th on winning 4x your $ or better
Ranks 25th on winning 3x your $ or better
Ranks 18th on winning 2x your $ or better
Ranks 27th on winning any prize
The good news: none. The bad news: almost everything about this game sucks. It's the 2nd worst game on odds to win ANY prize. It has crappy odds of 1 in 26 to just win $3. It's odds of 1 in 278 to win it's $50 "grand prize" - lol. You can win 2 times on this ticket, at odds of 1 in 13.6 (61.5% $2, 33.4% $3, 5% $6, 0.1% $30). I rate $1 Red Hot $50's 16/100 making it the worst game there is.
ReplyDelete$100 today for me, poker lotto flush.
some poor schmuck from Guelph won $5k which is nice but my view is he missed out on around $200k by not paying the dollar for the "allin"..
Found Scrabble and bought 3. Dud, $10 and & $30. I would have not bought it if it wasn't for this webpage.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, have anyone seen who won the Living the Life? I don't recall on this board or OLG someone winning or claiming the top two prizes.
Was at a variety store today and was intrigued to see 3 $500 winners (pay out slips with the winning ticket) from $500 Frenzy, all taped to the display that covers where the smokes are behind the cash. I'd be interested to know if the 3 winners came from the same store (I don't think you could really find that out unless the clerk knew the batch numbers of the ticket packs they had). Would also be interesting to know if the batch numbers were identical (same pack). Didn't cross my mind to ask that until I got home. Since you could have your ticket scanned at a different location you bought it from, there could be that to factor in as well, but it was interesting to see 3 jackpot winning tickets on display in the same store.
ReplyDeleteFound a whole pack of 15x today at a shopping mall kiosk. I jumped on them only to win 3$ and 15$. I think I may have to jump ship to the Scrabble. I actually like those games.
ReplyDeleteWill any of you be buying some Lotto Max for this 'Record Breaking Jackpot'? I usually cave and buy some.
Yeah im in for $30 on lotto max and likely a $20 for lottario and if 649 doesn't get won tomorrow then it will be huge also, gladly I
Deletehit that $100 prize on pokerlotto
so I can free roll for a bit yet......
GL everyone
Won big recently, 1,000 10-classic! Love this site just though I'd share and give thanks to everyone.
ReplyDeleteWow!! That must have been THRILLING!!! Any pics?! I have never played that ticket before. Was this your first classic white...or had you had several wins/losses prior to your big win? What are ya gonna do with your $$$? :)
DeleteJust witnessed an elderly man win $500 at Bramalea at lotto booth by food court, I played 4 of those, one came out $50 winner
ReplyDeletei won $100 on $5 Wild Card today
ReplyDeleteI finally won something worth sharing $100 on Scrabble. Too bad it wasn't one more number...but I was happy nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteI recently won $100 of Lotto 6/49 tickets from a local radio station and I wondered something. The prize gives you 5 lines with 5 Encore for 4 draws in a row, and I noticed that all of my tickets have been the same. Same quick pick numbers, guaranteed prize draw numbers, and Encore numbers. Is that normal? I don't typically buy this many Lotto 6/49, but shouldn't it have given me different numbers for each draw?
ReplyDeleteLotto 649 advance play allows this type of ticket.
DeleteIt looks to me like you only received $80 worth of tickets. .there should be 5 draws or more numbers included..
I listen to a few of the London AM tlk radio stations and there is one that does the same thing which I unsuccessfully tried to win.. only have $60 worth of 649 plays and $20 worth of encore.
Thanks. Sorry, mistyped. 5 draws in a row. I've won $17 off of the $100 in free tickets. This is why I rarely buy non-scratch tickets!
DeleteCurrent Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds
ReplyDelete(from info on the OLG unclaimed prize page as of 9pm Thursday September 24th)
Available grand prizes (by amount):
$1,000,000 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 601,695
$1,000,000 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 1,817,847
$675,000 $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4,525,113
$500,000 $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 913,758
$250,000 $10 CASH BLAST 1 in 340,979
$100,000 $5 WILD CARD 1 in 438,036
$100,000 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 494,305
$100,000 $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 542,350
$100,000 $5 ACES & 8's 1 in 716,800
$75,000 $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 395,033
$75,000 $3 CASHINGO 1 in 594,815
$50,000 $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,017,951
$50,000 $3 KENO 1 in 1,067,500
$50,000 $3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 1,204,999
$50,000 $3 BINGO 1 in 1,412,600
$50,000 $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,816,523
$35,000 $2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 1,198,019
$10,000 $1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 325,065
$10,000 $1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 680,000
Available grand prizes (by the odds):
1 in 325,065 $10,000 $1 BINGO EXPRESS
1 in 340,979 $250,000 $10 CASH BLAST
1 in 395,033 $75,000 $3 SCRABBLE
1 in 438,036 $100,000 $5 WILD CARD
1 in 494,305 $100,000 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER
1 in 542,350 $100,000 $5 BINGO DOUBLER
1 in 594,815 $75,000 $3 CASHINGO
1 in 601,695 $1,000,000 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS
1 in 680,000 $10,000 $1 $10,000 SPIN
1 in 716,800 $100,000 $5 ACES & 8's
1 in 913,758 $500,000 $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2
1 in 1,017,951 $50,000 $3 SUPER BINGO
1 in 1,067,500 $50,000 $3 KENO
1 in 1,198,019 $35,000 $2 10X THE MONEY
1 in 1,204,999 $50,000 $3 CROSSWORD (yellow)
1 in 1,412,600 $50,000 $3 BINGO
1 in 1,816,523 $50,000 $3 CROSSWORD
1 in 1,817,847 $1,000,000 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE
1 in 4,525,113 $675,000 $4 CASH FOR LIFE
Odds to win $50,000 or more:
ReplyDelete$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 300,847
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 340,979
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 371,082
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 395,033
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 438,036
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 494,305
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 571,099
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 594,815
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 661,035
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 716,800
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,017,951
$3 KENO 1 in 1,067,500
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 1,204,999
$3 BINGO 1 in 1,412,600
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,816,523
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4,525,113
no prizes available:
$1 $10,000 SPIN
$1 RED HOT $50s
$2 FAST $200s
$5 $500 FRENZY
Odds to win $5,000 or more:
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 76,656
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 131,678
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 191,352
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 203,514
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 261,132
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 301,250
$3 BINGO 1 in 313,911
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 325,065
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 329,537
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 339,894
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 340,979
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 358,400
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 381,732
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 456,879
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 490,952
$3 KENO 1 in 533,750
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 680,000
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 753,776
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 1,198,019
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,262,556
no prizes available:
$1 RED HOT $50s
$2 FAST $200s
$5 $500 FRENZY
Odds to win $1,000 or more:
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18,423
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 28,391
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 30,960
$3 TETRIS 1 in 51,237
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 59,541
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 62,815
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 85,245
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 119,467
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 127,568
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 131,678
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 239,604
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 261,132
$3 KENO 1 in 266,875
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 269,621
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 301,250
$3 BINGO 1 in 313,911
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 325,065
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 339,894
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 381,732
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 490,952
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 680,000
no prizes available:
$1 RED HOT $50s
$2 FAST $200s
$5 $500 FRENZY
Odds to win $250 or more:
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 560
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 4,958
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 9,081
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 9,377
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,928
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 11,537
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 15,974
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 16,460
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 17,224
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 17,920
$3 TETRIS 1 in 19,519
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 26,157
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 62,815
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 71,288
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 85,245
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 142,320
$3 KENO 1 in 266,875
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 301,250
$3 BINGO 1 in 313,911
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 325,065
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 381,732
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 490,952
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 680,000
no prizes available:
$1 RED HOT $50s
$2 FAST $200s
Odds to win $100 or more:
ReplyDelete$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 251
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 301
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 507
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 545
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 736
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 800
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 1,062
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 1,377
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 1,709
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 1,731
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 1,987
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1.992
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 2,195
$3 BINGO 1 in 2,316
$3 TETRIS 1 in 2,846
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 4,326
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 5,076
$3 KENO 1 in 6,821
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 6,951
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 9,081
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 19,444
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 59,300
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 325,065
$1 RED HOT $50s no prizes available
Odds to win 8-10x your $ or better:
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 45
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 56
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 107
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 107
$3 KENO 1 in 131
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 168
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 181
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 202
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 213
$3 BINGO 1 in 217
$3 TETRIS 1 in 236
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 250
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 251
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 256
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 272
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 301
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 303
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 314
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 334
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 376
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 465
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 708
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 1,377
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,397
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,912
Odds to win 6-8x your $ or better:
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 45
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 54
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 63
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 92
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 95
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 103
$10 CASH BLAST 1 IN 105
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 107
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 107
$3 TETRIS 1 in 108
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 116
$3 KENO 1 in 116
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 118
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 125
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 128
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 133
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 145
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 165
$3 BINGO 1 in 196
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 256
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 303
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 465
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 709
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 736
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,912
Odds to win 5x your $ or better:
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yelow) 1 in 14.79
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 17.30
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 25.16
$3 KENO 1 in 29.78
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 29.84
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 30.41
$3 BINGO 1 in 35.13
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37.38
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 38.15
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 38.51
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 39.68
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 41.71
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 44.81
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 50.64
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 54.47
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 67.88
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 70.67
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 73.83
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 74.35
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 92.39
$3 TETRIS 1 in 108
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 125
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
Odds to win 4x your $ or better:
ReplyDelete$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 14.79
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 16.35
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 16.49
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 18.55
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 20.73
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 24.47
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 24.93
$3 KENO 1 in 25.83
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 26.79
$3 BINGO 1 in 28.08
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 28.41
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 31.66
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37.38
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 38.51
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 39.08
$3 TETRIS 1 in 43.76
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 44.81
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 45.60
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 70.67
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 73.83
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 74.35
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 79.30
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
Odds to win 3x your $ or better:
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 11.71
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 11.94
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 11.95
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 13.82
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 13.84
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 14.11
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 14.79
$3 KENO 1 in 14.86
$3 TETRIS 1 in 15.43
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 16.00
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 16.40
$3 BINGO 1 in 16.70
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 17.80
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 18.14
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 18.19
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 18.55
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 20.69
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 20.74
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 25.13
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 26.28
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 30.37
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 44.81
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 63.85
Odds to win 2x your $ or better:
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 4.77
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 5.19
$3 TETRIS 1 in 6.07
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 6.12
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 6.17
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 6.64
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 6.76
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 6.85
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 6.98
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 7.11
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 7.26
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 7.42
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 7.74
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 7.94
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 7.96
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 8.05
$3 BINGO 1 in 8.15
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 8.75
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 9.57
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.68
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 10.35
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 10.61
$3 KENO 1 in 11.94
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 14.79
Odds of winning any prize:
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 3.00
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 3.24
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 3.25
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 3.29
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 3.34
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 3.37
$3 KENO 1 in 3.40
$3 TETRIS 1 in 3.41
$3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 3.53
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 3.65
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 3.69
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 3.83
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 3.83
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 3.84
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 3.84
$5 WILD CARD 1 in 3.87
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 3.92
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 3.97
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.98
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 4.02
$1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 4.27
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 4.56
Current Top Rated Games:
ReplyDelete1 - $5 WILD CARD 68/100
2 - $5 BINGO DOUBLER 65/100
3 - $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 63/100
3 - $5 ACES & 8's 63/100
6 - $3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 61/100
7 - $10 CASH BLAST 56/100
8 - $3 CROSSWORD 53/100
9 - $3 SCRABBLE 50/100
10 - $10 100 MILLION$ FORTUNE 49/100
11 - $3 KENO 48/100
12 - $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 47/100
13 - $3 BINGO 45/100
13 - $5 CRYSTAL 7s 45/100
13 - $3 SWEET CASH 45/100
16 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 44/100
17 - $3 TETRIS 43/100
18 - $3 CASHINGO 42/100
18 - $5 500$ FRENZY 42/100
20 - $2 10X THE MONEY 41/100
20 - $3 SUPER BINGO 41/100
22 - $1 10,000$ SPIN 40/100
22 - $1 BINGO EXPRESS 40/100
24 - $1 5X THE MONEY 36/100
25 - $2 FAST $200s 21/100
26 - $1 RED HOT $50s 17/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price):
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 63/100
$10 CASH BLAST 56/100
$10 100 MILLION$ FORTUNE 49/100
$5 WILD CARD 68/100
$5 ACES & 8's 63/100
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 45/100
$5 500$ FRENZY 42/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 44/100
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 61/100
$3 CROSSWORD 53/100
$3 SCRABBLE 50/100
$3 KENO 48/100
$3 BINGO 45/100
$3 SWEET CASH 45/100
$3 TETRIS 43/100
$3 CASHINGO 42/100
$3 SUPER BINGO 41/100
$2 10X THE MONEY 41/100
$2 FAST $200s 21/100
$1 10,000$ SPIN 40/100
$1 5X THE MONEY 36/100
$1 RED HOT $50s 17/100
Number Crunch: Compact
$50K+/$5K+/$1K+/$250+/$100+/8-10x+/6-8x+/5x+/4x+/3x+/2x+/Any Prize=Overall rating
$5 WILD CARD: 5 1 2 4 4 14 21 16 8 12 4 20 = 68/100
$5 BINGO DOUBLER: 3 5 12 2 3 9 19 14 12 17 5 12 = 65/100
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2: 7 14 1 7 1 13 12 4 6 18 22 7 = 63/100
$5 ACES & 8's: 10 12 8 11 11 16 18 5 4 4 7 24 = 63/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER: 6 9 14 5 15 21 3 18 3 1 13 15 = 62/100
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow): 13 6 15 19 12 3 9 1 1 8 25 18 = 61/100
$10 CASH BLAST: 2 11 7 16 5 23 8 7 10 16 20 5 = 56/100
$3 CROSSWORD: 15 15 20 23 13 3 9 1 1 8 25 18 = 53/100
$3 SCRABBLE: 4 2 10 9 14 18 16 21 23 6 19 6 = 50/100
$10 100 MILLION$ FORTUNE: 9 3 9 15 9 24 24 10 16 24 2 4 = 49/100
$3 KENO: 12 16 13 18 20 5 12 6 11 10 24 9 = 48/100
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS: 1 4 3 6 8 26 26 26 26 26 1 1 = 47/100
$3 BINGO: 14 7 16 20 16 10 20 9 13 14 18 11 = 45/100
$5 CRYSTAL 7s: 26 26 26 10 7 19 6 11 9 7 11 21 = 45/100
$3 SWEET CASH: 26 18 6 14 10 20 15 25 15 3 6 8 = 45/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE: 16 20 5 13 21 25 25 3 5 5 21 23 = 44/100
$3 TETRIS: 26 26 4 12 17 11 11 24 19 11 3 10 = 43/100
$3 CASHINGO: 8 10 18 3 22 15 5 23 25 20 16 2 = 42/100
$5 500$ FRENZY: 26 26 26 1 2 2 2 17 21 22 23 26 = 42/100
$2 10X THE MONEY: 26 19 11 8 19 7 17 13 14 21 14 13 = 41/100
$3 SUPER BINGO: 11 13 19 22 18 17 22 19 18 2 9 3 = 41/100
$1 10,000$ SPIN: 26 17 21 24 23 6 4 12 17 13 8 16 = 40/100
$1 BINGO EXPRESS: 26 8 17 21 25 1 1 15 20 25 12 16 = 40/100
$1 5X THE MONEY: 26 26 26 17 24 12 7 8 7 19 10 22 = 36/100
$2 FAST $200s: 26 26 26 26 6 22 23 20 22 15 15 14 = 21/100
$1 RED HOT $50s: 26 26 26 26 26 8 14 22 24 23 17 25 = 17/100
Has anyone won 15x grand prize yet? There are 30ish tickets at my local shopper in hamilton. Should I invest? Thanks
ReplyDeleteThe game has been dropped from the Outstanding Prize list. You can still verify if the outstanding Grand Prize has been claimed by calling the OLG at 1-800-387-0098. You can also ask the seller for a copy of the outstanding prize list.I'm not sure but the game may still be listed for that purpose.
DeleteCongrats to all the recent winners and thanks to CL66 for his (very popular) number crunch.
ReplyDelete$150 on a Poker Lotto full house, $30 on Scrabble (1-in-700), $1000 on Classic White 2 (1 of only 412 tickets!), $100 on Wild Card (1-in-579), $100 on Scrabble (1-in-5,600), $100 on a Poker Lotto flush (way to go, Darth!), $100 worth of 6/49 tickets on a radio contest (hey, it's still a win!)... way to go, guys!
Once again, as the weekend approaches I present the Jackpot Hunter's list: 1) Red Hot 50s, 2) 500 Frenzy, 3) Fast 200s, 4) Bingo Express, 5) Cash Blast, 6) Scrabble, 7) Wild Card, 8) Crossword Tripler, 9) Bingo Doubler, and 10) Extreme Millions.
Reminder - the Cadillac Riches 2nd chance internet contest entry deadline is September 30th - the draw for the single prize of a Cadillac SRX or $42,000 cash will take place on or after October 1st.
ReplyDeleteThnx..I have a few of those entries stashed away and had forgotten about them till this reminder. .GL
DeleteMe too thanks so much I have 7 I jus cleaned out my junk drawer.. woulda bin a shame if those entries went to waste.
DeleteWon $250 on Wild can imagine my surprise when I uncovered the doubler and saw $50!! Then I knew I had something since I had two other non-doubling matches for $100 & $50...I find I have the best luck on games similar to this one like 7's because of the doublers
ReplyDeleteI am Connor Robert from Scotland I have been playing euro million since i was 15 and i have never won and i decided to stop instead of i wasting my money in buying ticket. One day i saw a friend who told me that there is a spell caster in Africa that can help win this lottery he was so sure of it but what keep him wondering is that he was not sure if he can make me win big. I say let me give a try because i was so curious in becoming a millionaire so that flint round bitches. I decided to give a try and he assure me in 3days i will get result and immediately i went to buy ticket with the number he sent me and i did just that so for sure in 3days time result was out and i was a winner of £2million. I could not rejoice too much cause i was expecting this but was not sure if it really work but now that i have tested it and it work i will forever be grateful to this spell caster and my friend. When i went to show appreciation to him, he told me that he is here to help people who are in needs. The offer to show appreciation to this man is to spread his name across the world so that people will be helped and that is the reason i am online. Do not waste time the email is he is the only help you need.