Well, the party is over for the two outstanding games that have existed this past little while. Cash For Life 1165 is now at the bottom of the barrel and the OLG retired Scrabble 1777 this past week. That decision was not in the interest of players as one of the $75,000 Grand Prizes was left and only 228,000 tickets were left to sell. Still, with 7% of the float left, +/- 3%, we knew that the game was nearing its end. I'm going to be introducing a new calculation on games that are retired into future posts. Stay tuned.
We have certainly ended a distinct period of time now that a $3 game has moved to the top of the evaluation method. This area had been a minefield for several months but we now have a game to play. Yes, I know that the ever popular Crossword and Bingo games are in this area but they are rarely recommended plays. That fact annoys me somewhat as I like them too.
The recommended game is #1776 More Lucky Lines. Almost two thirds of its float has been sold yet all three of its Grand Prizes remain outstanding. The $75,000 Grand Prize is good for $3 Games. Your chances to win one are estimated at 360,000:1 and, assuming you don't win a Grand Prize, you should expect a return of 62.6% on your investment. If you're doing worse than that you have the right to complain to the gods.

1. $3 More Lucky Lines #1776 (37% of float left to sell, +/- 3%)
2. $4 Cash for Life #1161 (44%, +/- 3%)
3. $5 Money Multiplier #1769 (26%, +/- 2%)
4. $10 Prestige #1741 (29%, +/- 7%)
5. $1 Red Hot 50s #1788 (28%, +/- 1%)
Scrabble #1777 and Fat Cat #1729 both went to Scratch Card heaven this past week. Fat Cat will not be missed but the Scrabble game was a good one that I never got to play as I was pounding away on Cash for Life.
New this week is a second Instant Bingo game #3015. Not much to choose between it and the earlier version #3014. Here is the revenue breakdown for the game:
OLG - 35%
Grand Prize(s) - 1.7%
Prizes of $100 or more but less than Grand Prize - 2.7%
Prizes of more than cost of ticket and less than $100 - 48.5%
Win Cost of Ticket - 12.1 %
Chances to win any prize - 3.45:1, 7th of 9 in $3 ticket group.
Chances to win prize greater than cost of ticket - 5.91:1, 6th of 9 in $3 ticket group.
Nine 20x Lucky tickets contained two winners totaling $30. I also threw $4 away on a 649 ticket that hit for $2 with Encore. The guy at the store convinced me to play but I forgot that the ticket cost $3 plus an additional $1 for the Encore. I ain't buying another one of those until the jackpot hits $50 million.
Thanks to the people who leave messages on the board. There was lots of talk this past week over packs of tickets and prize distribution. I honestly don't think that the OLG is involved in "managing" the games that closely. If it turns out that they are, that would be scandalous. These people are all public sector workers and I believe that they operate in the interests of Ontarians. That said, who knows how the printing and distribution of tickets actually works. One poster suggested that each pack of 80 tickets contains the same number of winning tickets. In my mind that should not be the case. Random means random. Maybe the OLG has a different definition for the word than I do.
Still no posting as to where exactly the recent Cash for Life winner bought their ticket. It better not be anywhere near me!
Best to all.
We have certainly ended a distinct period of time now that a $3 game has moved to the top of the evaluation method. This area had been a minefield for several months but we now have a game to play. Yes, I know that the ever popular Crossword and Bingo games are in this area but they are rarely recommended plays. That fact annoys me somewhat as I like them too.
The recommended game is #1776 More Lucky Lines. Almost two thirds of its float has been sold yet all three of its Grand Prizes remain outstanding. The $75,000 Grand Prize is good for $3 Games. Your chances to win one are estimated at 360,000:1 and, assuming you don't win a Grand Prize, you should expect a return of 62.6% on your investment. If you're doing worse than that you have the right to complain to the gods.
Top Rated Games
1. $3 More Lucky Lines #1776 (37% of float left to sell, +/- 3%)
2. $4 Cash for Life #1161 (44%, +/- 3%)
3. $5 Money Multiplier #1769 (26%, +/- 2%)
4. $10 Prestige #1741 (29%, +/- 7%)
5. $1 Red Hot 50s #1788 (28%, +/- 1%)
Games to Avoid
- $4 Cash for Life #1165 - Previous game of choice is now a scourge. $500 is most you can win.
- $3 Tetris #1792 - Top two prize categories gone. OLG must retire this game.
- $1 Bingo Express #1753 - One $10k prize left and one million tickets to sell.
- $3 Crossword #3205 - 15 million tickets left to sell. Only 9 , $50,000 Grand Prizes.
- $1 Cash Cow #1805 - It's new and it sucks.
$1 - $2 Game Update
The horrible $2 Fat Cat game was retired. That's good. The only game worth playing is Red Hot 50s.$3 Game Update
The only reasonable choice in this area is More Lucky Lines$4 - $5 Game Update
Apart from the top games in the list above, 20x Lucky is also a reasonable choice.$10 - $20 Game Update
These games should dominate the ratings given the increased percentage return offered to players. At present, Extraordinary and Prestige are the only two worth buying and a poster has provided us with advance knowledge that a new $10 game is on its way. Really? An extra plug for Extraordinaire from a poster who likes how the game card scratches.Comings and Goings
Scrabble #1777 and Fat Cat #1729 both went to Scratch Card heaven this past week. Fat Cat will not be missed but the Scrabble game was a good one that I never got to play as I was pounding away on Cash for Life.
New this week is a second Instant Bingo game #3015. Not much to choose between it and the earlier version #3014. Here is the revenue breakdown for the game:
OLG - 35%
Grand Prize(s) - 1.7%
Prizes of $100 or more but less than Grand Prize - 2.7%
Prizes of more than cost of ticket and less than $100 - 48.5%
Win Cost of Ticket - 12.1 %
Chances to win any prize - 3.45:1, 7th of 9 in $3 ticket group.
Chances to win prize greater than cost of ticket - 5.91:1, 6th of 9 in $3 ticket group.
Personal Play
Nine 20x Lucky tickets contained two winners totaling $30. I also threw $4 away on a 649 ticket that hit for $2 with Encore. The guy at the store convinced me to play but I forgot that the ticket cost $3 plus an additional $1 for the Encore. I ain't buying another one of those until the jackpot hits $50 million.
Thanks to the people who leave messages on the board. There was lots of talk this past week over packs of tickets and prize distribution. I honestly don't think that the OLG is involved in "managing" the games that closely. If it turns out that they are, that would be scandalous. These people are all public sector workers and I believe that they operate in the interests of Ontarians. That said, who knows how the printing and distribution of tickets actually works. One poster suggested that each pack of 80 tickets contains the same number of winning tickets. In my mind that should not be the case. Random means random. Maybe the OLG has a different definition for the word than I do.
Still no posting as to where exactly the recent Cash for Life winner bought their ticket. It better not be anywhere near me!
Best to all.
Thankyou for the insights - i do take into account your views when i select scratch tickets - one question i have for you: how is it that you know how many tickets are remaining/sold? i have never seen such posted at a retailer or online - i know someone who actually works for the OLG whom i can ask as far as this or pass on any other questions anyone here may have - an odd end note here: last weekend i was at a Loblaws Superstore and the lotto booth there had an entire row of the last 3$ Mahjong tickets, which were RETIRED! wtf - lol call me CL66 btw
ReplyDeleteYou can get a rough estimate of the number of remaining tickets by first going to the OLG Unclaimed Prizes web page and then by dividing the number of unclaimed prizes by the number of total prizes for the category of prize that has the largest number of available prizes. For example, for Crossword #3205, that would be the $100 prize. Yes, you can include the other categories in the total but I sometimes find the largest category to be sufficient. As of June 26th, there are 7482 of 10245 $100 prizes left. That works out to 73%, the estimate of remaining unsold tickets. Multiply 73% by the initial printing of 20,490,400 tickets (click on Instant Games, Instant Crossword on the side panel to view a pdf file on the game) and you 14,964,290 tickets remaining.
DeleteAgain, you may choose to include to totals for the other secondary prizes if you wish or if you find that helps your estimate.
In order to speed up the sales process, a lot of dealers scan their tickets ahead of time so the customer can just pick and pay without having to wait for the ticket to be scanned at that time. I assume the minute a ticket is scanned it's considered sold which would explain why some dealers still have retired tickets on display. From the OLG's point of view, those tickets have already been sold.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen them scan my scratch tickets on the OLG Terminal ever and I have been to 10-20 different stores, Some places just scan it in their cash register but that is just to add it the my order since the bar code they scan is not unique and if I get like the same priced tickets but they are different games then they just scan one ticket twice. I have heard that they scan the whole pack when they get it to activate all the tickets to make sure they can't be redeemed before they are taken out of the pack. I just think some of them are lazy and OLG can't tell if they have any of the retired tickets left. I just found some Christmas tickets just a few weeks ago at a Shoppers Drug Mart and I bought them just because I haven't seen them in a while and one of the $1 tickets was actually a $7 winner so it does pay to buy the older tickets lol.
DeleteThe CFL win in Ottawa was from Riverside On The Run on Riverside Drive. Hopefully that's far away from you Doug.
ReplyDeleteSorry for an off topic question.
ReplyDeletethere is a guy on the olg winners list from june 26 who won almost 40 seperate $2000 keno prizes..he won over $70,000 I think..he must do wheeling system I guess..does anyone know this system. .I see his name several times a week usually,
Either he a big gambler and spending lots or he's onto something. .any ideas on how he does this ?
Myself I been playing poker lotto this long weekend because jackpot was big until last night..managed to pull an instant win full house for $150..
Wife bought 3- cashingo- tickets with 1-$25 winner.
thnx for the blog Doug..
g.l. everyone
Happy Canada Day and congrats on the nice $150 and $25 wins.
DeleteThe guy you are referring to has been in the news before (Google his name). He has a gambling addiction and is a heavy gambler who once tried to sue the OLG/casino to recover some of his losses claiming they failed to keep him out despite him having participated in their ban-from-casino policy.
I don't think he's particularly lucky whether he's using a system or not. Just a very heavy (and addicted) gambler. Keep in mind OLG posts when he wins, not when he loses.
Yes I google the guy..the olg knows him well by the sounds of things..
ReplyDeleteI suspect he does spend several thousand a day on keno to pull in prizes like he does..kinda a sad controversial story..
give this a read, its about the guy, constantine, he seems like a broken person blowing a hundreds of thousands at the casino, then tries to sue OLG stating that they allowed him in again after he signed a self exclusion order from every casino. what a joke
That is like instigating a law suit against the Labatts because you drink too much beer............the guy needs to look in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteHave any of the blog reader's had prizes large enough to be o n the olg winners list?
ReplyDeleteMy largest win was several years ago on pro line for $675.
A coworker of mine last year hit $1000 on encore.
A couple other people I know have had between $1500 and $6000 for hitting 5-.numbers on the big lottos.
My best freinds dad won encore way back in the mid 1990s back when it was $250 k..
thnx gl everyone.
I won $1350 on a $5 scratch last year. My father got 5/6 on Lottario years ago. Was around $2k sigh so close!
DeleteNice one jay..I won $68 couple months ago with4 numbers plus bonus on 649-but bonus is no prize on 4-.numbers thats the closest i ever came to a big hit..lol..I keep dreaming.
Deletei won 225 once on a crossword trippler, when i first started playing scratches 8 months ago
DeleteLast year we won $75K on Scrabble as was reported here. The year before we won $1,020 on Lucky Lines. Have a friend that won $70K on 6/49. A couple of my friends won over a million on Lottario between 15 of them, they got around $72K each. Another guy that worked at Greenwood Off Track picked up $37M but he's dead now. A friends grandmother won $50K on Crossword. Plus I know others that have won 5 or 10 grand on various scratch tickets and lotteries. So it is possible to win.
DeleteThnx Lloyd only been watching Doug's blog for a couple months now so I never knew there was a few big winners that were blog readers..
DeleteI do enjoy hearing about people's wins , I've never had a win that made the olg winner list but I remain hopeful..
he stole money from his wife's line of credit on her property, signed many exclusion orders at numerous casinos, then goes back . he got rejected a few times at rama in the late 90's because they noticed him. then in 2000, he headed to toronto and blew another 100,000 at woodbine. LOL can't imagine what he's lost since then
ReplyDeleteYes definitely an addiction with him..I find it sad..wouldn't be surprised to hear about his demise sometime soon..
DeleteSaw a post about him saying that he admits he has a problem and if he can't win against them then just sue them..
I guess olg can't figure out how to ban him from the lottery terminals in stores..because yeah he banned from all Ontario casinos and slot facility's
Sorry doug if you feeling we hijacked ur blog with an off scratch card discussion..
Today bought 10 more lucky lines
ReplyDeleteSpend $30
Win $24 on 4-tickets
I'm happy with that, think I'll go get 10 more..
tickets bought rural..Walkerton ont:
Another 10 lucky lines
ReplyDeletespend $30
Win $14 on 4-tickets
i jus started buyin scratch tickets a few yrs ago cuz i kno people that won huge. My coworker won 100 grand on money multiplier i got to see the winning ticket cuz she was at work when she won. My now ex husbands best friend also won that same year either 75000 or 100000 on the first scratch ticket he bought in his life it was on a $5 sport ticket. n jus this past january my friend called me excited that she jus won 10 grand on encore on my birthday. my brother won 1000 on a keno scratch. me nothin more than 100 lol but il still buy acouple a week :)
ReplyDeleteNice..love those stories. .I do remember a few years ago there was a $5.n.h.l. ticket and I believe it was 100k..
DeleteDoes anyone remember the $5- ontario instant millions tickets..I wish they would come out again.
n all the tickets were bought in st. catharines
ReplyDeleteToday bought 20 "more lucky lines"
ReplyDeleteSpend $60
Win $32 on six tickets
sigh..I'm good at clearing out the trash cards for other players.lol.
Kind of a slow extra long weekend here. 5 Lucky Lines returned $20 and 2 Tetris bombed out.
ReplyDeleteBought another 48 lucky lines tickets.
ReplyDeletespend $144
Win $140
Forgot to keep track of how many tickets were winners.There was a $50 and a $20 and all the rest were assorted smalls..I'm happy with the outcome.
also bought 7cfl 1161
Spend $28
Win $20 on 2- tickets
The lucky lines getting hard to find I think I bought em all in small town st Mary's. .
Hello e1
ReplyDeleteYou must be busy Doug.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to your insight into the latest scratch odds and choices.
Coming soon.....
ReplyDeleteWhy is OLG reporting that none of the top prizes were claimed???
ReplyDeleteUnless this is from a previous More Lucky Lines and not #1776 ...
I'm assuming it is previous lucky lines as I have been watching winner list and unclaimed prize list daily and haven't seen any of the top prizes claimed yet for #1776
DeleteYou're right Darth. I checked my file and there was a previous More Lucky Lines, #1775, that was running in April of this year.
DeleteSince my last post I tested another 59 lucky lines..
ReplyDeleteSpend $177
Win $100
20 winning tickets mostly very small prizes...a single $20 winner .
not very pleased with outcome..
gl e1
New CFL bonus game just came out ..looks like a potential good game, wonder what Doug thinks of it.
-Winner take all
ReplyDelete2-grand prize claimed yesterday.
-3205-crossword 50k claimed yesterday.
-turbo cash $25k claimed
-cashing.o. $75 k gone
^where were they won from?
ReplyDeleteI forget but all were claimed yesterday except $75k cashingo not sure when it claimed.
DeleteWin take all
Delete$100k welland.
$100k Ottawa.
crossword 3205.
$50k Toronto
turbo cash
$25k Pickering.
Today tested 20 new bonus cfl
ReplyDeleteSpend $80
Win $68
-8 winning tickets including a $20 winner. All rest assorted smalls
. $9- on poker lotto
instant win 2- freeplays
$15 lotto 649-