Saturday, 27 September 2014

Scrabble #1799 Is The Top Pick - If You Can Find Any

Back to base after a visit to the Somme Battlefields of WW1 and being stranded in Charlotte, North Carolina on the way home. Lovely town. Three Grand Prizes were claimed in Bingo over the past two weeks and 18 in the "democratic" Wild 10's game. Scrabble #1799 is the top pick but only 10% (340,000 tickets) remain and only 1 Grand Prize. The game could turn into a dud any day so be alert.

Your odds of winning the $75,000 Grand Prize are 340,000:1 which is the best of any game for sale with the exception of Wild 10's. In that game you trade off a low Grand Prize of $10,000 against 69 unclaimed Grand Prizes.  Scrabble returns $.073 of every dollar left to be spent to that one Grand Prize. This is more than even two of the $10 - $20 games and first among $3 games.

You are likely to face the common problem of scarcity with only 10% of the float left to be sold. Will the OLG order up that final print run or not? An initial tour around my neighborhood was fruitless.


Top Rated Games

  1. $3 Scrabble #1799 - 10% of float left to sell +/- 3%
  2. $4 Bonus Cash for Life #1168 - 63%, +/- 3%
  3. $3 Fruit Explosion #1803 - 14%, +/- 3%
  4. $10 Prestige #1741 - 23%, +/- 7%
  5. $10 Fortune #1779 - 94%, +/- 8%

Games to Avoid

  1. $5 Win Take All - All Grand Prizes claimed, still 20% of float left to sell. Beware!
  2. $2 Crazy 8's - All Grand Prizes claimed, 33% of float left! 
  3. $5 Jacks are Wild - Only 1 of Seven Grand Prizes left and 45% of the float left to sell. 
  4. $1 Lucky Lines - Terrible game from many points of view. Avoid!
  5. $3 Bingo - the game has been hollowed out. One chance in 1.2 million to win $75,000.

$1 - $2 Game Update

Cash Cow and Royal Seven's are each much preferable to the other two.

$3 Game Update

Two of the top five games are in this group. Stick to them. Next in line is Cashingo.

$4 - $5 Game Update

Bonus Cash For Life is the strongest play in this area.

$10 - $20 Game Update

Avoid Cadillac and Extraordinary.

Comings and Goings

Classic Gold, Sapphire 7's and Blazing 7's were all retired over the past two weeks. Classic Gold was an Inter-Provincial game that was kept on the shelves too long with no Grand Prizes. Sapphire 7's caused great irritation to More Lucky Line players as its tickets were always available despite it being devoid of Grand Prizes. Blazing 7's had reached the end of its life with one prize outstanding.

No new games were added although readers have been doing their homework and we know that new ones are slated for introduction including a new More Lucky Lines game. The gall of them!

Personal Play

Last post I narrowly escaped being shut out. It proved to be a prelude to this week. Two Bonus Cash for Lifes and two Wild 10's returned nothing. My ROI for the year dips to 65% and my cash rate sits at 33%.

To Conclude

I read with interest the comments related to how Texas runs its Instant Game process. Lots to be learned there. I bought a two pound ticket in London last week and will be taking a look at how the British handle their Instant Games.

I also intend to alter my formula for game evaluation this week. The current formula yields a rating based upon the product of: the ratio of revenue going to Grand Prize winners at the introduction of the game versus now, the chances of cashing for a prize greater than the cost of a ticket, and the overall percentage of revenue returned to the player. I intend to introduce a factor that will add the percentage of revenue going to winners of more than the cost of the ticket but less than $100 and twice the percentage of revenue of winners of $100 and more.

Devising the formula is tricky as it involves a value judgement. Instant Game players enjoy playing the games. If our only concern was the Grand Prize then we would all be playing Lotto Max. That said, we cannot disregard the Grand Prizes as it makes no sense for us to play games for which all the Grand Prizes have been claimed. Finding that middle ground is the challenge and I'm happy to receive your input as to what is important to you as a player.

The current Bonus Cash for Life game is a case in point. I rate it highly as the game returns 69.89% of all revenue to players. This is a number that you expect to see for $10 games, not a $4 game. That's the "bonus", I imagine. Your chance to cash any ticket is 1 in 3.99 which is 6th of 7 in the group. Your chance to cash for more than the $4 cost of the ticket is 1 in 6.74 which is 3rd of 7 in the group. The 5 Grand Prizes of  $675,000 is a big plus. That represents $3,375,000 of winnings over 6.2 million $4 tickets or $.136 per ticket. Wild 10's, on the other hand, has 69 remaining Grand Prizes of $10,000 each. Yes, your chances of winning are less than 1 in 10,000 but the total winnings of those 69 winners is only $690,000 for your $10 investment, or $.107 per ticket sold. With 150 Grand Prizes in Wild 10's, the number of prizes claimed is much more likely to track overall ticket sales. This is not the case when there are only 5 Grand Prize winners. In that game, a third of the tickets have been sold and all 5 Grand Prizes remain outstanding. Of course, as Pete Townsend told us, "We Wont Be Fooled Again."

Evaluating these two very different games is difficult. I can't say that I am entirely happy with my current method and that's why I intend to tweak it slightly. I'm looking forward to seeing where that leads me.

It's good to be home. Look for the blog to be updated weekly from now on.


Friday, 12 September 2014

Money Multiplier Retired - Bonus Cash for Life #1168 Takes Over Top Spot

Well, two very highly rated games were retired by the evil OLG in back to back weeks. This past week it was Money Multiplier. Posters indicated that the "do not open new packages" order went out from OLG Headquarters to sellers on 08 August 2014. Ten percent of the ticket float was left to sell which included two of the original six $100,000 Grand Prizes. Using the same math that I detailed for More Lucky Lines, the OLG effectively increased its bottom line profit for the game by 7% by pulling the plug on the game. Had they decided to sell every last ticket they would have made an additional $100,000 than what they ended up making but that additional amount would have evaporated upon the revealing of the next Grand Prize and they would have been $100,000 worse off if both had been revealed. And we know that it is impossible for them to sell every last ticket. For all of 2014, there has not been a single game that was retired without at least 200,000 tickets left to sell. Money Multiplier was in line to run its course but the problem of those outstanding Grand Prizes remains. A policy solution is needed to resolve the problem. Feel free to post your suggestions to the reader comment section of this entry.

The new top game is Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - not to be confused with Cash For Life #1161. There has been some discussion about these two games and which is the better play. This requires some examination. Bonus CFL has five Grand Prizes from a float of just under 10 million tickets. Regular CFL has three from just over 8 million tickets. Bonus CFL has a house take of 30.1% and regular CFL has a house take of 34.6%. As of today, all five Bonus CFL prizes remain outstanding. Your chance to win one is 1 in 1.4 million. Regular CFL has one of its three prizes left. Your chance to win it is one in 2.4 million. Each game, at its outset, was a little more top heavy than most games. Bonus CFL claws that back in the small prize area with only 46.3% of total revenue being paid out to winners of prizes less than $100 and more than $4. For Regular CFL, that number is 49.0%. Regular CFL has a cash rate for prizes greater than the cost of the ticket of one in every 5.95 tickets. This is best in class. For Bonus CFL, the rate is one in every 6.74 tickets. On even footing, Regular CFL would come out ahead, but the present situation tilts the balance in favour of Bonus CFL. Thirty percent of the float has been sold and all five Grand Prizes remain outstanding.


Top Rated Games

  1. $4 Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - 70% of float remains, +/- 3%
  2. $10 Prestige #1741 - 22% of float remains, +/- 7%; game has been on sale for over a year. 
  3. $10 Wild 10's #1785 - 57% of float remains +/- 2%; maximum prize is $10k
  4. $10 Fortune #1779 - 98% of float remains +/- 8%; new Inter-provincial game
  5. $3 Scrabble #1799 - 18% of game remains +/- 3%; tickets likely scarce

Games to Avoid

  1. $10 Classic Gold - No grand prizes left for two weeks now. Come on IPL(inter prov)!
  2. $5 Sapphire 7's - No grand prizes nor second prizes left to claim. 
  3. $5 Jacks are Wild - Lost three grand prizes since the last update. Ouch!
  4. $1 Lucky Lines - Lousy game, name invokes bad memories.
  5. $2 Crazy 8's - Only one of five initial grand prizes left.

$1 - $2 Game Update

Avoid the two games identified above. The other three are reasonable choices.

$3 Game Update

If you don't like Scrabble, or can't find any, Cashingo is the next best in this category.

$4 - $5 Game Update

The two CFL games are the best of the lot.

$10 - $20 Game Update

Stick to the three games recommended above.

Personal Play

Two Bonus Cash For Life and two Wild 10's were looking like a wipe out until a $15 prize was discovered at the point of checking the tickets. I cannot over-emphasize that point. My overall cash rate remains at 33% and my overall ROI sits at 67%.


I have read all of the blog comments. I am of a view that the OLG needs to review its practices when it comes to retiring games. The ticket buying public is not always being treated fairly. Any change will have to come from outside pressure. I'm not sure what the best approach is. Thinking.....

The OLG was in the news this week with this announcement: . The OLG is an example of an organization that gets its story line approved then keeps repeating it regardless of evidence to the contrary. The Auditor General for Ontario issued a report ( that basically stated that all of the OLG projections are either weak or defy reasonableness yet the OLG sticks by its projections as to abandon them leaves them in nowhere land.

Massachusetts is revoking a previously granted casino license as they now are of a view that the metrics provided by the bidders were bogus. Regardless, the OLG sticks to its story line. Their incessant line about building hospitals with the revenue they generate is nothing more that an attempt to earn acceptance by the greater public for revenue generated from gambling. Why does the LCBO not make the same claim? Revenue is revenue. Of course, the OLG considers revenue from the LCBO to be "tax revenue" whereas gambling revenue is not. Get real!

 They also love to claim that $1 billion of investment is required in its degrading infrastructure and that the people of Ontario can't afford to make that kind of investment. Really? Well, once their successful bidder is identified (media speculates either Bell or Rogers - what else is new), do you think that they will gift $1 billion to the people of Ontario? Of course not! They will invest then take it back, plus an appropriate return on investment, from gaming revenues. So how is the OLG going to increase the money it returns to the people of Ontario? By increasing gaming revenues such that a smaller piece of a bigger pie will represent more money than what they earn today. Plus, they get out of the gaming business and instead "manage" it. The Auditor General says that there is no indication that this is going to happen. And what if it doesn't? It will be too late to do anything I'm afraid.

Off  to visit a friend in London. Next update in two weeks.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Lucky Lines Retired - Money Multiplier #1769 Takes Over Top Spot

Folks who have been reading this blog, and the comments to the blog, are aware of what transpired with More Lucky Lines. This is not a unique situation. Readers have called the OLG only to receive their circular logic that leads the OLG to an indefensible position. The bottom line is that they ran a game for which they sold 2.5 million tickets and then retired the game before a single Grand Prize was claimed. I don't care what the explanation is - it's wrong in principle. I'll be taking further action on this one.

I'm amazed that some posters are continuing to find More Lucky Lines tickets here and there. Good luck to them. The new top rated game is also in a scarcity situation with only 10%, +/- 2% of the tickets left to be sold. In raw terms, there are only an estimated 122,000 tickets out there and that is a mere 1/4 of the tickets that were left to sell for More Lucky Lines yet the OLG ...... I know - settle down Doug.

Two of the six original prizes of $100,000 remain to be claimed. The game is not great in terms of cashing for any prize but it is good for cashing a prize greater than the cost of the ticket. It has the best chance of cashing a middle prize (greater than $100) of any game with the exception of the $10 Cadillac game. I've been looking for tickets to the game without success. I hope that your luck is better.


Top Rated Games

  1. $5 Money Multiplier #1769 - 10% of float left +/- 2%
  2. $10 Prestige #1741 - 23% +/- 7%
  3. $4 Bonus CFL #1168 - 74% +/- 3%
  4. $10 Wild 10's #1785 - 64% +/- 2%
  5. $10 Fortune #1779 - 100% +/- 8%

Games to Avoid

  1. $10 Classic Gold - all top prizes claimed. Interprovincial game.
  2. $5 Sapphire 7's - OLG has been milking this one while retiring Lucky Lines. Grrrr.
  3. $1 Lucky Lines - half the Grand Prizes claimed in first third of tickets sold.
  4. $3 Crossword - 1 chance in 2.3 million to win $50,000. Sucks.
  5. $2 Crazy 8's - 1 Grand Prize left and 40% of float to sell.

$1 - $2 Game Update

Blazing 7's is the best play in this area.

$3 Game Update

Moving on from More Lucky Lines, Scrabble #1799 is the top rated game.

$4 - $5 Game Update

Stick to the two games in the Top Rated Game area.

$10 - $20 Game Update

Avoid Classic Gold. I don't like Cadillac either although CL66 still has a hankering for it.

Comings and Goings

Labour Day provided the OLG with a good opportunity to clean up the inventory of games. Six games were retired over the past two weeks including the $10 Turbo Cash game that was devoid of Grand Prizes. The jumbo Quest For Gold Crossword was mercifully put to bed along with Bingo, Red Hot 50's, Bingo Express, and yes, More Lucky Lines.

Two new games were introduced: the inter-provincial $100 Million Fortune and the $3 Horseshoes. Horseshoes is an average looking $3 game. It has a normal prize distribution and begins its life as the third rated $3 game of the 8 currently for sale. $10 Games should start out strong and Fortune is no exception. It is strong on the Grand Prize end with 12 - $1,000,000 prizes available and it is also good in the prizes of less than $100. The one thing I don't like about the game is the low number of reported prizes. The Inter-provincial games like to report down to the $1000 level and not the $100 level that the OLG does on its games. This means that only 125 prizes are reported against and that means that our estimates for remaining float size will be no closer than +/- 8%. Here is the prize breakdown for both games:

2.6% of revenue paid to Grand Prize winners.
1.7% to winners of less than the Grand Prize and at least $100
47.7% to winners of less than $100 and more than $3
12.9% to winners of $3
35% to the OLG etc

8.0% to Grand Prize winners
2.0% to winners of less than Grand Prize and at least $100
50.2% to winners of less than $100 and more than $10
9.5% to winners of $10
30.3% to the IPL

Personal Play

3 - Wild 10's tickets contained 1 winner of $20.


My trip to New York state introduced me to this menacing looking machine:

They dispense Scratch and Win tickets in the main area and you can purchase Lotto type games with the buttons in the first row. I suspect that the machines have an operating cost less than the 8% that sellers receive from the OLG. I wonder why they were not part of the OLG Modernization Plan? I guess that the association of variety store retailers has more clout than the Horse Racing industry that the OLG was happy to eviscerate. Thank goodness that Premier Wynne has mandated the OLG to ensure that the health of horse racing in Ontario is part of its Modernization Plan. The machine pictured is located at the Saratoga Race Track. Lets plop one down inside Woodbine and see what happens.

Best to all.
