The top rated game, Bonus Cash For Life, has been deleted from the Outstanding Prize list. It is retired with one big juicy $675,000 prize left to claim and 830,000 tickets left to sell. The OLG wins again!
Ascending to the throne is Classic Ruby #1792. This is an inter-provincial game that has not generated much discussion in the comments to previous blog posts. 64.3% of its total revenue is returned to winners of less than $100. That is the best of any game currently for sale. Its ratio of top prizes claimed to top prize money claimed is right on 1.00. The difference between top rated games is narrow at the moment. There is not much to choose between any of the games. For those who avoid inter-provincial games or shy away from $10 games, 20X Lucky, Diamond 7's and Cross Tripler are all tightly packed alternatives.

New to the scene is the $1 Bingo Express. These games do not sell well, they suck, and there are presently four different ones for sale. CL66 has posted his review of the game as the last comment on last weeks blog update.
It looks like many of the readers of this blog are participating in the Living the Life "raffle". Commentators have established that the OLG has only sold 1/3 of the total tickets available for the draw yet all the detailed prizes will be awarded at 9:00 PM this evening. I'm picking up a $20 ticket with seven combinations myself to add to the three that I had purchased earlier. Even though the chances of snagging one of the 55 Top Prizes remains small, I will have a one in 10 chance to win $20 by matching the last two digits on each ticket. The OLG is going to lose money on this game and when that is the case, it must be a good game for players.
I am not a big fan of the Sunshine List. Perhaps for top end executives but $100,000 strikes me as being too low a cutoff. Maybe if the names were deleted I'd feel better about it all. Still, here is the breakdown for OLG staff:
> $500,000 - 2
$300,000 - $400,000 - 1
$200,000 - $300,000 - 12
$175,000 - $200,000 - 17
$151,000 - $175,000 - 31
$126,000 - $150,000 - 44
$100,000 - $125,000 - 177
That's 268 total staff earning more than $100,000. I acknowledge that I have no idea how complex it is to run the OLG but what bothers me is the thought of how many of them are busy trying to figure out how they can get rid of the regular staff whose names do not appear on this list (AKA - Modernization). The guy whose title indicates that he is steering that listing ship made $227,000 last year. How much did the average chump who fixes the malfunctioning slot machines earn? He's the one who'll be losing his job when the casino he works for is "modernized".
Ascending to the throne is Classic Ruby #1792. This is an inter-provincial game that has not generated much discussion in the comments to previous blog posts. 64.3% of its total revenue is returned to winners of less than $100. That is the best of any game currently for sale. Its ratio of top prizes claimed to top prize money claimed is right on 1.00. The difference between top rated games is narrow at the moment. There is not much to choose between any of the games. For those who avoid inter-provincial games or shy away from $10 games, 20X Lucky, Diamond 7's and Cross Tripler are all tightly packed alternatives.
Top Rated Games
- Classic Ruby #1792 - Excellent small prize availability and lots of tickets left.
- 20X Lucky #1808 - Highest current ratio of Top Prizes vs Top Prize $ at 1.36.
- QFG Crossword #3208 - Good ratings on both factors and selling like hotcakes.
- Diamond 7's #1822 - Solid choice.
- Cross Tripler #1810 - Nothing to choose between this game and Diamond 7's.
Games to Avoid
- Double Cash For Life #1170 - worst small prize availability of any game. Negative ratio.
- Black Jack #1804 - Devoid of Grand Prizes; terrible ratio of Prizes to Prize $ left to claim.
- Bejeweled #1786 - Another Grand Prize claimed this week.
- Hit Jackpot #1818 - Poor ratings on both factors but a poster hit for $250 this past week!
- Money Multiplier #1828 - very poor small prize availability at 55.7%.
Games With Presently The Most $ Going to GP Winners From Each Ticket Sold
- Double Cash For Life
- Fortune
- 20X Lucky
- Bejeweled
- Extraordinary
Games With No Grand Prizes Left To Be Claimed
- Words With Friends
- Crossword #3207
- Black Jack
Comings and Goings
In addition to the highly rated Bonus Cash For Life, Scrabble #1821 was retired this past week. It was a poor game that had all of its Grand Prizes claimed. It was time for that game and its 250,000 remaining tickets to be put to bed.New to the scene is the $1 Bingo Express. These games do not sell well, they suck, and there are presently four different ones for sale. CL66 has posted his review of the game as the last comment on last weeks blog update.
Personal Play
Another good week with two of three Quest for Gold tickets winning for a total of $40. The Classic Ruby tickets contained only one winner from 4 and that was worth $15. My YTD Return on Investment has jumped from 41% to a more respectable 63% over the past two weeks, Lets keep it going.In Conclusion
Poster Steve had a response to my review of Lottolishous in which he clarified a mistake that I had made. Anyone interested should look through the comments to last weeks update. Another example of how I fail to understand how the internet works is that I received an email from something called Icelotto this week. This is a concept like Lottolishous but it covers lotteries in Europe, the USA, and even our own 649 lottery. Is it coincidence that I received that message the very week after I was poking around a similar site? I doubt it but I'm at a loss to explain what the heck is going on.It looks like many of the readers of this blog are participating in the Living the Life "raffle". Commentators have established that the OLG has only sold 1/3 of the total tickets available for the draw yet all the detailed prizes will be awarded at 9:00 PM this evening. I'm picking up a $20 ticket with seven combinations myself to add to the three that I had purchased earlier. Even though the chances of snagging one of the 55 Top Prizes remains small, I will have a one in 10 chance to win $20 by matching the last two digits on each ticket. The OLG is going to lose money on this game and when that is the case, it must be a good game for players.
I am not a big fan of the Sunshine List. Perhaps for top end executives but $100,000 strikes me as being too low a cutoff. Maybe if the names were deleted I'd feel better about it all. Still, here is the breakdown for OLG staff:
> $500,000 - 2
$300,000 - $400,000 - 1
$200,000 - $300,000 - 12
$175,000 - $200,000 - 17
$151,000 - $175,000 - 31
$126,000 - $150,000 - 44
$100,000 - $125,000 - 177
That's 268 total staff earning more than $100,000. I acknowledge that I have no idea how complex it is to run the OLG but what bothers me is the thought of how many of them are busy trying to figure out how they can get rid of the regular staff whose names do not appear on this list (AKA - Modernization). The guy whose title indicates that he is steering that listing ship made $227,000 last year. How much did the average chump who fixes the malfunctioning slot machines earn? He's the one who'll be losing his job when the casino he works for is "modernized".