Tuesday 2 December 2014

Bonus Cash For Life #1168 Rolls Along

Bonus Cash for Life burned through 50,000 tickets last week without losing a Grand Prize. The game is the clear leader in the evaluation system based upon 4 Grand Prizes of $675,000. Nine of the game's second prizes of $100,000 have been claimed, which is not good. Going lower down the top prizes, the percentage of claimed prizes falls roughly into where one would think is normal. At present, $.191 of every dollar spent on the game goes to the four Grand Prize winners. At the same time, 56.5% of the revenue for the game is returned to winners of less than $100. The main feature of this game is the extra 5% return offered on a $4 game from what one would expect. At this stage, the game could incur the loss of a Grand Prize and remain on top of the ratings.

Anyone playing this game must stay away from its plain vanilla version #1168. As Darth has indicated in one of his posts, these tickets have not been seen for some time yet apparently, the OLG deems the game to still be popular with the public.


Top Rated Games

  1. $4 Bonus Cash For Life #1161 - Strong Choice
  2. $10 Spectacular #1816 - Good metrics. Small pool. Game is selling fast. 
  3. $10 Fortune #1779 - Inter provincial game, Massive 15 million ticket pool. 
  4. $10 Wild 10's #1785 - Game is winding down. 16% of float estimated to be left. 
  5. $20 Extraordinary #1742 - Inter provincial game. 28% of float sold after 6 months. 

Games to Avoid

  1. $5 Jacks Are Wild #1787 - 1 , $8000 prize left, next largest is $1500. Shameful. 
  2. $3 More Lucky Lines #1794 - OLG is right: game continues to sell. We're not buying. 
  3. $1 Lucky Lines #1770 - A $1 with no Grand Prizes. Bottom feeder. 
  4. $2 Royal 7's #1790 - Only 1 of 6 Grand Prizes left. 34% of float left. 
  5. $3 Crossword #3206 - One teeny $50k Grand Prize left. 12% of float remains.

$1 - $2 Game Update

Cash Cow and Holiday Cash Out are the top two in this area.

$3 Game Update

Keno #1414 is the top rated $3 game.

$4 - $5 Game Update

Stick to Bonus Cash For Life.

$10 - $20 Game Update

All games are playable but Cadillac and Gift Pack are the two lowest rated.

Comings and Goings

No games were retired. Several are getting long in the tooth.

A new Scrabble game #1821 was launched. This game has good prize distribution for a $3 game. It has a normal float size of just over 3 million tickets. Here is the prize breakdown:

Grand Prize - 2.4% of revenue - 2nd of the 10 - $3 games.
<GP >= $100 - 3.4% of revenue - 1st of 10
<$100 >$3 - 46.3% of revenue - 9th of 10.
$3 - 12.8% of revenue - 3rd of 10 (negative)

This game begins its life as the 3rd rated of the 10 current $3 games. It has potential. See CL66's posting to last week's entry for a more detailed breakdown.

Another new game, $1 Cross Express #1811 is also on the listings but no game sheet has posted to date. Come on OLG - get those two things synced.

Personal Play

The euphoria of an almost break even week two weeks ago came to a thudding end this week as four Bonus Cash For Life's returned $0, a Holiday Spectacular returned $0, a Lotto Max and a 649 were losers, and a $10 Gift Pack returned $2 on the free $2 Cash For Life ticket. I'm back down to an ROI of 59%. I simply have to get to 60% by years end.

In Conclusion

Thanks to the posters who provided the information on the ability to transfer lump sum Cash For Life Grand Prizes and, according to the OLG, how long "life" is! Check the comments from last week if you want to learn about this interesting feature which I doubt that I will ever have use for :-)

A reader went out to buy a Gift Pack last week and ended up with a Holiday Spectacular by mistake - they're both white tickets. Not the end of the world as I rate the ticket he got by mistake as a better choice but he wanted the darned Gift Pack and thus remains slightly tweaked.

Skill testing question. I took a look at how much money the OLG made out of each game that remains active and has been on sale for at least one month. I calculated tickets sold, cost of ticket, and take out rate. here are the top three:

1. $3 Crossword
2. $5 Cross Tripler
3. $3 Super Bingo

And the worst performers:

1. $4 CFL
2. $1 Cash Cow
3. $2 Royal 7's

Enjoy your week.



  1. Doug, you typed 1161 by mistake and not 1168?

  2. I just want to give up on cash for life bonus, I haven't won anything on them since October.

  3. Don't blame you. I am 10 for 42 on the game with a ROI of 52%. I had a $20 winner this week but lots of people have had bad luck with the game. Don't hesitate to play games that are good to you.

  4. Tried the $20 game extraordinaire today. .I had some small wins along with a $50 caddy ticket to cash in so I rolled it into 3 big tickets. ..didn't do very well ....1 winner ticket at only $20...so negative $40 for that venture..

  5. Also tried the $20 extraordinaire today (2 tickets), won $40 on one, nothing on the other. Also bought 2 caddy's and 2 spectacular's. Won $80 total, spent $80. 30 minutes of scratching at no charge. I'll take it.

    1. That's pretty decent. If you play a lot of the big tickets. .I'd be interested in seeing you post your results in the future..and if you hit a prize you're proud of post a pic for us..thnx for your post

  6. Is it just me or are others getting really good results with Holiday Spectacular? I win more often than not and quite often more than once on a ticket. I play Cadillac quite often (probably too much) and have never won more than once on a ticket.

    1. Ive bought 2 or 3 now and havent won anything more than the price of the ticket.

      I had some luck a few months back with the caddy tickets, I remember getting 3 or 4 $50 winners, but that was when it first came out and I havent won anything substantial since then.

    2. i received opposite results, all the cedillac tix I've boughten I've been up very high on. most if not all the ones i bought were 50 dollar winners, but i stopped playing it, trying spectral now and not getting the greatest results. i never buy in bulk tho

    3. trying holiday spectacular now***

  7. 30 mins to scratch 6 tickets ??? Lol i would have trouble lasting 5 mins for all 6

  8. I still see CFL 1161 sold along with 1168 in Lotto Kiosk at Square One in Mississauga, is it worth to get 1161 or 1168 and why?

    1. I agree with Darth. As of this week, BCFL 1168 has a 1 in 885,000 chance to win the Grand Prize. 1168 offers 1 chance in 2 million. Plus, 1161 has no second third or fourth prizes left.

  9. 1168 bonus cfl is the preffered game maybe my float amount may be off slightly and someone will correct me but here goes:
    Less than 3.5 million tickets left and 4 grand prizes left of $675k each and 1 $100k prize..along with semi decent odds on hitting $20 winner's. .

    #1161 cfl. ..greater than 2 million tickets left and 1 grand prize left of $675k. .
    ..I've played a lot of #1168 bonus CFL and I believe it was a much better game a few weeks ago when there was still around 6 $100k prizes and all the grand prizes remaining ..expect to have big variances on both games but stick with the bonus cfl. .and monitor the prizes claimed page. .ive slowed down substantially on my bonus cfl purchases. .and I wouldnt touch the 1161 game..
    GL too you

    1. Actually just look at cl66's odds post from last week. .neither game have great odds but Doug and myself agree that he under values the huge grand prize verses ticket cost ratio. ..sorry cl

    2. I beleive you guys over value grand prizes - lol - it's a needle in a haystack your trying for when 99.9999% of the average game isn't a grand prize - the odds of winning the grand prize of $4 Bonus Cash For Life is 844,000:1 - the Leafs have a better chance of winning the Stanley Cup this season than i have of winning Cash-For-Life 0_o - way i see it, the only relevance of prize versus cost is IF you win! ^_^ - i still play B-CFL tho, just not often and only one at a time - if it wasn't for the grand prize, i`d say this ticket sucks! lol

    3. I agree with CL here, when you think about how many stores have so many tickets, if you could look at a map of stores that sell the tickets, its pretty crazy.

      If there were only like, I dont know, 20-30 different places to get tickets from I might value the grand prizes differently, but since there are so many the chances of one out of like 8 grand prizes being at that one store I go to that day are pretty crazy.

      It seems crazier when you think of how many GPs there are vs lower end prizes and how many times you can go to the store and come out with not even one of the smaller prizes, thats why you see so many people happy that they break even and can play again, or walk away with a few dollars.

      I find the float news funny, cause were the ones buying all the losing tickets, lol, then some guy is going to go to the store to get his wife a pack of gum and walk out with 100k, lol

    4. Yes you're right ..greater than 10,000 OLG retailers and with only four bonus CFL prizes left..it's crazy odds. .I just plug away and if I hit a 60%return im o.k. with that and anything bigger is just gravy that reduces my cost on my next purchases. ..at least we are all aware of the odds and know which games to avoid. .lol..yeah usually someone buying a single ticket on a whim is usually the biggest winner. .
      GL everyone

  10. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2

    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 147,500
    2 x $250,000 - 1 x $100,000
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 279,507
    2 x $100,000
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 280,667
    6 x $50,000
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 392,510
    7 x $250,000 - 2 x $100,000
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 412,741
    6 x $100,000
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 473,974
    4 x $100,000
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 480,388
    7 x $100,000
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 504,000
    2 x $50,000
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 538,000
    10 x $1,000,000 - 3 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 547,075
    7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 563,111
    1 x $75,000
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 675,536
    4 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 1 x $100,000
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 828,800
    1 x $100,000
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 946,693
    8 x $67,500 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,010,911
    3 x $75,000
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,015,907
    8 x $50,000
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 1,092,000
    2 x $75,000
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 1,148,654
    4 x $50,000
    $3 BINGO 1 in 1,226,221
    2 x $50,000
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 1,868,600
    10 x $50,000
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,960,224
    1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 2,467,883
    1 x $50,000

    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 9,870
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 35,830
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 110,625
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 135,421
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 144,000
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 186,338
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 187,485
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 189,546
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 220,787
    $3 BINGO 1 in 222,949
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 255,000
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 258,670
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 295,716
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 352,555
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 387,012
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 412,741
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 414,400
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 434,200
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 436,800
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 507,993
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 510,513
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 519,056
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 562,947
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 563,111
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 690,625
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 946,693
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 957,692
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 1,418,255
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,960,224

  11. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2

    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,567
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 14,290
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 15,593
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 15,750
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,540
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 23,942
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,622
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 28,947
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 31,080
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 45,750
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 52,979
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 70,389
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 70,452
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 88,064
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 88,886
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 110,625
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 120,136
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 123,822
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 186,338
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 189,546
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 210,170
    $3 BINGO 1 in 222,949
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 230,208
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 241,822
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 255,000
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 352,555
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 387,012
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 507,993
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 519,056

    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 2,535
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,283
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 5,593
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 5,787
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,165
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 9.009
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 9,113
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,440
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10,338
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 15,750
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 15,758
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 23,739
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 23,942
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 24,458
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 25,131
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 36,714
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 47,335
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 68,745
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 70,389
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 110,635
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 186,338
    $3 BINGO 1 in 222,949
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 230,208
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 241,822
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 255,000
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 352,555
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 387,012
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 507.993
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 519,056

    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 14
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 18
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 55
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 65
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 240
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 264
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 396
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 443
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 468
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 543
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 665
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 666
    $3 BINGO 1 in 801
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,102
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,144
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,160
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,209
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,392
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,596
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,800
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 1,992
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,375
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3,000
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 5,860
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 6,475
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 6,807
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 8,226

  12. Odds to win your ticket price back:

    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 7.00
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 7.37
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 7.40
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 7.78
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 7.81
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 7.94
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 8.00
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 8.00
    $3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 8.33
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 8.52
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 8.66
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 8.75
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 8.75
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 9.30
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 10.00
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10.51
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 10.91
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 12.33

    Rating to win 2x-5x your $ or better:

    $5 CASH IN 68/100
    $1 CASH COW 67/100
    $5 20X LUCKY 66/100
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 65/100
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 62/100
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 61/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 60/100
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 59/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 58/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 57/100
    $3 HORSESHOES 55/100
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 53/100
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 50/100
    $3 SUPER BINGO 49/100
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 48/100
    $3 KENO (green) 47/100
    $3 BINGO 44/100
    $10 WILD 10`S 41/100
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 39/100
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 30/100
    $3 SCRABBLE 30/100
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 25/100
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 18/100
    $3 KENO (blue) 8/100

    Odds of winning any prize:

    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 2.70
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 3.17
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 3.25
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 3.27
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 3.30
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 3.40
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
    $3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 3.47
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 3.63
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 3.70
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 3.72
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 3.84
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 3.84
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3.84
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 3.86
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.97
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 4.13
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 4.21

  13. Current Top Rated Games

    1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 80/100
    2 - $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 75/100
    3 - $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 69/100
    4 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 67/100
    5 - $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 66/100
    6 - $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
    7 - $3 KENO (blue) 64/100
    8 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 61/100
    9 - $5 CASH IN 60/100
    10 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 58/100
    11 - $5 20X LUCKY 53/100
    12 - $3 HORSESHOES 52/100
    13 - $3 SCRABBLE 51/100
    14 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 50/100
    15 - $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 48/100
    16 - $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 47/100
    17 - $3 SUPER BINGO 46/100
    18 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 45/100
    19 - $3 BINGO 44/100
    20 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 39/100
    21 - $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 38/100
    22 - $3 KENO (green) 36/100
    23 - $2 CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
    24 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 34/100
    25 - $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 33/100
    26 - $1 CASH COW 32/100
    27 - $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 31/100
    28 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 30/100
    29 - $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 18/100
    30 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 16/100

    Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)

    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 61/100

    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 80/100
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 75/100
    $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 58/100

    $5 CASH IN 60/100
    $5 20X LUCKY 53/100
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 50/100
    $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 45/100

    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 39/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 30/100

    $3 KENO (blue) 64/100
    $3 HORSESHOES 52/100
    $3 SCRABBLE 51/100
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 47/100
    $3 SUPER BINGO 46/100
    $3 BINGO 44/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 38/100
    $3 KENO (green) 36/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 31/100

    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 34/100
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 18/100

    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 33/100
    $1 CASH COW 32/100

    1. THNX for odds update CL. .
      cheers buddy

  14. Hi Everyone,

    So in the previous post I commented that I found a stack of Fruit Explosions at my inner office convenience store...with my winnings I am slowly buying up the whole stack...so close to finishing it but no dice. If someone can refresh my memory there were 3 big prizes left? Fruit explosion is retired hence gone from OLG website...but I don't know if I'm spinning my wheels or not...but I kinda like the challenge of finishing up the stack!

    1. The last figures i had were from November 7th showing there were an estimated 190,000 tickets remaining. Keep in mind tho, that when a game gets retired, that it's highly likely the majority of the float of tickets get returned / were not issued / or maybe not even were printed. The last known remaining prizes of $1k+ were: 1 x $75,000 - 2 x $25,000 - 1 x $10,000 - 6 x $1,000. If all the tickets were out there, your odds to win 1 of these 10 prizes is 1 in 19,000. If 90% of the tickets were returned, then there's a 90% chance none of these prizes are out there. I know it may not be easy to resist the tempation of this ticket, but the facts show this isn't a wise pursuit. Personally, i would rather play with known facts, not unknown ones, so i would pass on this ticket if i happened upon it. Good luck with whatever choice you make on these, and if so, to spend a reasonable amount of $ on them. : -)

    2. Hi Sugar Girl!

      If you look through the comments on the previous blog post you will find the stats of the prizes remaining.

      I've pretty much resigned myself to "finishing up the stack" whenever I come across them....so you're in good company ;) Good luck!

    3. I so appreciate your reasoning, CL! I'm trying to hone my sensibilities when it comes to this (very new to me) lottery pursuit! I'm wanting to find a balance between keeping it fun and playful, with no attachment to the outcome, with being strategic and knowledgable. Thanks for your consistently healthy perspective. :)

  15. It's the itchy palm syndome again! Arg lol well i bought another 2 and lost so maybe I'll take a weekend breather. :D

    1. I have to take umbrage with CL here. If I happened upon a pile of Fruit Explosions I would buy them, budget permitting. We all have to accept that every ticket we buy is a poor investment decision. Fruit Explosion is just less bad than other choices. 1 chance in 185,000 to win $75,000 on a three dollar ticket is a comparatively good opportunity. When it comes to smaller prizes, the large number available means that if you buy a quantity of tickets you are much more likely to come close to the published game stats in terms of losses. The odds are against you (they always are), but best of luck regardless.

    2. Thanks for your reply :) It is an honour! Hmm maybe I'll go try my luck later on...

  16. $1 Crossword Express - Review

    Grand prize: 4 x $10,000
    Number of tickets: 3,060,000

    All available prizes and odds to win:
    any prize - 1 in 3.35
    $2 or more - 1 in 5.03
    $10 or more - 1 in 116
    $50 or more - 1 in 1,995
    $10,000 - 1 in 765,000

    Out of all 31 games:
    Ranks 31st on winning $50,000+
    Ranks 26th on winning $5,000+
    Ranks 30th on winning $1,000+
    Ranks 30th on winning $250+
    Ranks 25th on winning $50+
    Ranks 28th on winning 2x-5x your $ or better
    Ranks 25th on winning a ticket price back
    Ranks 10th on winning any prize

    The good news: It ranks as the 2nd best ticket to double your $ on. The bad news: just about everything else! There are only 5 different prizes in this game. After $1 and $2, it's $10, which comes at odds of 1 in 116. I rate this ticket a 17/100 making it the 2nd worst game there is. $1 Lucky Lines Express is the worst at 16/100 with 0 grand prizes, this shows how bad a game $1 Crossword Express is! If you play $1 tickets, your much better off with Wild 8's Doubler 33/100 or Cash Cow 32/100.

    1. I like the format of your write-up CL.

    2. Thanks Doug - if you, or anyone else, has any suggestions on what i post / how i "format" it, i`m open to it.

  17. Two gift packs for me today. .pack 1 - dud...pack 2 -$45..I'm impressed. ..$25 profit..but I lost that much yesterday on my sports pools and point spread tickets..when will I learn not to wager on the maple leafs ..
    GL everyone

  18. Hi Doug and Gang
    Doug you mentioned that you got an invite to play the OLG Online Casino have you tried it yet? I just go an email a few days ago and they gave me 10.00 to try it out Big Deal...lol
    If anyone has already used our New Online Casino I would love to hear how you did.
    I'm going to check it out in the next few days and probably play Black Jack or Roulette...I hate Slots too bad they don't have Craps. Its all run by RNG too bad they don't have live dealers but they wouldn't make enough money this way they can say it's Random and I have a hard time believing that, I've been up thousands and then all of a sudden I lose every single hand? Ya Right. When I've played Live Dealers online I've done really well and rarely lost to be honest.
    Thanks Everyone for leaving your replies and it's nice to see some new names on here as well.
    Best of Luck to Everyone this Week. :o)

  19. I played about six gift packs the other day and they were ALL DUDS

    1. Wow, we've been playing Gift Packs all weekend and are doing pretty good. Out of 6 packs we got $55 back plus $4 on one of the free CFLs. Other people I've talked to have been doing good also.

    2. I feel for ya. I have had the same experience with those gift packs!

    3. I've bought 10 of ther gift packs in total since they came out - all one at a time at varied places - i`ve done better with them than i expected, tho no real post worthy results - 6 wins from the giftpack and a surprising 7 wins from the redeemed cfl coupon totalling $125 - for a $25 profit and an hour's entertainment is good in my view.

    4. First one I bought of the year was a $100 dollar winner. this was in Ottawa where we never seem to have any of the big ticket winners lol

  20. Damn Bonus Cash for Life 1168 took another hit, now down to 3 out of 5 "LIFE" prizes

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. $10 Gift Pack - Clarification

    When it was first listed, i noticed on the unclaimed prize page for this game they had listed 4.590 prizes of $100, This is misleading. This is only for a $100 win on a single ticket within the gift pack. This does not include multiple wins which can add up to $100 or more. I contacted the OLG about this and have received clarification. Since the OLG can only validate a win from an individual ticket, multiple wins on 2 to 6 tickets cannot be validated as a whole for the gift pack, Instead of 4,590 prizes of $100 upon the games release, there was actually 8.874 prizes of $100, if you include single and multiple wins. There was also 2.448 prizes of $150, which is a multiple only win, so this $ amount is not listed for this game on the unclaimed prize page. This snafu effects all $ figures for this game of $150 and under. My next "number crunch - odds post" may show a difference from before, as it will be based solely on wins for the gift PACK and not on individual ticket wins.

    1. Tough game to crunch numbers on ..a lot of incomplete or misleading information. .you're good with numbers I'm interested in seeing what you figure out. .I'm also surprised with the gift packs as I also show a small net profit from it..but the free $2cfl showing bad results for me..lol..but hey they're free..
      For anyone's interest in my scratch game results ill post 2 weeks worth next Sunday..I've been putting more effort into sports pools and point spread so my scratch game volumes are down quite a bit..
      GL everyone

    2. I double checked my work on this and found out i actually didn't make any mistakes Darth - lol - any figures i have posted about the Gift Pack were always based on "wins-per-pack" as to include individual and multiple wins - the OLG unclaimed prize page info for this game will just show individual wins and NOT multiple wins - so unlisted is 2.448 prizes of a $150 win on 6 games (50+50+20+10+10+10) and 4,284 prizes of a $100 win on: 2 games (50+50) + 5 games (20+20+20+10+10).

  23. Bonus Cash for Life was won in Fergus ON. So avoid that area for BCFL.

    1. If the game is truly random it is possible that Fergus could sell another Bcfl grand prize ..I'll be watching to see what retailer sold the winning ticket just out of curiosity. The winner's residence is in Fergus and possibly they bought it elsewhere say Guelph or Mississauga. .

      I've only played around 8 of them in over a week now..with $24 in winnings. .

  24. Gotta say BCFL is horrid for my area I think. I haven't won any money on them since October (Won 20 bucks). I'm very tempted to stop buying them.

    1. Likewise....for me...and with another grand prize gone the odds just worsened...
      I like spectacular and my wife and myself both like the gift packs..

  25. I have been trying out the new playolg.ca site. Right now you can buy 6/49 & Max tickets. There are several table games like blackjack, poker including a 3 card version, roulette, sic bo and some others. A bunch of video slots including some licensed titles you would see at the casino. No video poker right now.

    You can play for free so that is what I've been doing.

    1. Hey Jay
      How have you been enjoying it so far? Easy to use?
      My biggest worry with the site is the idea of fees for inactivity and that inactivity is based on the previous "player initiated activity". Apparently the free games are not considered to be player initiated activity which leads me to believe they simply want you to gamble often to avoid paying out fees and what not.
      Might sign up this week however and give it a try.

  26. Someone's keno system paid off large..prize winner page shows a person from Scarborough win greater than $325,000 on keno on the same day between their 6 tickets. .amazing

  27. I wish someone could work out a map that shows wins to the west of Peterborough, seems like so many winners come from that side of the map. If you look at the poker lotto winners, it mostly that area. There was a winner here in Kingston that won a million on the 649, I thought "man, that doesnt happen often" then the news said he bought his ticket in toronto, lol, something fishy going on there.

    1. wouldn't be surprised.

    2. Dart.olg.ca you can see what retailers sell winning tickets over $10k and narrow searches to specific regions of Ontario. ..it's a little tricky to narrow searches for rural areas , I cant get the postal code search to work but with some trying this search may help you.

      Remember the vast majority of population lives urban so there should be more city verses rural winners. GL

  28. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2

    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 111,167
    2 x $250,000 - 1 x $100,000
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 256,215
    2 x $100,000
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 261,067
    6 x $50,000
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 368,641
    7 x $250,000 - 2 x $100,000
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 372,815
    6 x $100,000
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 427,715
    7 x $100,000
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 490,000
    2 x $50,000
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 528,931
    1 x $75,000
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 533,910
    7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 553,258
    10 x $1,000,000 - 2 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 733,600
    1 x $100,000
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 754,920
    3 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 1 x $100,000
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 820,474
    2 x $100,000
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 934,237
    8 x $67,500 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,091,287
    7 x $50,000
    $3 BINGO 1 in 1,201,024
    2 x $50,000
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,320,405
    2 x $75,000
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 1,496,519
    3 x $50,000
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 1,728,000
    10 x $50,000
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 1,921,500
    1 x $75,000
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,941,556
    1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 2,065,901
    1 x $50,000

    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 9,457
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 35,600
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 83,375
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 140,000
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 170,810
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 182,327
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 188,629
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 193,201
    $3 BINGO 1 in 218,368
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 235,385
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 236,983
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 249,500
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 296,617
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 344,317
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 366,800
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 372,815
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 402,053
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 480,375
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 485,810
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 508,235
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 528,931
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 561,195
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 603,936
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 670,703
    $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 1 in 753,500
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 897,836
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 934,237
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 1,301,622
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,941,556

  29. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2

    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,500
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 14,108
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 15,208
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 15,313
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,685
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 24,266
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,629
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 32,175
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 44,884
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 53,932
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 66,116
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 80,063
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 83,375
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 87,928
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 88,814
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 117,731
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 122,946
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 170,810
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 188,629
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 213,857
    $3 BINGO 1 in 218,368
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 223,568
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 235,385
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 249,420
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 344,317
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 402,053
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 485,810
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 508,235
    $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 1 in 753,500

    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 2,525
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,183
    $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 5,678
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 5,780
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,178
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 9,045
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 9.057
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,441
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 15,313
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 15,682
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 24,266
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 24,323
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 25,215
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 25,392
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 36,382
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 47,303
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 66,116
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 69,952
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 83,375
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 170,810
    $3 BINGO 1 in 218,368
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 223,568
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 235,385
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 249,420
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 344,317
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 402,053
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 485.810
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 508,235
    $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 1 in 753,500

    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 14
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 18
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 55
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 64
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 240
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 396
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 443
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 468
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 542
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 666
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 666
    $3 BINGO 1 in 800
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,102
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 1,144
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,159
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,212
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,392
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,592
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,798
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 1,993
    $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 1 in 1,995
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,374
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3,000
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 5,698
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 6,470
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 6,813
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 8,259

  30. Odds to win your ticket price back:

    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 7.00
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 7.37
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 7.40
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 7.78
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 7.81
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 7.94
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 8.00
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 8.00
    $3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 8.33
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 8.52
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 8.66
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 8.75
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 8.75
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 9.30
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
    $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 1 in 9.98
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 10.00
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 10.91
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 12.33

    Rating to win 2x-5x your $ or better:

    $5 CASH IN 68/100
    $1 CASH COW 67/100
    $5 20X LUCKY 66/100
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 65/100
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 61/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 60/100
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 59/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 58/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 57/100
    $3 HORSESHOES 55/100
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 53/100
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 50/100
    $3 SUPER BINGO 49/100
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 48/100
    $3 KENO (green) 47/100
    $3 BINGO 44/100
    $10 WILD 10`S 41/100
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 39/100
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 30/100
    $3 SCRABBLE 30/100
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 25/100
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 18/100
    $3 KENO (blue) 8/100

    Odds of winning any prize:

    $3 KENO (blue) 1 in 2.70
    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 1 in 3.17
    $3 SUPER BINGO 1 in 3.25
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 3.27
    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
    $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 1 in 3.30
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
    $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 1 in 3.35
    $3 KENO (green) 1 in 3.40
    $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
    $3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 1 in 3.47
    $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 1 in 3.63
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 3.70
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 3.72
    $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
    $1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 1 in 3.84
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 1 in 3.84
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3.84
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.97
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
    $5 CASH IN 1 in 4.13
    $5 20X LUCKY 1 in 4.21

  31. Thnx for odds update CL. .1 spectacular dud and 1 gift pack return $20..break even day..I'm ok with that. .
    GL everyone

    1. Your welcome Darth - glad to see you've made 10$ tickets a regular thing (and doing well with them) while easing off Bonus CFL - good luck also buddy :-)

  32. Current Top Rated Games

    1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 80/100
    2 - $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 75/100
    3 - $10 HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 69/100
    4 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 68/100
    5 - $5 MERRY MONEY MULTIPLIER 67/100
    6 - $3 KENO (blue) 66/100
    7 - $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
    8 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 62/100
    9 - $5 CASH IN 61/100
    10 - $3 HORSESHOES 57/100
    11 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 56/100
    12 - $5 20X LUCKY 54/100
    13 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 53/100
    14 - $3 SCRABBLE 52/100
    15 - $3 HOLLY JOLLY TRIPLER 49/100
    16 - $3 SUPER BINGO 48/100
    17 - $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 47/100
    18 - $3 BINGO 46/100
    19 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 40/100
    20 - $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 39/100
    21 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
    22 - $3 KENO (green) 36/100
    23 - $2 CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
    24 - $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 34/100
    25 - $1 CASH COW 33/100
    26 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 32/100
    27 - $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 30/100
    28 - $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 20/100
    29 - $1 CROSSWORD EXPRESS 17/100
    30 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 16/100

    Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)

    $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 62/100

    $10 CADILLAC RICHES 80/100
    $10 INSTANT GIFT PACK 75/100
    $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
    $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 56/100

    $5 CASH IN 61/100
    $5 20X LUCKY 54/100
    $5 BLACK PEARLS 53/100

    $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 40/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 32/100

    $3 KENO (blue) 66/100
    $3 HORSESHOES 57/100
    $3 SCRABBLE 52/100
    $3 SUPER BINGO 48/100
    $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 47/100
    $3 BINGO 46/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (pink) 39/100
    $3 KENO (green) 36/100
    $3 CROSSWORD (blue) 34/100

    $2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
    $2 CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
    $2 HOLIDAY CASHOUT 20/100

    $1 CASH COW 33/100
    $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 30/100

  33. Had my worse day today

    Got 2 BCFL, 3 Holly Jollies and 1 Keno and won nothing SIGH.

    1. I got 2 Money Multiplier, all duds

  34. Here's 2 weeks scratch ticket results for my wife and myself for anyone's interest:
    7 (free $2cfl)- win $13
    2 $2cfl -win $4
    3 scrabble-win $3
    1 (green) keno-dud
    1 super bingo-dud
    1 (blue) crossword-dud
    1 holly jolly -win $5
    10 bonus cfl-win $28
    1 20xlucky -win $5
    1 cadillac-win $50
    3 spectacular-win $30
    7 $10 gift packs-win $80
    3 $20 extrodinaire -win $20

    Total spent $240
    Total won__$238
    Total lost______$2
    Total return of 99%
    Break even couple weeks. .thats fine by me..lol..the $10 games gave me a profit..but the $20 games not real good..GL EVERYONE

    1. Nice results Darth - glad too see half your winnings coming from my top 2 ranked games - while Doug said "Cadillac and Gift Pack are the two lowest rated" - boo yaa! ^_^ - while i rate the $20 ticket 8th, i avoid it - it's so top heavy, that it ends up being terrible on the low end - 63:1 to win $60 or + / 1,267:1 to win $80 or + (0_o)

  35. Wow. I have had the worst go since I started playing the lottery game two months ago. I have gotten used to winning most of the time- but not this weekend...check it out:

    3 super bingo (I win often on these, from $3-$15)- NOTHING
    3 blue Keno (again...I win $3-10)- NOTHING
    1 Cadillac- $0
    1 Spectacular- $0
    1 Holiday Gift Pack- $0


  36. 2 cadillac return $10 and one gift pack was a dud for me last couple days ..negative $20
    ..a coworker of mine also likes the gift packs and he hit a $100 prize on the weekend ..nice

  37. Oooh $100 would be nice!!

    My first Cadillac ever (I've bought 4) was a $50 win. And my first Spectacular (I've bought 4 or 5) was a $30. Since those two exciting wins for me (spending $10 on a ticket was a leap from spending only $3;) i haven't won on either. I really want to play these tickets given the statistics, but I'm feeling very gun-shy! I suppose that really is the nature of the beast we are courting....wildly unpredictable generosity or stinginess! I'm slowly learning the nuances around this game. As long as it feels fun and exciting then I'm good to play...the moment I feel like I need control an outcome, I better take a long walk in the park to remember we are all just spinning around on a rock in the middle of massive amounts of space...! Hahaha

    1. You seem to have a spiritual approach in your ticket endeavours ..do what works for you..GL

    2. That's very perceptive of you, Darth! I do, indeed! I love the field of quantum physics and, among other avenues (ie scoring treasure at Value Village), I have recently added winning the lottery to my manifestation practice. ;) I'll take this opportunity to say I appreciate the community of all of you and for sharing your insights and experiences. Good luck to you, too! :)

  38. I have been following this blog for a while now and I appreciate all of your inputs! Very fun reading them! :)
    Just wanna share the result of a roll of Jolly Holly I got a few weeks ago....
    $210 for a roll.. and only $95 return....

    To be honest I expected a higher return than $95...!

    Got another roll of cashingo... will see how this roll go!

    Has any one of you gotten a roll of ticket before? How did it go? :)

  39. Hi Anonymous
    What do you mean by Roll? Did you buy the entire sealed pack? Good Luck with Cashingo.
