Surprisingly, the top rated game remained on the Outstanding Prize list for another week and as such remains the top choice. Reports from posters indicate that supplies are dwindling everywhere. I'm keeping an eye open for them but I'm not very hopeful of finding any.
An estimated 390.000 tickets remain which means that only 10,000 (+/- 6000) were sold last week. Closing in on the heels of top game is Scrabble #1835. Both games are good choices and with 18% of its float remaining, Scrabble's tickets may be easier to find. Both games have only one Grand Prize left to claim so be sure to check with the seller that the prize is still there at the time of purchase.

I'm sure that no one who is employed in any of the provincial lottery businesses would imagine that anyone would be poking around the various provincial sites comparing information but that is no excuse. Randy is not alone and having games taken down from one site and not another or having the number of outstanding Grand Prizes vary between sites raises legitimate concerns. I am confident that the differences are little more than lack of attention but I will follow-up with the OLG just to be sure.
I was at Woodbine the other week at which time I had an enjoyable chat with a woman who was manning the mini-kiosk representing the Responsible Gaming Resource Centre ( They are tucked into a broom closet at Woodbine. It compares poorly with the space and location provided to its sister organization in Quebec at the Casino de Lac Leamy. It always irritates me that the OLG constantly toots its own horn about its self-exclusion program and its "Know your Limit" message. This messaging flies in the face of all of its decisions to increase gaming revenue in the province. Why not release the OLG from this conflicting mandate and turn over that part of the puzzle to organizations like the RGRC?
Lastly, the OLG announced today that the "Eastern Bundle" has been awarded to something called the "Ontario Gaming East Limited Partnership". This corporate entity is 50.1% owned by the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation. Who owns the other 49.1%? No idea and I expect that no one can find out. They will take over the Thousand Island Casino, the slots at Kawartha Downs, and build and operate a casino in either Belleville or Quinte West, depending upon future decisions made by the city councils of those two communities. I'll have more to say on this subject next week.
And lastly, the OLG staff in the Sault voted to join the Public Service Alliance of Canada last week. I suspect that they will need a collective voice over the course of the next few years.
An estimated 390.000 tickets remain which means that only 10,000 (+/- 6000) were sold last week. Closing in on the heels of top game is Scrabble #1835. Both games are good choices and with 18% of its float remaining, Scrabble's tickets may be easier to find. Both games have only one Grand Prize left to claim so be sure to check with the seller that the prize is still there at the time of purchase.
Top Rated Games
- $3 15X The Money #1840
- $3 Scrabble #1835 - Heir apparent.
- $3 Super Bingo #3018 - Best small prize return of any game.
- $3 Crossword #3209 - Above average on all rated factors.
- $1 Bingo Express #1823 - Two of Four Grand Prizes remain and only 27% of the float.
Games to Avoid
- $1 5X The Money #1838 - No Grand Prizes and nothing else either
- $5 500 Frenzy #1853 - If you like it, play it.
- $2 Fast 200's #1817 - See above
- $4 Cash For Life #1167 - One of three Grand Prizes left and 2/3 of the float.
- $3 Tetris #1832 - Devoid of Grand Prizes.
Games to Play If All You Want is a Grand Prize
- 500 Frenzy
- Fast 200's
- Extreme #1780
- 15 X The Money
- Cash Blast
Games Devoid of Grand Prizes
- 5X The Money
- Tetris
Comings and Goings
A new version of Cashingo arrived this week. It's pretty good for top end prizes but, oddly, there are no prizes between $75 and $500. In order for both of those things to be true there has to be a paucity of mid-level prizes. Tommy's comment to this effect is bang on.Personal Play
A smorgasbord of tickets representing all five top rated games returned $10 for the $40 outlay. Unacceptable!Post Script
New poster Randy raised an interesting point as it relates to Inter-provincial Lottery Corporation games. For newer readers, the Inter-Provincial Lottery Corporation is simply an organization made up by all of the regional lottery corporations in Canada. (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Western, BC) It is responsible for games that are run country-wide. That includes 649 and Lotto Max and, in our case, most of the $10 and $20 games. Randy noticed that the posted outstanding prize information for the Inter-Provincial game Extraordinaire was different for the Western Lottery than for the OLG. The game information for these games is updated weekly instead of daily as is the case with OLG games.I'm sure that no one who is employed in any of the provincial lottery businesses would imagine that anyone would be poking around the various provincial sites comparing information but that is no excuse. Randy is not alone and having games taken down from one site and not another or having the number of outstanding Grand Prizes vary between sites raises legitimate concerns. I am confident that the differences are little more than lack of attention but I will follow-up with the OLG just to be sure.
I was at Woodbine the other week at which time I had an enjoyable chat with a woman who was manning the mini-kiosk representing the Responsible Gaming Resource Centre ( They are tucked into a broom closet at Woodbine. It compares poorly with the space and location provided to its sister organization in Quebec at the Casino de Lac Leamy. It always irritates me that the OLG constantly toots its own horn about its self-exclusion program and its "Know your Limit" message. This messaging flies in the face of all of its decisions to increase gaming revenue in the province. Why not release the OLG from this conflicting mandate and turn over that part of the puzzle to organizations like the RGRC?
Lastly, the OLG announced today that the "Eastern Bundle" has been awarded to something called the "Ontario Gaming East Limited Partnership". This corporate entity is 50.1% owned by the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation. Who owns the other 49.1%? No idea and I expect that no one can find out. They will take over the Thousand Island Casino, the slots at Kawartha Downs, and build and operate a casino in either Belleville or Quinte West, depending upon future decisions made by the city councils of those two communities. I'll have more to say on this subject next week.
And lastly, the OLG staff in the Sault voted to join the Public Service Alliance of Canada last week. I suspect that they will need a collective voice over the course of the next few years.
Can't recall if I posted any info on Scrabble #1835... SPPB: 1-in-3.33 and 60.3% based on 7000 games. Although kind of late, at the time of issue, 99.99% of the outstanding tickets were for $120 or less or only 352 of the 3,141,600 tickets were worth greater than $120.
ReplyDeleteCurrently there's around 1/6th of the float remaining so odds of hitting the remaining top prize are just over 1/2M-to-1. GLTA.
Scrabble is good right now i won $40 on a ticket
ReplyDeleteI've been able to find a number of 15X tickets after much searching throughout my city, as I've cataloged 181 tickets purchased since the beginning of August. Those tickets have netted me 42 winners for $486.
ReplyDeleteAbout half of that $486 are from 3 wins: 15x$3 for $45, 15x$5 for $75, and 5x$25 for $125. The big prizes ain't easy to find! I've been rolling my winnings into more tickets for a while now, but I've been hitting a lot more duds on the 15X tickets over the past week.
Thanks for posting Jay Dee. Interesting.
DeleteSeeing that there may be jackpot hunters out there, I will, if Doug doesn't mind, list an unadjusted (does not account for cost or prize size) JP list. I call this... paralysis (from PARAllel anaLYSIS):
ReplyDelete1. 500 Frenzy, 2. Fast 200s, 3. 15X The Money, 4. 10,000 Spin, 5. 20X The Money, 6. Bingo Express, 7. Cash Blast, 8. Scrabble, 9. Aces And 8s, 10. Bingo Doubler.
Keep in mind what you're buying though, ie. 500 Frenzy's top prize is $500, Fast 200's $200, 10,000 Spin and Bingo Express $10,000 and that 15X and 20X tickets may be hard to find.
Standard disclaimer goes here.
DeleteI have a dickens of a time comparing 500 Frenzy and Fast 200's to other games. My current method discriminates against them but three readers have reported winning a $500 prize so who am I to argue with that?
THNX Tommy, I was hoping to browse over cl66's number crunch this morning but he's absent or busy or maybe karma was nice and gave him a big prize.
ReplyDeleteAnyway apologies from Darth too anyone offended by my thinking out
loud on here about my assumptions back a bit on volume buying.
Darth is known to open mouth and insert foot from time to time.
Gl everyone
You're welcome, Darth.
DeleteI prefer as many inputs and different views as possible since that can only benefit the board. I do understand that for those who put their ideas, strategies and math up here, we are subject to scrutiny and criticism. It's all part of the process. If I'm wrong, please tell me and show me how. This can only improve the information posted here.
For those who choose to contribute, fine. For those who choose to just read the top recommendation, also fine. For those who choose to post their results or not, that's also fine. Nothing is mandatory.
I just prefer to have the appropriate warnings seeing that the house's edge is already at a minimum 30%. For example, if you're apt to jump to the top recommendation, keep in mind that: 1) The odds are still around 350k-to-1, 2) There's a risk that it may have already been won but not collected, or 3) The ticket has already been returned given that it has been deactivated. I think these are fair warnings.
I make no bones about it, I'm well aware that the odds are stacked well against the ticket buying public. I've changed my ticket buying habits based on this blog and the comments within, but this is by no means my retirement or savings plan!
DeleteSure, it's nice to have "better odds" than the normal ticket buying public, but it still will all come down to luck. If I use the math and strategies that I've learned here and it pays off, great! If not, I still had fun treasure hunting and I'm not using money I can't afford to lose anyway. I enjoy the banter back and forth about our shared hobby, whatever the content!
Great approach/attitude!
DeleteAnd glad you're having some scratching fun and some nice wins along the way too!
Hey everyone I have been a long time player, and recently joined the blog. I figured i can post and let you know how its been going. So this week I bought
ReplyDelete2 crossword's #3209 - 1 Loss & 1 win of 5$
2 Cross Trip 1830 - Both loss
4 Cash For Life 1167 - 1 win of $4
4 Bingo Doubler's - 1 win of $5
1 Fortune million 1779 - Loss
1 Crossword 3210 - Won $3
I know a lot of losses lol.
I figured I could share my outcomes, lol although i have chosen my roughest week to share in hopes to give anyone insight on a general perspective. Based on my personal experience I would say I have purchased approximately 10 bingo doubler games since they have been released. I won 2 times out of the 10 games ($5, $10). I can't make any inferences based on what I have played alone, since I visit a handful of stores regularly. I figured since it is a early release and with many tickets, its too early for the big prizes to start. I have also played instant and trip crossword but don't have much luck with it too often. Cash for life ironically has been my best outcome with the most amount of wins. I myself am from Toronto. Does that mean my odds decrease since most winning games seem to be outside of GTA? Not to be pessimistic, but maybe someone else has better insight on the idea. I read through many posts and would like thank Doug, TmF, and CL66 for the all their contributions, and have to say that you guys put a different spin on my game.
I'm pretty sure 93.25% of major scratch ticket wins come from the GTA/Toronto area (greater population + players) So, you are in prime territory to win.
DeleteHere's the winners' data I've gathered from the 20X The Money game so far: One each from Bowmanville, Whitney, Toronto, Concord, Peterborough, Hamilton and one currently Unknown. There's been a lot of speculation in this area. I've always believed that wins should in general follow places of heavy sales but of course, there's never a one-to-one relationship.
DeleteAccording to an old KPMG audit, there is "... no 'ticket seeding' for any OLG Instant Ticket games, a process used by some jurisdictions to spread prizes over a period of time or specific geography". So, while a controlled distribution can be demanded of the printer and does happen, it seems this is not the case with the OLG. My suspicions were wrong in this area and I'll leave the issue be. I'll concede this one to CL66 who maintained the OLG was hands off in this area.
I did notice that 3 of the last 4 Cash For Life winners have been purchased at Shoppers Drug Mart locations, and 2 of those in my hometown of London. Probably just an anomaly, but as a human it's difficult not to notice patterns!
DeleteI agree with you Jaydee. I remember when two Extroardinaire $2million GP's were won in Kitchener and 2 secondary $200K prizes won in Burlington. I feel like there are patterns as well. All of those prizes were won close together too!
DeleteBy the way, I'm not sure if you're experiencing "a lot of losses" since most games have the odds of winning a prize between 1-in-3 and 1-in-4. With 4 wins out of 14 (29%), you seem to be within the expected range.
DeleteWell, my neighbor won $50K on a scratch ticket. I personally know two other people who won 100K on encore, 8K on lotto max, a lotto max main prize win, and 1K on scratch ticket. When the hell is it going to be my turn to win something big, all these people around me winning lol. Anyways, I have been playing extreme millions like crazy, $50 was my biggest win, mostly just winning $40 and $20. I bought one CFL and won $20 yesterday. Nothing exciting on my end.
ReplyDeleteHey Anonymous, you wouldn't by any chance be from the Coxwell & Queen St. area of Toronto would ya? If so then I know some of those people, plus some others. 25K win on Crossword, 70K on 6/49, 25K twice on Daily Keno for one guy. 1M on Encore and the big one, 30M plus on Max. And somebody I don't know won 47K on 6/49 a month ago. It seems to be a very lucky corner.
DeleteI now have the urge to meet you, Anon! LOL!
DeleteI just stopped into a Shoppers that last week had at least 60 activated 15x and today had none. Should have pulled the trigger earlier.. I just refuse to spend over the weekly limit I set. Grr!
DeleteI was at Oakville GO Station today and won $500 off 500 frenzy
ReplyDeleteWow that is so great! Congrats!! Did you only buy one ticket or more than one...just curious! :)
DeleteI played Cashingo won $5 so rolled it to 500 frenzy got $500 I was meeting a seller for college books so I was killing some time before the seller came
DeleteI got only 1 ticket of 500 frenzy
DeleteAs Doug might say, "Acceptable!"
At least it covered my cost of college books =)
ReplyDeleteSeptember 7, 2015
September 4, 2015
September 3, 2015
September 2, 2015
August 31, 2015
August 27, 2015
August 26, 2015
August 25, 2015
August 21, 2015
August 20, 2015
August 18, 2015
Between Early July to late August - All information was found on OLG's website
ReplyDeletePeggy Lemay
Peggy Lemay
Victoria Harbour
Game No. 1833 Kirk Brant
Kirk Brant
Game No. 3209 Helen Syrmbos
Helen Syrmbos
North York
Game No. 3016 Rachelle Webb
Rachelle Webb
Game No. 1852 Raymond Walker
Raymond Walker
Game No. 1848 Debra Weir
Debra Weir
Game No. 1416 Anton and Margaret Jacusiw
Anton and Margaret Jacusiw
WHEEL OF FORTUNE® LOTTO Carlos Gil Fernandes
Carlos Gil Fernandes
ONTARIO 49 Donna Burleigh
Donna Burleigh
Game No. 3018 Normil Lorvius
Normil Lorvius
PICK-4 Ibrahim Hasso
Ibrahim Hasso
PICK-4 Lawrence Insley
Lawrence Insley
ENCORE Sandra and John Szeman
Sandra and John Szeman
$1,000 A Week For Life
Niagara Falls
Game No. 1167 Heather Miller
Heather Miller
Game No. 1167 Mary Eldridge
Mary Eldridge
$1,000 A Week For Life
Game No. 1167 Eric Osunde-Adam
Eric Osunde-Adam
8 Pick, $1 bet Edward Prentice
Edward Prentice
ENCORE Dominic Di Lallo
Dominic Di Lallo
POKER LOTTO William Quedent
William Quedent
Lac Seul
LOTTO 6/49 David Zatylny
David Zatylny
Game No. 1819 Walter Gomes
Walter Gomes
POKER LOTTO Linda and William Ervin
Linda and William Ervin
ENCORE Emig Nohra
Emig Nohra
Game No. 1833 Kurt Nielsen
Kurt Nielsen
TmF i can completely agree as to why one who resides in GTA would be skeptical about their odds, regardless of what anyone says. I didn't post payouts less than 10,000. Winnings between 1-5 thousand seems to be the majority of GTA wins, and that too in regards to pick-4, daily-keno, spreads etc. Everything from major wins and recent wins is through the months of july, august, september dated until the 7th or so.
ReplyDeleteThe following links can reassure you of what I have posted, if you feel the need to view for yourself:
DeleteThat's also an interesting link where OLG lists the exact stores where winning tickets over $10000 have been sold over the past 6 months. Very interesting info!
4 of those places out of 20 in th list of 649 and lottario is toronto and scarborough.
DeleteThanks for the links, guys!
DeleteI know it's natural to feel it's always the someone else winning or someplace else that's favoured in terms of winning ticket distribution.
But at this time, unless there's definitive proof otherwise, I'd have to go with there being a fair distribution of winners. What could be misleading of any list is that I'm sure there are people in rural areas who might do their ticket buying when they visit a larger town/city or when the visit a casino. They'll show up as a winner from out-of-nowhere when in fact they bought the ticket from a place of higher sales.
Page 23 of this PDF from an old 2007 OLG audit was the only information I could find concerning how instant tickets are distributed:
Oops. Wrong link. Here's the correct link:
I completely agree with the necessity of fact/evidence based conclusions. However, When viewing recent winners, or even winners based on all these lists for major prizes and instant games I'm pretty sure almost anyone would be skeptical. Of course if you reside outside of the area, you may take my opinion offensively, but to be frank, I'm pretty sure a solid number of olg products, probably 50-60 percent would be in GTA, if not Metro Toronto alone(considering a 6 million population out of 13 for all of Ontario). Should't the winnings reflect at least 1/3 if not 1/2 of the total winnings? I'm not trying to complain, but biased randomization is questionable. Just looking at lets say cash for life, as another poster mentioned earlier 4/5 in their respective hometown outside of the region. I can understand what OLG claims about distribution, but I'm sure everyone being a longterm player is aware of past issues of corruption, scandal thats been in the news since around 05/06, if I'm not mistaken. Misprints, recalls, people who had their prizes pulled due to "error", imagine all those who may have won but through it out (I speak for all of Ontario on that one). I don't think just because OLG says this is what we do, it should be factual, or anyone should blindly believe it, just like news or politics. Everyone is human, and to not believe propaganda, corruption, scandal or conspiracy doesn't exist in the 21st century would be deemed somewhat naive. What happened to the good old days, when they use to let us watch them pull the balls out during the lottery draws on the news(aside from a previously recorded tape scandal one upon a time)? Lol and if your going to say I'm paranoid that's fine by me. I hope in no way I have disrespected anyone in the forum, and if you felt otherwise, I do sincerely apologize. I just wanted to speak my mind, and felt this was the best group to gain knowledgable feedback from.
It's good to be skeptical and to voice your skepticism. It's what stimulates thought and conversation. And you're right, very often a scheme goes on for a while before it is discovered/exposed. I do agree with you here.
DeleteStill, how can we tell at this moment if there's manipulation or not? A game that has a wide distribution of winners? A game that has a narrow distribution? The problem lies in the proof. Without proof we only have perception and everyone believes it's the other guy that's winning (LOL!).
For proof, we'll need a LOT more data and that data isn't available.
I guess at this point the only thing to do for most players is... play if you believe/perceive there to be no manipulation (ie. you have a fair/decent chance) and don't play if you believe otherwise. There's really no other solution. Or maybe draw games might be the way to go....
I agree, play if you believe, otherwise don't. Straight forward. I don't think its anyone else winning, just hard not to notice a series of patterns that get posted. However, I will continue to play, and have to say this blog has definitely guided me to many wins and better game playing decisions. Good luck.
DeleteI used to be on your side of the argument so I know where you're coming from... but as I once told an FBI friend of mine, the truth IS out there and I WANT to believe but unless I'm present for that alien autopsy, it's just something I'll entertain in the back of my mind and nothing more. I guess my decision to continue playing is consistent with that.
$77k winner from Crystal 7's was bought at Josephine st. Macs milk wingham ,, interesting this same store sold a $1000 per week grandprize for an older CFL game maybe around 4 or 5 yrs ago. .
ReplyDeleteI live in rural south western Ontario and I guess I see things opposite because I notice a bigger portion of winner tickets from the GTA..
Just a rough estimate I figure the GTA should receive half of the scratch ticket grand prizes because I figure almost half all tickets are sold there. .
How big is the GTA. .I thought it went from Milton /Oakville too maybe Whitby on the east and Newmarket/Bradford to the north. maybe my idea of GTA is different from other's
Gl everyone
If we were specific towards GTA then you can include all municipalities of peel, durham, halton, york and maybe hamilton. Toronto itself is contains York, East York, North York, Etobicoke, and Scarborough.
DeleteI was on vacation for the last 2 weeks - sorry to all on here who follow my "number crunch" that perhaps i should have posted a notice i would be away - my next one will be posted sometime from this thursday evening to saturday morning - with these posts about locations of noteworthy prizes, i side with the vast majority of tickets buyers who are oblivious to such making it of no relevance whatsover - i picked up a "pack report" today, there are 2 new tickets coming: $5 "Wild Card" on Monday September 21st and $10 "Diamond" on Monday September 28th.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, CL66! You were missed! ;)
DeleteOh your too sweet Uplifter! Thankyou (^_^)
DeleteAfter work today i picked up some tickets (haven't scratched them yet) and got a $6 poker lotto with all-in: Yoinks! a full house for $150 - woo hoo! as i`m getting the ticket redeemed the lady at the counter tells me "oh you just missed it, somebody just got a straight flush the jackpot is now less" - i just checked the OLG site and sure enough at 4:28pm in Milton someone won $15k, i checked my ticket and the time on it was 4:26:14pm - D'OH! - lol, well hey i`m happy to even just win my $ back so i don`t mind - i`ll post a pic of this ticket when i next update my "photoboucket" OLG wins page.
ReplyDeleteoofa : "photoboucket" " ya uhm... thats french for "photobucket" - boo yaa! ^_^
DeleteCongrats! Nice win!
I just won $60 on $5 Crossword Tripler. 4 reds X Tripler. That would make it my biggest win ever on a strach card! One other time I won $50 on Poker lotto, I hit a flush.
ReplyDeleteYay! Way to go. That feels so good. :)
DeleteAttention, Jackpot hunters!
ReplyDeleteQuite a few JP's taken from my initial list above so I thought I'd give an update.
One interesting point is that "500" and "200's" seem to give up the JP's at their usual rate of 1-in-560 and 1-in-800 respectively and given their number of top prizes, their odds remain pretty much constant week after week.
And now the list... 1) 500 Frenzy, 2) Fast 200's, 3) 15X The Money, 4) Bingo Express, 5) 20X The Money, 6) Cash Blast, 7) Scrabble, 8) Crossword Tripler, 9) Extreme Millions, and 10) Cashingo.
Keep in mind the list is unadjusted for cost and prize size. Also, #3 to #6 are in the 300k's-to-1 range in terms of odds with #7 and on, even higher.
2 Bingo Doubler top prizes of 100,000 out of a total 15 have been claimed in Sudbury and Harriston, Ontario.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I thought it was a good idea for the update. A 10,000 Spin, 2 Bingo Doublers, an A's&8's, a Crystal 7's and an Extreme were claimed in six days since the previous listing.
DeleteAs for where the Doublers were taken... Sudbury has a casino but Harriston which has a pop. of 2k or so (Wiki)... did the winners travel to the casino at Elora?! We'll never know.
Usually on the major winner page it says which store/retailer the winner ticket was purchased at..I'm also curious about the Harriston winner because they have a new "Super"macs milk about 3 times the size of a regular macs and the counter is around 30 feet long and trays of scratch tickets run almost the entire length. .I've never seen such a store in a rural area. .
DeleteCurrent Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds
ReplyDelete(from info on the OLG unclaimed prize page as of 6pm Thursday September 17th)
Available grand prizes (by amount):
$1,000,000 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 609,647
$1,000,000 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 1,817,847
$675,000 $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4,777,287
$500,000 $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 955,991
$250,000 $10 CASH BLAST 1 in 381,897
$100,000 $5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 366,838
$100,000 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 539,807
$100,000 $5 ACES & 8's 1 in 845,600
$75,000 $3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 350,000
$75,000 $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 441,690
$100,000 $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 564,726
$75,000 $3 SWEET CASH 1 in 910,132
$50,000 $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 852,060
$50,000 $3 KENO 1 in 1,151,500
$50,000 $3 BINGO 1 in 1,454,600
$50,000 $3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 1,473,000
$50,000 $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,923,724
$10,000 $1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 355,193
$35,000 $2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 1,286,108
$10,000 $1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 700,000
Available grand prizes (by the odds):
1 in 350,000 $75,000 $3 15X THE MONEY
1 in 355,193 $10,000 $1 BINGO EXPRESS
1 in 366,838 $100,000 $5 20X THE MONEY
1 in 381,897 $250,000 $10 CASH BLAST
1 in 441,690 $75,000 $3 SCRABBLE
1 in 539,807 $100,000 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER
1 in 564,726 $100,000 $5 BINGO DOUBLER
1 in 609,647 $1,000,000 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS
1 in 700,000 $10,000 $1 $10,000 SPIN
1 in 845,600 $100,000 $5 ACES & 8's
1 in 852,060 $50,000 $3 SUPER BINGO
1 in 910,132 $75,000 $3 SWEET CASH
1 in 955,991 $500,000 $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2
1 in 1,151,500 $50,000 $3 KENO
1 in 1,286,108 $35,000 $2 10X THE MONEY
1 in 1,454,600 $50,000 $3 BINGO
1 in 1,473,000 $50,000 $3 CROSSWORD (yellow)
1 in 1,817,847 $1,000,000 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE
1 in 1,923,724 $50,000 $3 CROSSWORD
1 in 4,777,287 $675,000 $4 CASH FOR LIFE
Odds to win $50,000 or more:
ReplyDelete$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 304,824
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 350,000
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 366,838
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 381,897
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 386,392
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 441,690
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 539,807
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 597,494
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 661,035
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 845,600
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 852,060
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 910,132
$3 KENO 1 in 1,151,500
$3 BINGO 1 in 1,454,600
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 1,473,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,923,724
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4,777,287
no prizes available:
$1 $10,000 SPIN
$2 FAST $200s
$5 $500 FRENZY
Odds to win $5,000 or more:
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 110,423
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 116,667
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 191,352
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 200,313
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 262,194
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 294,600
$3 BINGO 1 in 323,244
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 340,824
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 355,193
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 359,872
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 366,838
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 381,897
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 422,800
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 455,066
$3 KENO 1 in 460,600
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 477,995
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 506,243
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 700,000
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 1,286,108
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,388,643
no prizes available:
$2 FAST $200s
$5 $500 FRENZY
Odds to win $1,000 or more:
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18,455
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 30,953
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 45,855
$3 TETRIS 1 in 51,237
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 56,883
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 57,558
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 87,500
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 95,474
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 110,423
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 127,568
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 140,933
$3 KENO 1 in 230,300
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 257,222
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 262,194
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 294,440
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 294,600
$3 BINGO 1 in 323,244
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 340,824
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 355,193
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 506,243
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 700,000
no prizes available:
$2 FAST $200s
$5 $500 FRENZY
Odds to win $250 or more:
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 550
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 4,917
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 7,447
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,923
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 11,546
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 16,076
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 16,359
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 17,291
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 19,307
$3 TETRIS 1 in 19,519
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 19,665
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 25,823
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 56,883
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 71,288
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 95,474
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 166,040
$3 KENO 1 in 230,300
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 294,600
$3 BINGO 1 in 323,244
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 340,824
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 355,193
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 505,243
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 700,000
$2 FAST $200s no prizes available
Odds to win $100 or more:
ReplyDelete$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 251
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 295
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 423
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 507
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 742
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 800
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 1,066
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 1,341
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 1,377
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 1,679
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 1,776
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 1,987
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1.992
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 2,187
$3 BINGO 1 in 2,313
$3 TETRIS 1 in 2,846
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 4,320
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 5,124
$3 KENO 1 in 6,794
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 6,954
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 19,444
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 355,193
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 59,300
Odds to win 8-10x your $ or better:
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 45
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 56
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 107
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 107
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 111
$3 KENO 1 in 131
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 168
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 181
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 192
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 213
$3 BINGO 1 in 217
$3 TETRIS 1 in 236
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 250
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 251
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 301
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 303
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 314
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 334
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 376
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 465
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 708
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 1,377
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,397
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,912
Odds to win 6-8x your $ or better:
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 45
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 54
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 63
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 86
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 95
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 103
$10 CASH BLAST 1 IN 105
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 107
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 107
$3 TETRIS 1 in 108
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 116
$3 KENO 1 in 116
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 125
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 128
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 133
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 145
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 165
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 166
$3 BINGO 1 in 196
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 303
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 465
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 709
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 736
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,912
Odds to win 5x your $ or better:
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yelow) 1 in 14.79
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 17.30
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 25.16
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 29.54
$3 KENO 1 in 29.78
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 29.84
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 30.41
$3 BINGO 1 in 35.13
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37.38
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 38.15
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 38.51
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 39.68
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 41.71
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 44.81
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 49.11
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 54.47
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 67.88
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 70.67
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 73.83
$3 TETRIS 1 in 108
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 125
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
Odds to win 4x your $ or better:
ReplyDelete$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 14.79
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 16.35
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 16.49
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 18.55
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 20.43
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 24.47
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 24.93
$3 KENO 1 in 25.83
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 26.79
$3 BINGO 1 in 28.08
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 28.41
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 29.54
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 31.66
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37.38
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 38.51
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 39.08
$3 TETRIS 1 in 43.76
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 44.81
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 45.60
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 70.67
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 73.83
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
Odds to win 3x your $ or better:
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 11.71
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 11.94
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 11.95
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 12.09
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 13.82
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 13.84
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 14.11
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 14.79
$3 KENO 1 in 14.86
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 15.30
$3 TETRIS 1 in 15.43
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 16.40
$3 BINGO 1 in 16.70
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 17.80
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 18.14
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 18.19
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 18.55
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 20.74
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 25.13
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 30.37
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 44.81
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 63.85
Odds to win 2x your $ or better:
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 4.77
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 5.19
$3 TETRIS 1 in 6.07
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 6.17
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 6.64
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 6.76
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 6.85
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 6.98
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 7.05
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 7.11
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 7.26
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 7.42
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 7.74
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 7.94
$3 BINGO 1 in 8.15
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 8.75
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 9.24
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 9.57
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.68
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 10.35
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 10.61
$3 KENO 1 in 11.94
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 14.79
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 14.79
Odds of winning any prize:
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 3.00
$3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 3.25
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
$10 CASH BLAST 1 in 3.29
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 3.34
$3 SWEET CASH 1 in 3.37
$3 KENO 1 in 3.40
$3 TETRIS 1 in 3.41
$3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 3.53
$2 10X THE MONEY 1 in 3.65
$2 FAST $200s 1 in 3.69
$1 $10,000 SPIN 1 in 3.83
$1 BINGO EXPRESS 1 in 3.83
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 3.84
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 1 in 3.84
$3 15X THE MONEY 1 in 3.86
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 1 in 3.92
$5 20X THE MONEY 1 in 3.96
$1 5X THE MONEY 1 in 3.97
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.98
$5 ACES & 8's 1 in 4.02
$5 $500 FRENZY 1 in 4.56
Current Top Rated Games:
ReplyDelete1 - $3 15X THE MONEY 69/100
2 - $5 20X THE MONEY 65/100
3 - $5 BINGO DOUBLER 62 /100
4 - $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 61/100
5 - $5 ACES & 8's 60/100
7 - $3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 58/100
8 - $10 CASH BLAST 53/100
9 - $3 CROSSWORD 50/100
9 - $3 SWEET CASH 50/100
11 - $3 SCRABBLE 49/100
12 - $10 100 MILLION$ FORTUNE 47/100
12 - $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 47/100
14 - $3 KENO 46/100
15 - $5 CRYSTAL 7s 44/100
16 - $3 BINGO 42/100
16 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 42/100
18 - $3 SUPER BINGO 41/100
19 - $3 TETRIS 40/100
19 - $5 500$ FRENZY 40/100
21 - $2 10X THE MONEY 38/100
22 - $1 10,000$ SPIN 37/100
22 - $1 BINGO EXPRESS 37/100
24 - $1 5X THE MONEY 33/100
25 - $2 FAST $200s 19/100$20 EXTREME MILLIONS 47/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price):
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 61/100
$10 CASH BLAST 53/100
$10 100 MILLION$ FORTUNE 47/100
$5 20X THE MONEY 65/100
$5 BINGO DOUBLER 62 /100
$5 ACES & 8's 60/100
$5 CRYSTAL 7s 44/100
$5 500$ FRENZY 40/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 42/100
$3 15X THE MONEY 69/100
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) 58/100
$3 CROSSWORD 50/100
$3 SWEET CASH 50/100
$3 SCRABBLE 49/100
$3 KENO 46/100
$3 BINGO 42/100
$3 SUPER BINGO 41/100
$3 TETRIS 40/100
$2 10X THE MONEY 38/100
$2 FAST $200s 19/100
$1 10,000$ SPIN 37/100
$1 5X THE MONEY 33/100
Number Crunch - Compact
$50K+/$5K+/$1K+/$250+/$100+/8-10x+/6-8x+/5x+/4x+/3x+/2x+/Any Prize/Overall rating
$3 15X THE MONEY - 2 2 7 3 9 5 5 6 15 12 18 19 = 69/100
$5 20X THE MONEY - 3 11 3 10 3 9 19 17 8 5 9 21 = 65/100
$5 BINGO DOUBLER - 5 5 14 2 4 10 18 15 12 18 4 11 = 62 /100
$10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 - 8 16 1 6 1 14 12 4 6 19 21 6 = 61/100
$5 ACES & 8's - 10 13 11 12 12 15 17 5 4 4 6 24 = 60/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER - 7 10 15 4 16 20 3 19 3 1 13 14 = 60/100
$3 CROSSWORD (yellow) - 15 6 16 19 13 3 9 1 1 9 24 17 = 58/100
$10 CASH BLAST - 4 12 8 16 5 22 8 8 10 17 19 4 = 53/100
$3 CROSSWORD - 16 17 20 23 14 3 9 1 1 9 24 17 = 50/100
$3 SWEET CASH - 12 14 5 14 11 19 14 24 16 3 5 7 = 50/100
$3 SCRABBLE - 6 1 9 8 15 17 15 22 24 7 17 5 = 49/100
$10 100 MILLION$ FORTUNE - 9 3 10 15 10 23 23 11 17 23 2 3 = 47/100
$20 EXTREME MILLIONS - 1 4 2 5 8 25 25 25 25 25 1 1 = 47/100
$3 KENO - 13 15 12 18 21 6 12 7 11 11 23 8 = 46/100
$5 CRYSTAL 7s - 25 25 25 9 7 18 6 12 9 8 11 20 = 44/100
$3 BINGO - 14 7 17 20 17 11 20 10 13 15 16 10 = 42/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE - 17 20 6 13 22 24 24 3 5 6 20 23 = 42/100
$3 SUPER BINGO - 11 8 18 21 19 16 21 20 19 2 8 2 = 41/100
$5 500$ FRENZY - 25 25 25 1 2 2 2 18 22 22 22 25 = 40/100
$3 TETRIS - 25 25 4 11 18 12 11 23 20 13 3 9 = 40/100
$2 10X THE MONEY - 25 19 13 7 20 8 16 14 14 21 14 12 = 38/100
$1 10,000$ SPIN - 25 18 21 24 23 7 4 13 18 14 7 15 = 37/100
$1 BINGO EXPRESS - 25 9 19 22 24 1 1 16 21 24 12 15 = 37/100
$1 5X THE MONEY - 25 25 25 17 25 13 7 9 7 20 10 22 = 33/100
$2 FAST $200s - 25 25 25 25 6 21 22 21 23 16 15 13 = 19/100
Thanks for the crunch, CL66!
DeleteThank You well appreciated
DeleteThanks CL66!
ReplyDeleteI have to say, I've had very mixed "luck" with those darned 15x and 20x. It seems to me they both have a very low amount of small prizes, and winning so infrequently has made me scared of them! I look forward to the time that the blue Tripler or crystal 7's are nearer to the top of the list....;)
oofa - i doubt either will top the list - i expect crystal to be deactivated soon - crossword 3x would olny improve if a lot of the prizes go unclaimed for awhile with a much smaller ticket float - i did really well with the x tickets and have done well with crystal + crossword 3x, but i`m looking forward to the 2 new games that are coming to be potential top picks - good luck Uplifter! ^_^
DeleteI intentionally kept Cashingo out of my number crunch as i had previously wanted to do a full review of the game as i had hoped its structure would change. I was on vacation for 2 weeks, so that plan got delayed. Well. it's "same s**t, different pile", this game is the same as before. Here's my review, using today's posted unclaimed prize info.
ReplyDelete$3 Cashingo - Review
Grand prize: 4 x $75,000
Next top prize: 4 x $25,000
Mid level prizes: $508 / $500
Low level prizes: $75 / $50 / $25 / $20 / $14 / $11 / $9 / $6 / $5 / $3
Number of tickets: 3,004,400
Odds to win:
any prize - 1 in 3.24
$5 or more - 1 in 5.65
$6 or more - 1 in 7.96
$9 or more - 1 in 20.69
$11 or more - 1 in 32.83
$14 or more - 1 in 79.30
$20 or more - 1 in 92.39
$25 or more - 1 in 272
$50 or more - 1 in 847
$75 or more - 1 in 2,141
$500 or more - 1 in 9,104
$508 or more - 1 in 26,125
$25,000 or more - 1 in 375,550
$75,000 - 1 in 751,100
Out of all 26 games:
Ranks 9th on winning $50,000+
Ranks 8th on winning $5,000+
Ranks 18th on winning $1,000+
Ranks 4th on winning $250+
Ranks 23rd on winning $100+
Ranks 15th on winning 8-10x your $ or better
Ranks 6th on winning 6-8x your $ or better
Ranks 23rd on winning 5x your $ or better
Ranks 25th on winning 4x your $ or better
Ranks 21st on winning 3x your $ or better
Ranks 16th on winning 2x your $ or better
Ranks 2nd on winning any prize
The good news: it ranks 4th on odds for a $250 or more win, but thats about it. The bad news: there's only 8 prizes worth more than $508 within 3 million tickets. This game is terrible on smalll wins, to just win more than $6, comes at odds of 1 in 21. You can win up to 3 times on this ticket. It's odds of 1 in 14 to win twice (72% $6, 26% $11, 1.5% $25, 0.5% $75) and 1 in 51 to win 3 times (90.8% $9, 9% $14, 0.2% $508). I rate $3 Cashingo 41/100, making it 18th out of all 26 games and as the 2nd worst $3 ticket.
I'm able to gather 20 15x tickets. Should I stratch it now or wait until no one claims the grand prize?
ReplyDeleteGo for it...let us know...
Deletewhere are you people finding these 15x tickets ..I live rural and know of lots of low volume ma and pa retailers and haven't seen any for close to a month now..Good Luck
Well I spoke too soon , I found a store with 15x tickets I bought 5 which were all duds..they have more available so I'll try again later..
DeleteI also found more 15X tickets, picked up 5 and they were all duds as well. Oh well.
DeleteI haven't found any 15X for a few weeks which is good since the last 10 or so were total duds. Actually I don't remember having ever getting anything back on them. I've been getting about 40% return on on everything else I buy.
Delete$5 Wild Card - Review
ReplyDeleteGrand prize: 7 x $100,000
Next top prizes: 2 x $27,500 / 4 x $25,000 / 4 x $8,000 / 23 x $5,000 / 23 x $1,500 / 45 x $1,000
Mid level prizes: $250 / $100
Low level prizes: $50 / $25 / $20 / $15 / $12 / $10 / $5
Number of tickets: 3,180,800
Odds to win:
any prize - 1 in 3.87
$10 or more - 1 in 6.12
$12 or more - 1 in 11.91
$15 or more - 1 in 16.00
$20 or more - 1 in 20.73
$25 or more - 1 in 50.64
$50 or more - 1 in 256
$100 or more - 1 in 545
$250 or more - 1 in 9,495
$1,000 or more - 1 in 29,452
$1,500 or more - 1 in 50,489
$5,000 or more - 1 in 79,520
$8,000 or more - 1 in 187,106
$25,000 or more - 1 in 244,677
$27,500 or more - 1 in 353,422
$100,000 - 1 in 454,400
Out of all 27 games:
Ranks 7th on winning $50,000+
Ranks 1st on winning $5,000+
Ranks 2nd on winning $1,000+
Ranks 5th on winning $250+
Ranks 5th on winning $100+
Ranks 15th on winning 8-10x your $ or better
Ranks 22nd on winning 6-8x your $ or better
Ranks 18th on winning 5x your $ or better
Ranks 9th on winning 4x your $ or better
Ranks 14th on winning 3x your $ or better
Ranks 4th on winning 2x your $ or better
Ranks 20th on winning any prize
The good news: It has 40 prizes of $5,000 or more and it's the #1 game on odds to win $5,000 or more. It ranks in the top 5 in 4 of the 5 top $ categories. The bad news: it's below average on odds for small wins of $25 to under $100. Uncover a “Jester” symbol, at odds of 1 in 6.97, win 2x your prize, with more than 1 symbol possible on a ticket. Doubled prizes may include bogus $2 and $3 prizes. You can win up to 12 times on this ticket. Winning twice comes at odds of 1 in 19 (53% $10, 28% $15, 19% $20), 3 times: 1 in 36 (78% $12, 19% $25, 3% $50), 4 times: 1 in 144 (83% $25, 10% $50, 7% $100), 5 times: 1 in 169 (85% $25, 15% $100), 7 times: 1 in 138,261 $1,500, 10 times: 1 in 127,232 (92% $5,000, 8% $25,000) and winning in all 12 games: 1 in 127,232 (92% $5,000, 8% $25,000). I rate $5 WILD CARD 66/100 making it #2 out of all 27 games and as the #1 $5 ticket.
3rd out of 15 total $100,000 prizes claimed for Bingo Doubler in Brechin, Ontario