Wednesday 26 November 2014

Bonus Cash For Life #1168 Continues to Rule

The top rated game continues to click along with four of its five Grand Prizes left outstanding and 39 % of its float (+/- 3%) left to sell. This game offers prizes akin to a $10 game for $4. One caution is that nine of its ten $100,000 second prizes have already been claimed. Apart from one unclaimed $10,000 prize, the next available prize level is $1,500. $.177 of every dollar spent on the game goes to the remaining Grand Prize winners which is the highest for any game currently for sale.

Your likelihood to win any prize and any prize greater than the cost of the ticket is competitive with other games in the $3 - $5 price range but for some reason commentators have experienced poor results with the game. Some to the point of taking a pause in their play. I think that's a good decision. As soon as playing is not fun and feels a little compulsive, it's time for a time out.


Top Rated Games 

  1. $4 Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - good game at a good price.
  2. $10 Spectacular #1816 - top five prizes all remain. Tickets selling fast.
  3. $10 Fortune #1779 - Slow selling game. Favourable prize distribution.
  4. $10 Wild 10's #1785 - 17% of float remains. Tickets about to become harder to find. 
  5. $20 Extraordinary #1742 - game has good numbers but $20 a ticket!!!???

Games to Avoid

  1. $5 Jacks Are Wild #1787 - one prize left above $1500. Who is asleep at the switch?
  2. $3 More Lucky Lines #1794 - keep disrespecting your customers, OLG.
  3. $2 Royal 7's #1790 - only one GP left. Prize is small for  $2 game. 37% of float remains. 
  4. $1 Lucky Lines #1770 - please send this game to OLG heaven.
  5. $5 Cash In #1807 - only 1 of 7 GP left and a third of the float left to sell.

$1 - $2 Game Update

Cash Cow, Holiday Cashout and Cash For Life are all reasonable choices.

$3 Game Update

Keno #1414 and Horseshoes are the top two choices.

$4 - $5 Game Update

Bonus Cash for Life is the preferred choice.

$10 - $20 Game Update

Any game other than Cadillac Riches. More on the new Holiday Gift Pack follows.

Comings and Goings

Crazy 8's was retired this past week. 19% of its float was left and all of its Grand Prizes had been claimed.

$10 Holiday Gift pack was introduced this past week. It is a game that my evaluation method has some trouble with as it offers a "free" $2 Cash For Life ticket voucher in each pack. Players should know that the prize for every winning "pack" is at least $10. If one of the tickets has a lower prize value then at least one other ticket in the "pack" is also a winner. The good news is that the game contains an excellent number of winning tickets and winners worth more than $10. The 9.5% of revenue that is awarded to winners of at least $100 and less than the Grand Prize is the best of any game currently for sale. Cadillac Riches is second by this measure. The bad news is that the prize distribution for winners of more than $10 and less than $100 is poor. Only Cadillac Riches is worse. The other disappointing feature is the measly $50,000 Grand Prize, of which there are six. Only $.016 of every dollar spent on the game goes to the Grand Prize winners. That is $1 Lucky Lines territory!

The bottom line is that, without taking into account the free $2 Cash For Life ticket, the game is the lowest rated of any $10 - $20 game. But, that $2 ticket is not worthless. if you assume an average return of $1.28 on each ticket, the overall game fares much better but I have a hard time quantifying that feature. Lastly, there are lots of prizes and lots of tickets so if you want to split them up for Christmas Stockings, I can fully understand your thinking. Remember: if one person wins a small prize chances are another will as well.

Personal Play

My troubled play with Bonus Cash For Life took an upbeat this week just as others was going in the opposite direction. Twelve tickets contained five winners totaling $44. I was actually ahead until the last two tickets! My overall cash rate is 31% and my ROI stands at 61%.

In Conclusion

A big shout out to Shelley who bagged a $1020 winning ticket on $3 Holly Jolly. It could not happen to a more positive and enthusiastic player. That is the highest reported win this year. Congratulations Shelley!

Here is an interesting article from the National Post:

It amuses me how the BC Lottery describes their action as a "good will gesture". That implies that she really did not deserve the winnings. We human beings are programmed to look for patterns. Darth has his suspicions about the placement of winning tickets inside packages. This sort of story reminds us that all forms of gambling, whether in casinos or not, are susceptible to quirks. When those quirks take place we get to peak behind the curtain, if only for a minute.

A commentator asked me about the lump sum payments for the Cash For Life games. Specifically, can you include them in a will. I'm going to research that this week. I suspect that the term "Cash For Life" is a trademarked expression and not meant to be taken literally.

Enjoy your week. It's good scratching weather.





    It's only a $50 win on spectacular but it lifts my spirits up 2 spectacular and 2 holiday gp's ..still have to work on my gift packs...thnx for updates and prize breakdown Doug. .

    Gl everyone

  2. Hi Doug. .did you run the numbers on the holiday gp for say return of less than $100 and return of cost of ticket. .just curious what percentage gets returned back to players at less than $100 prizes.

    1. Darth;

      Here are the numbers:
      Grand Prizes - 1.6% of revenue
      < Grand Prize and >= $100 - 9.5%
      <$100 and > $10 - 42.0%
      $10 - 11.7%
      Profit to OLG - 35.2%

      This does not account for the free CFL ticket.


    2. Thnx Doug. .it appears you should win back ---$6.65 for every $10 spent when you account for the free $2cfl. That's not quite as good as I thought but not terribly bad for a return on prizes less than $100 ..


    Here's today's pack report:

    1821 scrabble on sale Dec 01

    Products with an activation end date:
    1805 cash cow-nov 21
    3015 bingo -nov 21
    1414 (blue) keno-nov 21
    1795 black pearls-nov 21

    Wondered when they would clean house..these games are still available but no new packs can be activated , so if you like these games get them now..

    Im disappointed they pulled pearls with 2 grandprizes still available. .kinda contradicts their policy on games with $100k prizes..yet lucky lines has had no grand prizes for a long time now and they still sell them to the uninformed public..
    ..just goes to show they do whatever suits them...their policies contradict each other..if you call about pearls you will be told the general public has lost interest because the tickets haven't been selling well..but what about the prizes over $100k

    With lucky lines you will be told from OLG that game sells well and the general public still likes it and there are lower prizes players may strive for....what a joke..

    Played 2 $10 gift packs and had 2 duds including the $2cfls dudded out..

    1. Thanks! I have been having fantastic luck with the 1414 game (I suspect end of packs hitting the shelves locally may have something to do with it) so I shall be diligent in buying up what I can for this game.

  4. Regarding CFL annuity from what I've read is it can be transferred to a beneficiary which can receive payments up to the 20th year or what would have been the winners 91st birthday.

    So if a winner took the annuity and died after 6 years, the beneficiary would continue to get paid for 14 years. Provided the winner wasn't over 71 when they won.

    1. Thanks Jay. Saved me the trouble.

    2. Hi Doug
      I just wanted to Thank you for the kind words in your Blog, Lloyd was kind enough to tell me where I have to go to cash in my ticket which I still haven't done yet I can't see myself going down town just for this so I may take a drive tomorrow to a Casino. The convenience store said that if it had been 999.99 they could of cashed
      I feel without you starting this Blog most of us would still have no clue what to buy and you've attracted some great people here who are as passionate as you are Doug, I love to read all the posts everyday, I feel it gives us all hope as well and direction.
      Thanks again to Everyone for the kind words it meant a lot. Once I cash in my ticket I'll post a picture, I took a picture of it on my phone and emailed it to myself now what do I do when I want to post it???

    3. You must create a photobucket account then you can upload pictures there then copy and paste link here after uploading

    4. So CFL is limited to xxxx/week for 20years only? if I won when I was 30yos and lived til 90, I wont be collecting 3mil? Sucks....those ads gave the impression I'd get like 52k/year...forever.

    5. Nowhere does CFL say it's only for 20 years so it's hard to say. It only mentions 20 years in the case of death. However, someone else mentioned that if you take the $52/year it's taxable income. Which makes a bit of sense of why it's a $675k lump sum and why so many people choose the lump sum.

      I think the only way to find out is to win and let us know.

    6. From what I could find on the net it seems that it pays for 25 years. This works out to 1.3 mil. before taxes.

    7. Hmmm...lump sum still seems to be better even if they didnt tax the 1.3mil.
      If I took 675k and invested, I'd get around 1.3mil at the end of 25years assuming a 4% return post-tax. 4% is nothing if invested in equities. 2.3mil is easily probable with an average 6.5% return.

    8. I agree. Let's say the first thing you wanted to do is buy a house for 250K. After the 25 years not only have you got whacked for the tax on the winnings, but also on the interest for the mortgage. If you take the 675 and pay cash for the house you'd still have 400K to invest.

  5. I've now bought 3 of the $10 Gift Packs - 1 at a time over 3 days at 3 different places - the results:
    #1 - $25 + $2 CFL won $4
    #2 - $0 + $2 CFL won $2
    #3 - $25 ($20 + $5) + yet to redeem $2 CFL coupon
    spent $30 won $56


    Picked up 2 $10 gift packs today and did well , pack 1 return $10, pack 2 win $50 on one of those little tickets. . far off 4 gift packs played won $60 for $20 profit. .and 4 free cfl were all duds..
    Spectacular lost a grand prize along with $2 cfl. .

    GL everyone

  7. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2

    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 172,667
    2 x $250,000 - 1 x $100,000
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 279,507
    2 x $100,000
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 298,319
    6 x $50,000
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 380,444
    7 x $100,000
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 395,162
    7 x $250,000 - 2 x $100,000
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 417,495
    5 x $100,000
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 514,392
    7 x $100,000
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 517,961
    2 x $50,000
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 543,224
    10 x $1,000,000 - 3 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 547,075
    7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 603,555
    1 x $75,000
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 712,893
    4 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 1 x $100,000
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 852,577
    9/10 x $67,500 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 896,000
    1 x $100,000
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 935,733
    5 x $50,000
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 941,629
    9 x $50,000
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 1,223,250
    2 x $75,000
    $3 BINGO 1 in 1,252,817
    2 x $50,000
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 1,426,933
    2 x $50,000
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,969,559
    1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 1,970,800
    10 x $50,000

    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 9,854
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 36,529
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 122,793
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 129,500
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 147,989
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 186,338
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 189,305
    $3 BINGO 1 in 208,803
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 222,279
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 274,616
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 276,980
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 295,716
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 317,096
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 380,444
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 385,212
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 438,464
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 448,000
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 467,866
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 489,300
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 504,333
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 521,303
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 594,078
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 603,555
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 717,188
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 852,577
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 960,000
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,017,548
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 1,534,888
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,969,559

  8. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2

    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,629
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 14,000
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 15,696
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 16,272
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,554
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 25,459
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,622
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 29,231
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 31,156
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 43,854
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 53,231
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 74,136
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 75,444
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 87,195
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 93,802
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 115,787
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 120,136
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 129,500
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 186,338
    $3 BINGO 1 in 208,803
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 225,046
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 233,933
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 239,063
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 274,616
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 317,096
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 385,212
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 505,333
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 521,303
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 960,000

    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 2,546
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,300
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 5,688
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 6,027
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,174
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 9.051
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 9,186
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,440
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10,440
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 15,197
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 15,696
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 23,752
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 25,251
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 25,459
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 36,005
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 47,075
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 69,028
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 75,444
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 129,500
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 186,338
    $3 BINGO 1 in 208,803
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 233,933
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 239,063
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 274,616
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 317,096
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 385,212
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 505,333
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 521.303
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 960,000

    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 14
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 18
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 56
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 64
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 240
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 264
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 396
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 444
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 468
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 544
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 665
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 666
    $3 BINGO 1 in 801
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,103
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,144
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,160
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,392
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,605
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,798
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 1,993
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,374
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 8,322
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 2,991
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 5,853
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 6,481
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 6,800

  9. Odds to win your ticket price back:

    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 7.00
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 7.37
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 7.40
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 7.81
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 7.94
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 8.00
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 8.00
    $3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 8.33
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 8.52
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 8.66
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 8.75
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 8.75
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 9.30
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 10.00
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10.51
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 10.91
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 12.33

    Rating to win 2x-5x your $ or better:

    $5 CASH IN 68/100
    $1 CASH COW 67/100
    $5 20X LUCKY 66/100
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 65/100
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 62/100
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 61/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 60/100
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 59/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 58/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 57/100
    $3 HORSESHOES 55/100
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 53/100
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 50/100
    $3 SUPER BINGO 49/100
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 48/100
    $3 KENO (green) 47/100
    $3 BINGO 44/100
    $10 WILD 10`S 41/100
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 39/100
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 30/100
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 25/100
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 18/100
    $3 KENO (blue) 8/100

    Odds of winning any prize:

    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 2.70
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 3.17
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 3.25
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 3.27
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 3.30
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 3.40
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
    $3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 3.47
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 3.63
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 3.70
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 3.72
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 3.84
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 3.84
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3.84
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 3.86
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.97
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 4.13
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 4.21

  10. Current Top Rated Games

    1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 79/100
    2 - $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 74/100
    3 - $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 69/100
    4 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 66/100
    5 - $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
    6 - $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 64/100
    7 - $3 KENO (blue) 63/100
    8 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 61/100
    9 - $5 CASH IN 59/100
    10 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 57/100
    11 - $5 20X LUCKY 54/100
    12 - $3 HORSESHOES 53/100
    13 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 50/100
    14 - $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 48/100
    15 - $3 BINGO 47/100
    16 - $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 46/100
    17 - $3 SUPER BINGO 45/100
    18 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 44/100
    19 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 40/100
    20 - $3 KENO (green) 39/100
    21 - $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 38/100
    22 - $2 CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
    23 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 34/100
    24 - $1 CASH COW 33/100
    25 - $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 31/100
    26 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 30/100
    27 - $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 27/100
    28 - $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 17/100
    29 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 16/100

    Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)

    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 61/100

    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 79/100
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 74/100
    $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 57/100

    $5 CASH IN 59/100
    $5 20X LUCKY 54/100
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 50/100
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 44/100

    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 40/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 30/100

    $3 KENO (blue) 63/100
    $3 HORSESHOES 53/100
    $3 BINGO 47/100
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 46/100
    $3 SUPER BINGO 45/100
    $3 KENO (green) 39/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 38/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 31/100

    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 34/100
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 17/100

    $1 CASH COW 33/100
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 27/100

    1. Thanks CL66 I really study these, you must love math a lot... :o)
      You must have a lot of patience to break all this down for us but it definitely helps all of us.
      Have a great weekend and Good Luck to Everyone.

    2. Thanks Shelley :-) when i started playing scratch tickets more than casually, i thought there had to be some kind of info out there to help better my odds - first came the OLG webpage for unclaimed prizes, then i found Doug's blog here - i found tho, that his views, in my opnion, leaned too much towards grand prizes, he rates Bonus Cash For Life his top pick while i rate it as 19 out of the 29 games lol - in my view, a game should be rated on how well it's prizes are offered on a variety of levels - i came up with 8 of those and i post them here, so that someone can choose for themselves what kind of ideal prize amount(s) they want to play for - i then add those 8 categories into a single one to come up with my "rating" - all based on factual numbers, nothing hidden and no personal bias - i have done to 2-3x better with scratch tickets now compared to before, due to my "number crunch" - possibly winning $ is a good motivator lol, but i also have a beleif in karma, that if i share my "work" here, for free, that i may better someone else's odds and then that may be returned to me in someway at sometime - good luck Shelly and everybody else ^_^

    3. Well, I will take this opportunity to say that your efforts and generosity in sharing with others what you know, is greatly appreciated! :) I believe the world reflects back at you whatever you put forth, so will be rewarded. Thank you kindly, CL66, and good luck!

  11. hey i havnt had any mentionable wins on scratches lately but i did win $1200 today on flow 93.5 a toronto radio station playing gold digger:) feeling good beat part i didnt pay a dime to play

  12. Wow Shannon that is awesome so happy for you. A BIG CONGRATS...

  13. Congrats Shannon!!

    Guess what I found today????

    5 fruit explosions :)

    Not holding my breath, but winning something substantial from the game would be nice ;)

    Anyone have the stats on the game before it was pulled, I.e. how many of each of the prizes remain, besides the one outstanding grand prize?

    1. As of Nov 09:
      And 5 -1k and I think 1-10k

    2. The last figures i had were from November 7th:
      190,000 tickets remaining
      1 x $75,000 - 2 x $25,000 - 1 x $10,000 - 6 x $1,000
      besides these 10 prizes, the most you can win next is $124.

    3. was this at this store in mississauga chinatown

    4. I have found some recently too and I am torn! A part of me thinks I should buy them because of the low float still out there. But I don't want to buy them from a sense of compulsion to do so! I pursued them for so long it feels strange to just let them sit there!! I would love everyone's thoughts/advice on this. I suppose ultimately, I'm going to have to tune into my gut and go with intuition on this one!

    5. My view is if you're comfortable with a small loss I'd buy theory if you spend $100 on them you should in theory get back very close to $60 in small prizes. .so you lose $40 and bought the best odds ticket that's out there to win a nice grand prize. .
      ..keep in mind it's still a gamble and you could crap out with some poor results. .

    6. Thanks, Darth! I can really appreciate your perspective. I'll keep you posted as to what I choose and how I do!

  14. Lucky Lines rears it's ugly head again. My wife just won $25 on the GP version. I struck out.

    1. We bought another Gift Pack and the Crossword paid $15. I don't expect this streak to last long tho. The 2 bonus CFLs paid zero.

    2. The next pack was a bust but the bonus CFL paid $5. So no complaints.

    3. What I meant by bonus CFL was the free $2 ticket not the real $4 Bonus CFL.

  15. Here's my weeks results. .they were decent at only a $9 loss, the $10 games were good to me also:

    6 free $2cfl -duds
    1 $2cfl-dud
    1 (blue) keno-dud
    1 (pink) crossword-win $5
    1 holly jolly-win $3
    18 bonus cfl -win $36
    6 spectacular-win $80
    6 holiday gift packs-win $75

    Total spent $208
    Total won__$199
    Total lost_____$9
    Total return of 96%..
    Played a lot of tickets and only lost $9. ..very happy about that..but my previous 2 weeks were absolutely horrible. .

    GL everyone

    1. Hi Darth ..

      Glad your luck is turning around... thanks for sharing results every week

  16. First time posting but have been reading for a fee months now and thanks to all the help from you all I managed to come across a few good streaks. 1 fruit explosion 100- 1 winnerr take all 250 and a few other smaller prizes. Thanks and from now on I will share my stats for the week.

    1. Yes..welcome already have me beat. nicest scratch ticket this year was $100 bonus CFL. .GL

  17. Welcome Aboard
    You've done well I'd say Congrats.
    This is a wonderful Team Thanks to our Leader Doug who started this a few years ago. We have awesome members who help all of us sort out what's good and what's crap. I read this Blog every day even if I don't post all the time, I think Doug and the members are awesome and that's what keeps this Blog going. :o)

  18. $3 Scrabble - Review

    Grand prize: 3 x $75,000
    Next top prizes: 2 x $25,000 - 1 x $15,000 - 3 x $10,000 - 7 x $5,000
    Number of tickets: 3,141,600

    All available prizes and odds to win:
    any prize - 1 in 3.33
    $5 or more - 1 in 5.83
    $6 or more - 1 in 8.74
    $9 or more - 1 in 13.84
    $10 or more - 1 in 19.87
    $15 or more - 1 in 73.88
    $20 or more - 1 in 128
    $30 or more - 1 in 314
    $40 or more - 1 in 570
    $60 or more - 1 in 1,210
    $80 or more - 1 in 1,634
    $100 or more - 1 in 2,306
    $120 or more - 1 in 3,922
    $200 or more - 1 in 8,925
    $300 or more - 1 in 24,544
    $5,000 or more - 1 in 196,350
    $10,000 or more - 1 in 349,067
    $15,000 or more - 1 in 523,600
    $25,000 or more - 1 in 628,320
    $75,000 - 1 in 1,047,200

    Out of all 30 games:
    Ranks 17th on winning $50,000+
    Ranks 8th on winning $5,000+
    Ranks 20h on winning $1,000+
    Ranks 13th on winning $250+
    Ranks 20th on winning $50+
    Ranks 27th on winning 2x-5x your $ or better
    Ranks 5th on winning a ticket price back
    Ranks 9th on winning any prize

    Good on odds to win $3-$10. To win $15 it sucks at 74:1, for $3 Crossword it's 15:1. Good on odds for a $5,000+ win, ranking 8th of the 30 games. The double or triple wins are really only for $3 + $5 wins, as it's 1 in 936 to win $20 ($10 x 2). All other prize play is average. I rate $3 Scrabble a 50/100, making it #13 out of the 30 games and #3 out of the 10 $3 games.

    1. Thnx CL for a breakdown on this new game..I picked 1 up earlier just to satisfy my curiosity. .won $3 lol...
      they are a nice looking ticket and scratch nicely. Can't say much, I guess just let the float reduce and monitor the claimed prize page. .I think Lloyd will welcome this game...

    2. You're right Darth. For some strange reason this one seems to be calling out to me.

    3. You night owl Lloyd. .lol..
      me I'm half way through my shift..done around 10 am..screwed up night. .Likely 14 hr day by the time I hit the pillow. .lol

    4. Yeah, start work at 4:30am off by 1:30. I love it.

  19. Another "watch-n-win" is in development - no idea if this is meant as an addition to the 4 current "watch-n-win" games or to possibly replace a poor performing game such as Megadice Lotto - it's another tv gameshow theme: "The Price Is Right" - at this time, i have no details and i don't even know when this game might debut

    1. Likely another scam game like the NHL game..they're trying hard to entice the younger generation into are habits with different styled games .lol..I must say of all the younger under 25 people I know none of them gamble , maybe the seldom lotto max when it's above 50m..they seen smart that way the younger generation. ..which is a good thing..
      GL everyone

  20. Just noticed on the prizes claimed page a new $1 game, crossword xpress. .4 $10k prizes ..nothing in the middle then 1530 $50 prizes. .

  21. Hello! I figured I've been trolling this site enough to finally comment :) I love this site and think everyone here are in it to win it!

    Question - my cafeteria at work has a lotto center and there are 3 fruit explosions - they probably don't follow OLG's request to get rid of the tickets...should i buy them?

  22. Hi!

    It's only $9, so why not?! :)

    I've had good luck with those ones, winning countless $3 and $6, some $12's and $20's, and $100 once!

    Let us know what you decide and what you WIN!


    1. So i was wrong - she has a STACK FULL there must be about 50 tickets there...anyway I bought 3 like I said I would and loss 1, won $3 and won $12 on another - NOT bad. My palms are itchy now...

    2. That's pretty fantastic, Sugar Girl!!

      So now what are ya gonna do? Believe me, I totally get the itchy palms thing...;)

    3. Ok so check it out:

      Took the winnings from the Fruit Explosion and took my chance and bought 5 randoms: Horseshoes, Crossword, New Scrabble, Holly Jolly and Horseshoes...

      Won $50 on Crossword and $6 on Horseshoes!

      Took the $$$ for Crossword and used the $6 to buy 2 more Fruit explosions - both duds.

      I think at this rate I can see myself buying their whole stack...

      itchy palms indeed - what would YOU do guys?

    4. Yowza!!! $50 on a crossword is amazing! I've never won more than $10 in those...but I love playing fun! Probably because I love doing actual crossword puzzles...

      ...anyhoo, I have a hard time not buying the Fruit Explosions when I see them because I have convinced myself that they are veeeeeeery rare and I am lucky to have found them and that the $75,000 must be just waiting patiently for me to claim it! ;)

      I bought six yesterday and won $3, $12, $6 and $6x2 on one card, so I went back and bought 6 more and have broken even!

      I'm a bit biased when it comes to these cards as I have never lost money on I say, if you are enjoying playing them and are having fun with the whole adventure ,then it's fruitful no matter what the outcome (pun intended ;)

    5. I agree! I'll just have to go buy more tomorrow because that's what I's sitting and waiting and nobody else in my company knows it :) (the store is in my workplace and can't shop there unless you're an employee)

    6. Bought two more today...won $12 now going to buy 4! I'm going to buy that whole stack in the end


    Picked up 2 $10 games today and hit a $50 on cadillac. .spectacular was a dud and bonus cfl showed a small profit for me today..


    Here's today's latest pack report.
    ...latest products with an activation end date:
    1806 horse shoes 28-Nov
    1785 wild 10s 28-Nov
    ..if you like these games they are ending soon new packs can be activated. .get them soon. .

    Two new games launch date Dec 29:

    $5 1818 hit jackpot
    $10 1786 bejeweled

    Hard to believe another $10 game up for release. .I never liked the previous bejeweled game..

    Of interest the 1168 $4 CFL game is approaching 1.5 yrs old..and I haven't seen those crappy tickets anywhere in a long while..and yet they pull a game like fruit explosion after 12 weeks claiming lack of public interest. .Can't make sense from nonsense. ...oops im starting to rant again. .lol..
    GL everyone

    1. Was referring to 1161 CFL which is the older of the two $4 tickets. .
