Well, two very highly rated games were retired by the evil OLG in back to back weeks. This past week it was Money Multiplier. Posters indicated that the "do not open new packages" order went out from OLG Headquarters to sellers on 08 August 2014. Ten percent of the ticket float was left to sell which included two of the original six $100,000 Grand Prizes. Using the same math that I detailed for More Lucky Lines, the OLG effectively increased its bottom line profit for the game by 7% by pulling the plug on the game. Had they decided to sell every last ticket they would have made an additional $100,000 than what they ended up making but that additional amount would have evaporated upon the revealing of the next Grand Prize and they would have been $100,000 worse off if both had been revealed. And we know that it is impossible for them to sell every last ticket. For all of 2014, there has not been a single game that was retired without at least 200,000 tickets left to sell. Money Multiplier was in line to run its course but the problem of those outstanding Grand Prizes remains. A policy solution is needed to resolve the problem. Feel free to post your suggestions to the reader comment section of this entry.
The new top game is Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - not to be confused with Cash For Life #1161. There has been some discussion about these two games and which is the better play. This requires some examination. Bonus CFL has five Grand Prizes from a float of just under 10 million tickets. Regular CFL has three from just over 8 million tickets. Bonus CFL has a house take of 30.1% and regular CFL has a house take of 34.6%. As of today, all five Bonus CFL prizes remain outstanding. Your chance to win one is 1 in 1.4 million. Regular CFL has one of its three prizes left. Your chance to win it is one in 2.4 million. Each game, at its outset, was a little more top heavy than most games. Bonus CFL claws that back in the small prize area with only 46.3% of total revenue being paid out to winners of prizes less than $100 and more than $4. For Regular CFL, that number is 49.0%. Regular CFL has a cash rate for prizes greater than the cost of the ticket of one in every 5.95 tickets. This is best in class. For Bonus CFL, the rate is one in every 6.74 tickets. On even footing, Regular CFL would come out ahead, but the present situation tilts the balance in favour of Bonus CFL. Thirty percent of the float has been sold and all five Grand Prizes remain outstanding.

The OLG was in the news this week with this announcement: http://media.olg.ca/?p=nmm_news_detail&i=31d4398b-8dc5-4e50-993c-cb32360372a8 . The OLG is an example of an organization that gets its story line approved then keeps repeating it regardless of evidence to the contrary. The Auditor General for Ontario issued a report (http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/default.htm) that basically stated that all of the OLG projections are either weak or defy reasonableness yet the OLG sticks by its projections as to abandon them leaves them in nowhere land.
Massachusetts is revoking a previously granted casino license as they now are of a view that the metrics provided by the bidders were bogus. Regardless, the OLG sticks to its story line. Their incessant line about building hospitals with the revenue they generate is nothing more that an attempt to earn acceptance by the greater public for revenue generated from gambling. Why does the LCBO not make the same claim? Revenue is revenue. Of course, the OLG considers revenue from the LCBO to be "tax revenue" whereas gambling revenue is not. Get real!
They also love to claim that $1 billion of investment is required in its degrading infrastructure and that the people of Ontario can't afford to make that kind of investment. Really? Well, once their successful bidder is identified (media speculates either Bell or Rogers - what else is new), do you think that they will gift $1 billion to the people of Ontario? Of course not! They will invest then take it back, plus an appropriate return on investment, from gaming revenues. So how is the OLG going to increase the money it returns to the people of Ontario? By increasing gaming revenues such that a smaller piece of a bigger pie will represent more money than what they earn today. Plus, they get out of the gaming business and instead "manage" it. The Auditor General says that there is no indication that this is going to happen. And what if it doesn't? It will be too late to do anything I'm afraid.
Off to visit a friend in London. Next update in two weeks.
The new top game is Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - not to be confused with Cash For Life #1161. There has been some discussion about these two games and which is the better play. This requires some examination. Bonus CFL has five Grand Prizes from a float of just under 10 million tickets. Regular CFL has three from just over 8 million tickets. Bonus CFL has a house take of 30.1% and regular CFL has a house take of 34.6%. As of today, all five Bonus CFL prizes remain outstanding. Your chance to win one is 1 in 1.4 million. Regular CFL has one of its three prizes left. Your chance to win it is one in 2.4 million. Each game, at its outset, was a little more top heavy than most games. Bonus CFL claws that back in the small prize area with only 46.3% of total revenue being paid out to winners of prizes less than $100 and more than $4. For Regular CFL, that number is 49.0%. Regular CFL has a cash rate for prizes greater than the cost of the ticket of one in every 5.95 tickets. This is best in class. For Bonus CFL, the rate is one in every 6.74 tickets. On even footing, Regular CFL would come out ahead, but the present situation tilts the balance in favour of Bonus CFL. Thirty percent of the float has been sold and all five Grand Prizes remain outstanding.
Top Rated Games
- $4 Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - 70% of float remains, +/- 3%
- $10 Prestige #1741 - 22% of float remains, +/- 7%; game has been on sale for over a year.
- $10 Wild 10's #1785 - 57% of float remains +/- 2%; maximum prize is $10k
- $10 Fortune #1779 - 98% of float remains +/- 8%; new Inter-provincial game
- $3 Scrabble #1799 - 18% of game remains +/- 3%; tickets likely scarce
Games to Avoid
- $10 Classic Gold - No grand prizes left for two weeks now. Come on IPL(inter prov)!
- $5 Sapphire 7's - No grand prizes nor second prizes left to claim.
- $5 Jacks are Wild - Lost three grand prizes since the last update. Ouch!
- $1 Lucky Lines - Lousy game, name invokes bad memories.
- $2 Crazy 8's - Only one of five initial grand prizes left.
$1 - $2 Game Update
Avoid the two games identified above. The other three are reasonable choices.$3 Game Update
If you don't like Scrabble, or can't find any, Cashingo is the next best in this category.$4 - $5 Game Update
The two CFL games are the best of the lot.$10 - $20 Game Update
Stick to the three games recommended above.Personal Play
Two Bonus Cash For Life and two Wild 10's were looking like a wipe out until a $15 prize was discovered at the point of checking the tickets. I cannot over-emphasize that point. My overall cash rate remains at 33% and my overall ROI sits at 67%.Meanderings
I have read all of the blog comments. I am of a view that the OLG needs to review its practices when it comes to retiring games. The ticket buying public is not always being treated fairly. Any change will have to come from outside pressure. I'm not sure what the best approach is. Thinking.....The OLG was in the news this week with this announcement: http://media.olg.ca/?p=nmm_news_detail&i=31d4398b-8dc5-4e50-993c-cb32360372a8 . The OLG is an example of an organization that gets its story line approved then keeps repeating it regardless of evidence to the contrary. The Auditor General for Ontario issued a report (http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/default.htm) that basically stated that all of the OLG projections are either weak or defy reasonableness yet the OLG sticks by its projections as to abandon them leaves them in nowhere land.
Massachusetts is revoking a previously granted casino license as they now are of a view that the metrics provided by the bidders were bogus. Regardless, the OLG sticks to its story line. Their incessant line about building hospitals with the revenue they generate is nothing more that an attempt to earn acceptance by the greater public for revenue generated from gambling. Why does the LCBO not make the same claim? Revenue is revenue. Of course, the OLG considers revenue from the LCBO to be "tax revenue" whereas gambling revenue is not. Get real!
They also love to claim that $1 billion of investment is required in its degrading infrastructure and that the people of Ontario can't afford to make that kind of investment. Really? Well, once their successful bidder is identified (media speculates either Bell or Rogers - what else is new), do you think that they will gift $1 billion to the people of Ontario? Of course not! They will invest then take it back, plus an appropriate return on investment, from gaming revenues. So how is the OLG going to increase the money it returns to the people of Ontario? By increasing gaming revenues such that a smaller piece of a bigger pie will represent more money than what they earn today. Plus, they get out of the gaming business and instead "manage" it. The Auditor General says that there is no indication that this is going to happen. And what if it doesn't? It will be too late to do anything I'm afraid.
Off to visit a friend in London. Next update in two weeks.
With reference to bonus cfl apart from the 5 grandprizes there is also 8 remaining 100k secondary prizes and at a ticket cost of $4. .
ReplyDeleteA low cost ticket with prizes equivalent to the $10 tickets. .and with a reduced float and most top prizes remaining. .have a nice trip Doug. .you sure get around ..lol..
I had a conversation with someone a bit higher up about their cancelled games policies and I made a recommendation about either posting on their website or on retailers slips having a months notice about upcoming ended games..because now there's no notice just bang cancelled. .they are aparently going to discuss it at one of their meetings. .so we wait and see..lol..
ReplyDeletethey seem firm about cancelling games with poor ticket sales regardless if top prizes unclaimed or not..kinda contradicts the other policy about leaving games alone with 100k or higher prizes. Look at prestige also lots of big prizes and look at sapphire how it was hollowed out long before it was cancelled. ..
They seem to make sense from nonsense..lol..their favorite line is "we aren't keeping any money, it all gets returned to the people of Ontario"..this maybe true but is there not bonuses for upper management if they can squeeze a bit more profit by trimming here and there..
Rant finished THNX
An opposing view: Bonus Cash-For-Life
ReplyDeleteDoug's opinion is this game is the top choice. I have an opposite opinion. A grand prize that, "Your chance to win one is 1 in 1.4 million", i feel, is an obvious negative point. If i were to dimiss the logic of what my factual odds are of ever wiinnhg such and side with the dreamy $ amount involved compared to the single ticket price, then "hell ya!" lol, its tops. It's a very nice prize to try for, and i do play this ticket, yet, only 1 at a time and not frequently either. The statistical odds with this game reveal that is not an ideal pursuit to win at, and also, this game does not fair well when compared to all other games available. This game ranks 21st out of 27 scratch games to win $5000+ on odds of 1 in 464,885. It ranks 16th to win $1000+ on odds of 1 in 116,221. To win $250+, it's 18th at odds of 1 in 44,416. To win $50+, the odds are 1 in 1,813, ranking 24th out of all 27 games. The odds to win the $4 ticket cost back are 1 in 9.79 which ranks 20th. Bonus Cash-For-Life does not rank in the top half of all games out of all these 5 categories. If this insight isn't a persuasive case as to why this game isn't that ideal, then i ask my fellow "musketeer', Darth, to come foward, as he has MUCH experience with playing this game. If he would prefer to not take "the stand", i "rest my case" - lol.
I can say my return from smaller prizes is way below the expected 56 % return which includes the $4 and
Deleteless than $100 prizes..this is making my rolling small prizes into more tickets at
"half price or better" theory
go down in flames for this
particular game..lol..
Now if one could get a say 60%return their tickets that would reduce their ticket cost down to $1.60 ..
So the way I look at it cl66 is spend an out of pocket cost of say $1.60 at 464,885 to 1odds to hit hopefully a $675k prize..or a 100k prize..
..it's frustrating me because im not getting my ticket cost reduced enough to do any bulk purchases..lol.. (not recommended on this game)....Example today bought 10 bonus cfl
Spend $40
Win $4
10 % return. ...pretty tough rolling that over..lol..
...Overall im going to keep playing it till a couple big prizes get taken down then reevaluate..
like cl66 has said before don't go stupid on this one just buy as your budget allows..
Do you understand my thought process cl66? ..lol..
cheers buddy
Even if you can reduce your ticket costs to $2 a ticket I feel its a worthy proposition being the prizes are large compared to ticket cost..
Delete..kinda hate it yet love it at the same time. .I know im wishy washy at times..
also tried 4 cadillac today..
spend $40
Win $10
25%return. .nothing working for me lol..
I understand your view Darth, and appreciate it, as we can share, along with others here, my factual statistical view along with your actual experiences of playing this ticket. I`m not able to afford to play games at the level/quantity you have, so that's why i do my "homework" on tickets before i go out and buy any. You are fortunate in having an apparent vast actual experience with tickets to post comments here of definte merit. My "insider" info comes from the fact i know someone who works for the OLG, as evidenced by my leaking the details on the coming NHL Lotto game. You have an apparent tenacity for taking no b.s. and calling the OLG for answers, that many of us would like to know, but we don't go that far. As well, you have a ticket retailer you speak too/have spoken too, that has help reveal to us here, insightful details we definitely wouldn't get at the OLG site. I only seem to get "canned" replies from clueless retailers wherever i buy my tickets. Thankyou and good luck with all Darth ^_^
DeleteSome of my opinion about this game is provided in this week's update. Although the chances to win a Grand Prize are over one million to one, the size of that grand prize is impressive. In total, 13.6 cents of every dollar spent on the game go to the five winners. That is the highest of any current game. I consider that to be a plus. Also the high overall return rate for the game versus its price is a further plus. It's noteworthy that each Grand Prize winner in this game will receive a prize equal to the total of all the outstanding Grand Prize winners in Wild 10s. These two games are on opposite ends of the spectrum and I can't really argue with someone who preferred one game over the other.
Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 9,403
87 x $10,000
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 88,649
1 x $75,000 - 1 x $25,000 - 1 x $15,000 - 1 x $10,000 - 2 x $5,000
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 108,328
1 x $100,000 - 1 x $27,500 - 4 x $25,000 - 4 x $8,000 - 6 x $5,000
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 155,867
1 x $75,000 - 2 x $25,000 - 1 x $10,000
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 166,434
3 x $1,000,000 - 4 x $100,000 - 2 x $50,000 - 10 x $10,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 179,370
12 x $1,000,000 - 8 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000 - 50 x $10,000
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 188,962
9 x $250,000 - 3 x $100,000 - 3 x $47,500 - 7 x $10,000 - 2 x $5,000
$3 KENO 1 in 195,222
2 x $50,000 - 10 x $5,000
$3 BINGO 1 in 222,137
7 x $50,000 - 7 x $25,000 - 4 x $10,000 - 3 x $5,050 - 5 x $5,000
$2 BLAZING 7`S 1 in 260,221
1 x $17,777
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 295,724
1 x $75,000 - 1 x $25,000
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 313,557
7 x $2,000,000 - 14 x $200,000 - 18 x $20,000
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 320,134
2 x $100,000
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 356,372
3 x $100,000 - 1 x $25,000
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 370,773
6 x $17,777
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 374,174
14 x $100,000 - 6 x $10,000
$1 CASH COW 1 in 397,035
4 x $10,000
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 407,037
3 x $75,000 - 3 x $10,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 443,509
1 x $50,000 - 2 x $10,000 - 1 x $5,000
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 463,876
11 x $50,000 - 10 x $25,000 - 10 x $10,000 - 8 x $5,000
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 464,885
5 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 9 x $100,000 - 1 x $10,000
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 653,163
2 x $50,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 912,084
1 x $100,000
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 1,015,920
1 x $28,888
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,023,000
2 x $10,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,333,601
1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S - no $5000+ prizes available
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8,521
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 17,189
$3 KENO 1 in 18,302
$2 BLAZING 7`S 1 in 18,587
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,192
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 23,714
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 25,978
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,484
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,759
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 36,109
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 49,651
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 68,744
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 88,649
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 92,356
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 93,392
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 116,221
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 116,663
$3 BINGO 1 in 222,137
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 287,826
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 295,724
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 356,372
$1 CASH COW 1 in 397,035
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 443,509
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 463,876
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 912,084
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,023,000
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S - no $1000+ prizes available
Noticing one mistake cl66. .bonus cfl..lost a $100k prize. .down to 8 remaining.thnx for updates.
Deleteyour welcome Darth - it wasn`t a mistake tho, this morning when i took the info i needed to "crunch the numbers", it was listed as 9, sometime later on today, it was updated to 8 - sharp eye tho buddy - lol
DeleteCurrent Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 2,531
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,283
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,145
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 8,828
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 9,027
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,458
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 10,708
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 13,436
$3 KENO 1 in 18,302
$2 BLAZING 7`S 1 in 18,587
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 21,768
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 22,162
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 24,564
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 25,978
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,484
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 35,531
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 44,416
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 67,687
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 72,566
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 93,392
$3 BINGO 1 in 222,137
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 356,372
$1 CASH COW 1 in 397,035
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 443,509
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 463,876
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,023,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 38
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 49
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 66
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 265
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 396
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 537
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 663
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 666
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 604
$3 BINGO 1 in 798
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 845
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,107
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 1,131
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,163
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,182
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,388
$2 BLAZING 7`S 1 in 1,422
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 1,430
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,636
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,813
$3 KENO 1 in 6,181
$1 CASH COW 1 in 8,229
Pokerlotto had 8 straight flushes today, thats a first.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that as well. Kept seeing the jackpot go down. I bought a ticket just before a straight flush went out at close to 5 pm too. Hopefully one day I hit on it lol.
DeleteCurrent Top Rated Games
ReplyDelete1 - $10 WILD 10`S 91/100
2 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 84/100
3 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 74/100
4 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 73/100
5 - $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 69/100
6 - $10 CLASSIC GOLD 66/100
7 - $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 65/100
8 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 58/100
9 - $2 BLAZING 7`S 57/100
10 - $3 SCRABBLE 56/100
11 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 56/100
12 - $3 KENO 56/100
13 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 55/100
14 - $3 CASHINGO 54/100
15 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 43/100
16 - $3 BINGO 42/100
17 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 42/100
18 - $3 HORSESHOES 35/100
19 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 34/100
20 - $2 CRAZY 8`S 31/100
21 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 30/100
22 - $5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 30/100
23 - $3 CROSSWORD 28/100
24 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 27/100
25 - $3 CROSSWORD (new) 24/100
26 - $1 CASH COW 17/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)
$10 WILD 10`S 91/100
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 66/100
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 65/100
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 58/100
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 73/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 55/100
$5 BLACK PEARLS 30/100
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 30/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 34/100
$3 SCRABBLE 56/100
$3 KENO 56/100
$3 CASHINGO 54/100
$3 BINGO 42/100
$3 HORSESHOES 35/100
$3 CROSSWORD 28/100
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 24/100
$2 BLAZING 7`S 57/100
$2 ROYAL 7`S 43/100
$2 CRAZY 8`S 31/100
$1 CASH COW 17/100
Odds to win your ticket price back:
ReplyDelete$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 6.96
$3 KENO 1 in 7.00
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 7.37
$3 CASHINGO 1 on 7.57
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 7.73
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 7.78
$3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 8.71
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
$2 BLAZING 7`S 1 in 8.75
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 8.75
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 8.75
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
$1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 9.79
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 10.38
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 10.45
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10.51
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
Haven't bought a Cadillac or Wild in a few weeks so got one of each and busted.
ReplyDeleteCurrent $10,000+ available prizes with odds
x7 $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1,740,000:1
x12 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1,200,000:1
x3 $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1,050,000:1
x5 $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1,390,000:1
x1 $4 CASH FOR LIFE 2,330,000:1
x9 $10 CADILLAC RICHES 500,000:1
x14 $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 870,000:1
x14 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 530,000:1
x8 $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 870,000:1
x8 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1,800,000:1
x4 $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 790,000:1
x3 $5 BLACK PEARLS 475,000:1
x3 $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1,500,000:1
x1 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 910,000:1
x1 $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1,730,000:1
x1 $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 640,000:1
x2 $3 HORSESHOES 1,220,000:1
x1 $3 CASHINGO 590,000:1
x1 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 620,000:1
x1 $3 SCRABBLE 530,000:1
x11 $3 CROSSWORD (new) 1,640,000:1
x10 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1,430,000:1
x6 $3 BINGO 960,000:1
x2 $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1,580,000:1
x2 $3 KENO 1,170,000:1
x2 $10 CLASSIC GOLD 650,000:1
x1 $3 CROSSWORD 1,770,000:1
x3 $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1,500,000:1
x1 $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1,730,000:1
x10 $3 CROSSWORD (new) 1,800,000:1
x7 $3 BINGO 825,000:1
x4 $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 580,000:1
x2 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 310,000:1
x1 $3 CASHINGO 590,000:1
x1 $3 SCRABBLE 530,000:1
x1 $5 BLACK PEARLS 1,420,000:1
x18 $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 680,000:1
x6 $2 ROYAL 7`S 370,000:1
x1 $2 BLAZING 7`S 260,000:1
x1 $3 SCRABBLE 530,000:1
x84 $10 WILD 10`S 9,500:1
x50 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 290,000:1
x10 $3 CROSSWORD (new) 1,800,000:1
x10 $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 320,000:1
x7 $10 CADILLAC RICHES 650,000:1
x6 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1,250,000:1
x4 $1 CASH COW 395,000:1
x4 $3 BINGO 1,440,000:1
x3 $3 HORSESHOES 810,000:1
x2 $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1,020,000:1
x2 $3 CROSSWORD 887,000:1
x1 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 620,000:1
x1 $3 SCRABBLE 530,000:1
x1 $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 6,970,000:1
Nice prize breakdown. .it looks to me like bonus cfl would be the top ranked game to win 100k or higher if you add the 5 grandprizes in there..
ReplyDeleteHere's a category just for you Darth, lol - Odds to win $100,000+
Delete$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 375,944
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 451,749
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 453,436
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 530,391
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 532,071
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 579,558
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 623,608
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 717,437
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 893,038
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 1,653,060
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,333,623
sorry, Bonus CFL isnt the top ranked game here, at least it finally made the top half in ONE of my categories! ^_^
Thnx cl66. .ok it's near the top competing with the $10 games..lol..I've been starting to play both cadillac and newer crossword tripler. .prestige is cancelled and hard to find up my way..but I never paid attention to pearls..maybe I start trying a few of them..
Deletewith regards to cadillac we have 4m tickets in Ontario which is 60% of the float so it's appealing also..thnx for this category. .my approach to scratch offs is target those games while hopefully hit a 60% return from small prizes to reduce my ticket cost as I roll all those little wins into more tickets. .I hope you can post those odds or maybe a $50k and up category from time to time ...thnx buddy
Some info on Daily Keno to compare against current scratch ticket odds.
ReplyDeleteKeno: 20 numbers drawn from between 1 and 70.
You can choose from 2 to 10 numbers to play that must match the 20 drawn
You bet $1, $2, $5, or $10 per board. Winning bet is x bet amount.
ex. 7 pick $2 bet would win $10,000.
ex. 10 pick $10 bet would win $2.5 million.
From 5 pick and up, there are smaller prizes for getting almost all your picks.
If you wanted to win $10,000 you could bet 7 pick $2 bet.
if you were trying for $50,000 you could choose 8 pick $2 or 9 pick $1 but you can see that the 8 pick has much better odds vs 9 pick (at the loss of higher payout with higher bet)
(1 in 13) 2 pick $1 = $7
(1 in 48) 3 pick $1 = $25
(1 in 189) 4 pick $1 = $100
(1 in 781) 5 pick $1 = $250
(1 in 3,383) 6 pick $1 = $1,000
(1 in 15,464) 7 pick $1 = $5,000
(1 in 74,941) 8 pick $1 = $25,000
(1 in 387,197)9 pick $1 = $50,000
8 of 9 hits = $1,000
(1 in 2,147,181) 10 pick $1 = $250,000
9 of 10 hits = $5,000
Visit http://www.olg.ca/lotteries/games/howtoplay.do?game=daily_keno for complete breakdown
Occasionally I play pick 10..
DeleteNever won anything mentionable you also get $2 for no matches and a few other small prizes for hitting 7, 8, and 9 #'s on the pick 10.
I've only played once. I won $5 betting $1 x 5 games.
DeleteLooking at the overall odds it looks like 7, 9, 10 picks offer the best returns. Since it costs the same to play any of them, it gives a lot of flexibility on play style. I've played video keno a bit in casinos @ 0.25 per play so payout is 1/4 the olg paper version. Lets you play more and gain appreciation for just how hard it is to win.
Assorted tickets for me today.
ReplyDelete11 scrabble win $19
6 keno win $60
1 fruit explosion win $12
1 bonus cfl ..dud.
2 crossword tripler (new) win $10
2 jacks wild..duds..
1 cadillac. .dud..
spend $88...win $41..47% return
Oops..keno win $6 not $60.
DeleteAnd win $47..for an overall return of 53%
8 Scrabble tickets cost $24 won $15 = 62.5 %. Still lots around here.
ReplyDeleteThat's not to bad Lloyd, more is better but you hit the expected return..
Delete.60% off sale on your next 8..lol..
Took your advice Darth. Bought 8 more at 60% off. Spent $9 and got back $20 (3+5+6+6) for a 220% return. So now the next 8 will only cost us 12.5% of the retail price. And as we were walking out the door of our corner store the lady said "I've got lots more." Only came across one store so far that didn't have any Scrabble tickets but they didn't have much of anything. Good luck to you and all of us in our pursuit to find that one last ticket that will pay 25,000% before OLG throws us under the bus again.
DeleteNice choice of ticket to play with a decent return Lloyd. Scrabble i rank as the #1 $3 ticket and overall #10 out of all 27 games. The float on this game is now estimated at 15% /470,00 tickets. It's negative point tho, is it only has 6 tickets worth more than $300 remaining. At least they are worth from $5,000 to $75,000 at decent odds of 78,500:1. OLG seems to have a habit of pulling games at the 10% float mark, so i`d expect this game to be done by the end of the month.
Deleteoops - 470,00, 470,000 i meant - perhaps if this game is a choice play for anyone, maybe encourage your retailer to activate any sealed packs they have before this game eventually gets pulled - in my area of Scarborough, only 1 of 10 nearby places i can try for tickets, is offering $3 Scrabble.
DeleteNice roll over Lloyd. If you do it one more time and even hit a 50%return you
Deletewill have spent $72 and won $47 ..losing $25 and would have played 24 tickets that had decent odds at an out of pocket cost of $1.04 a ticket..still a loss but a reasonable gamble..lol.
GL to you
My $5 Lottario won $5 again this week and no jackpot winner so it's up to $880k next week. Running it again!
ReplyDeleteHey Darth, here's a promotional item i was given, that may be more suited to you than me - lol http://s196.photobucket.com/user/one9six6/media/promojacket.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
ReplyDeleteNice jacket. I would prefer a Rock-Paper-Scissors apron I once saw a retailer wearing. That was my favorite game before it got pulled.
DeleteIf you ever see some promotional thing you like at a ticket retailer you frequent, try and ask them about it - before i ever knew the person i know now who works for the OLG, i got a couple of items given to me from retailers for free since i asked and was a regular customer ^_^
DeleteDid you get that given to you for free..?.not bad..if free..lol..I wouldn't want to pay much for a cfl jacket lol..I have lots of poker stars tee shirts, hats, and some sweatshirts. .and even a nice leather jacket. .not for free but you can exchange points accumulated in exchange for merchandise..kinda like petro points..lol
ReplyDeleteAll the OLG promotional items i have gotten, have been for free - this one was unusual, in that it wasn't for retailers, it's only for OLG ticket agents, meant more of a means to identify themselves as they don't wear "official uniform's" - items meant for retailers are more "visible", such as t-shirts or hats, and ones meant for customers have been things like scratch-off keychains.
DeleteI like free stuff lol..
DeleteI keep an eye out..
Damn bonus cfl..I love to hate that game..bought 10 bonus cfl along with 10 scrabble. .
ReplyDeleteBcfl spend $40..win.. $0. Sigh..
Scrabble spend $30
Win $29....97%return. .6 winning tickets. .apparently scrabble is a much better game to roll over compared to bonus cfl. .as Doug
and cl66 say ..top heavy..hard to
get the little prizes. .
also trying a little keno test..bought
6 pick 9 tickets for 4 draws at
$1per play total spent $24..all quickpicks ..
I forgot to get a $5 football pools ticket..it's going to be a huge prize if there's only 1 winner
Holey crap 0-for-10 on Bonus CFL! 0_o - I have always said this game isn't that worthy, but i`d never expect a loss that bad, sorry about your loss there Darth - JUST reading your posts about buying them should be enough to persuade people not to put much faith in it - I wonder what Doug will have to say about this upon his return, considering his last post named it #1, and you and i have not really had much good to say about it lol - glad to see you do well with Scrabble to lighten that hit from Bonus CFL - hmm.. seems more evidence to back-up my rankings on both of these games ^_^ - good luck with your Keno's buddy
DeleteI never liked any of the CFLs so I never play them. Now I know why. 6 more Scrabbles gave me back $11 which I consider not too bad.
DeleteUnfortunately losing all the time is a CFL truism. But I love it so much. Hurts so good.
DeleteUnfortunately I really like Crossword but I can also really lose at that big time.
DeleteToday i picked up 1 6$ 2 line poker with all-in which got no instant win, so tonights draw is left on it at least - as well, i picked up one each of: Cadiilac / Wild 10's / Jacks Are Wild / Crossword Tripler / Bonus CFL and a Royal 7's - Cadillac won 10$ / Crossword Tripler won 30$ ($10x3) / Royal 7's won 7$ - Wild 10's + Bonus CFL got 0 and Jacks Are Wild... i won 3 times on this ticket and EACH win was with the double symbol!..... and they were double... $2..... $2.... and... $2 - WTF! geeeeeez - $12, okay i`ll take it, but like f**k, a $5 ticket with 3 wins that were all double the winnngs and only ends up as $12... come on OLG! 0_o - anyhoo, spent $42 and won $59 (so far), so i can't complain too much - lol
ReplyDeleteYou did well I'd say..me also $6pokerlotto no instant win..if you open my link on my detailed keno link you can find similar odds as
ReplyDeletethe scratch games at less $ invested but keep in mind it's
secondary prizes are small
infrequent or non-existent ..comparing wild 10s for example for a $2 pic 8 you could play 5 of those for $10 and have approx.15,000 to 1 odds at hitting 10 k on each play..
just kinda interesting comparing the odds they not so different. .
it was jays post that got me relooking at keno and the different types of wagers..I guess in the end the OLG is the biggest winner..
GL everyone
$2 pick 7 rather 15,464 to 1 to win 10k..or pick 6 $10 wager pays $10k..
Deletenot promoting keno in anyway hoping nobody takes offence as this is a scratch off blog. .
Almost jumped over the counter at the gas station on the west end of Ottawa I go to all the time when I noticed they had 2 Lucky Lines and 2 Money Multipliers. Didn't win on either, but it was fun to see a couple of stragglers still around. Got a tip on another 4 MM's which I will be picking up this afternoon. Hoping for the best.
ReplyDeleteLottario bagged me another free play on the weekend for the second draw in a row. Looking to take a stab at that juicy pot this Saturday.
Another 3 Lucky Lines found this afternoon instead of the MM's. Produced 2 tickets with a $10 winner in the bonus section and a $3 winner.
DeleteI saw a lucky line displayed in a cage. I said I wanted that one and all the LL tickets they have in stock. They told me it's been pulled and can't sell anymore even the one they had displayed. Shell gas station on Highbury and Cheapside in London. PP.
ReplyDeleteAmazingly there's still the odd lucky lines out there, I had business near Haggersville last week and found 2 and last weekend found a whole stash of 38 at Hanover racetrack slot
ReplyDeletefacility. .
Just to confirm even though the game has been retired, any activated packs that a retailer has can be sold/purchased?
DeleteYes any packs that were activated prior to Aug 01 as that was the activation end date and even if you had an unactivated pack my retailer friend has told me the system prevents him from activating it..
ReplyDeleteIt seems retailers all have different ideas and have different answers to the same questions because I was also at a shoppers drugmart and was told they pulled all lucky lines immediately from their trays to be returned as that was the law they claimed..lol.. .yet on sept 06 I was at an olg slots facility in hanover and bought 38 of them..which is over a month after activation end..I believe if anyone follows the rules it would be them..
...those lucky lines shouldn't be displayed if they have no intention of selling them. .me I would try the same store again at different hours and maybe another employee would be willing to sell them..or you can call OLG and complain about the retailer..trust me they seem to take retailer complaints very seriously. .as my experience last week I seen a retailer selling a long expired $10 game ..the prizes had to be claimed prior to April 14..
.....Good luck..
2 new games coming soon..
ReplyDelete1807 $5 cash in,release date 29 September.
and this one will create a stir with us.lol..
1794 $3 more lucky lines, release date Oct 06..
...I can't figure out why they haven't yet ended the older $3 crossword along with the older $5 crossword tripler. .both floats ate low and only have 1 remaining top prize and all the decent secondary prizes all gone, yet what they did to lucky lines and money multiplier. .??
Can't make sense from the OLG nonsense...
..5 bonus cfl played ,1 $4 win.
I bought a poker lotto today. It took a moment to rearrange the cards in my head to understand what I got (missed).
ReplyDeleteJs, Qs, Ks, As........2d
Missed a flush, a straight and a royal.
Been there done that..lol..same for me today.
Delete9s,10s, Js, Qs ,5h..although not a royal it was open ended str8 flush draw..I've had this maybe happen 3 times now..not funny how they tease us.
With 3 straight flushes won today I guess the cards were hot for others.
DeleteCurrent Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 351,360
3 x $1,000,000 - 4 x $100,000 - 2 x $50,000
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 371,956
9 x $250,000 - 3 x $100,000
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 419,832
3 x $100,000
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 457,243
1 x $75,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 478,319
12 x $1,000,000 - 8 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 515,200
1 x $75,000
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 519,643
5 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 8 x $100,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 520,906
14 x $100,000
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 575,830
1 x $75,000
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 583,333
1 x $100,000
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 608,511
7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 653,163
2 x $50,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 849,179
1 x $100,000
$3 BINGO 1 in 921,532
6 x $50,000
$3 KENO 1 in 1,114,904
2 x $50,000
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,145,256
2 x $75,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,532,028
1 x $50,000
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 1,564,290
11 x $50,000
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 1,568,379
1 x $100,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,324,266
1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 9,186
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 91,449
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 104,559
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 128,800
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 166,434
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 179,370
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 185,978
$3 KENO 1 in 202,710
$3 BINGO 1 in 240,400
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 287,915
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 314,874
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 320,269
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 364,634
$1 CASH COW 1 in 367,965
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 383,007
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 428,966
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 441,210
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 482,526
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 572,628
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 583,333
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 653,163
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 849,179
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 981,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,324,266
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,565
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 17,189
$3 KENO 1 in 18,428
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,154
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 22,400
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 24,306
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,156
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,807
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 34,853
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 50,528
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 68,744
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 80,116
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 91,449
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 104,114
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 114,498
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 116,663
$3 BINGO 1 in 240,400
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 280,488
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 287,915
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 314,874
$1 CASH COW 1 in 367,965
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 383,007
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 441,210
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 849,179
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 981,000
Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 2,514
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,171
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,131
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 8,859
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 9,048
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,464
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 10,708
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 13,521
$3 KENO 1 in 18,428
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 20,893
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 21,773
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 22,400
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 24,992
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,156
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 35,531
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 40,058
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 43,583
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 66,742
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 104,114
$3 BINGO 1 in 240,400
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 314,874
$1 CASH COW 1 in 367,965
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 383,007
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 441,210
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 981,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 38
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 49
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 66
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 265
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 396
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 536
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 603
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 664
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 666
$3 BINGO 1 in 798
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 846
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 1,109
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,111
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,158
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1.194
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,390
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 1,412
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,631
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,814
$3 KENO 1 in 6,194
$1 CASH COW 1 in 82,689
I am torn on what to buy next...
DeleteI know a store that has almost an entire pack (already activated) for the scrabble game... But the odds with winning your money back and even small winnings is poor, I bought 13 and only won on two of them.. A total of $12, around 560 000 tix remain.
Wild 10s has much better odds all around with a number of them remaining between $100 to $10k, around 770 000 remain.
So I am torn on what to buy, a ten dollar ticket with what seems to be much better odds all around, or clearing out the $3 ticket and going for some sort of good return, like 5000 or 75000 haha????
Just went for takeout and found about 25 Money Multipliers in Toronto. I bought 12 for now and will grab the rest with any winnings unless I hit that elusive 100K. I'll post results after I scratch.
Delete$5, $10, $15. I'll grab the rest tomorrow and see. This might be the last bunch I buy in a while as nothing is appealing at the moment.
Current Top Rated Games
ReplyDelete1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 88/100
2 - $10 WILD 10`S 69/100
3 - $10 CLASSIC GOLD 68/100
4 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 64/100
5 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 64/100
6 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 62/100
7 - $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 62/100
8 - $3 SCRABBLE 62/100
9 - $3 CASHINGO 60/100
10 - $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 57/100
11 - $3 KENO 59/100
12 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 54/100
13 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 53/100
14 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 49/100
15 - $3 BINGO 45/100
16 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 42/100
17 - $3 HORSESHOES 40/100
18 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 36/100
19 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 35/100
20 - $3 CROSSWORD 33/100
21 - $2 CRAZY 8`S 29/100
22 - $3 CROSSWORD (new) 28/100
23 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 27/100
24 - $5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 22/100
25 - $1 CASH COW 18/100
26 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 14/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)
$10 WILD 10`S 69/100
$10 CLASSIC GOLD 68/100
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 62/100
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 53/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 64/100
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 54/100
$5 BLACK PEARLS 42/100
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 22/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 27/100
$3 SCRABBLE 62/100
$3 CASHINGO 60/100
$3 KENO 59/100
$3 BINGO 45/100
$3 HORSESHOES 40/100
$3 CROSSWORD 33/100
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 28/100
$2 ROYAL 7`S 36/100
$2 CRAZY 8`S 29/100
$1 CASH COW 18/100
Why $10 Cadillac Riches is #1
ReplyDeleteAlthough personally i haven't had any noteworthy wins on this game, i have faired decent at it. This game i rank as 88 out of 100, while the #2 game ranks a 69. That's quite a difference. Based purely on statistical odds, estimated ticket float, known remaining prizes and estimated other prizes, here's why this game ranks #1...
#2 out of 26 games to win $50,000+
#7 out of 26 games to win $5,000+
#4 out of 26 games to win $1,000+
#3 out of 26 games to win $250+
#2 out of 26 games to win $50+
#1 out of 26 games to win ticket price back
Your #1 game took a hit..down to 8 $250k prizes. Overall the numbers are decent. .thinking I played 5 already and all duds..no luck finding prestige up here anymore..
ReplyDeleteno games are really that great right now..guess I'll just keep playing my bonus cfl..and post my pitiful returns lol..I was going to jump in on some black pearls but the numbers were better when it was just released than it is now to win $100 k..so changed mind and still avoid it..my wife loves crossword tripler. .but I lose interest quickly in those more time consuming tickets. .I can scratch a bonus cfl In under 30 sec.lol..
Recent cancelled games no more pack's activated after dates:
ReplyDelete1800 winner take all-sept 16
1741 prestige-Aug 29
1796 sapphire 7's-Aug 22
1771 classic gold-Aug 20
1769 money multiplier-Aug 08
All mentioned game's have been cancelled and Olg takes back packs not activated before above dates..
with the exception of money multiplier and prestige I don't miss any of those games..but if you like them get em now as they're going to soon be gone for GOOD. .
Still hoping that they will be more transparent on reasons why they cancel games and give us more notice of upcoming end of games..
Going to call later and point out the reasons why cash cow, $3 older crossword and older $5 crossword tripler need to be cancelled immediately. .as per previous conversations with them about lucky lines and money multiplier. .with their reasoning behind cancelling those games then these three should have already been put out to pasture. .
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to make sense from their nonsense..
1 Cadillac bought. $10 lost.
ReplyDelete$5 Winner Take All's top grand prize of 7 x $100,000 have now all been claimed - this ticket also has the worst odds of ALL games at chances of winning any prize, at 1 in 4.59 - making this ticket one to probaly avoid.
ReplyDeleteThe $5 Winner Take All "Highlights" page show's that "All top prizes for this game have been claimed", within 2 days of it's last top prize being claimed, yet the 5$ Sapphire 7's "Highlights" page STILL doesn't show that "All top prizes for this game have been claimed" - while it must be a month now since Sapphire even had a top prize available - $10 Classic Gold has 2 $50,000 prizes available on the unclaimed prizes list while it's "Highlights" page says "All top prizes for this game have been claimed", come on OLG! what the heck?! 0_o
DeleteOverall odds of winning:
ReplyDelete1 $3 KENO 1 in 2.70
2 $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
3 $3 CASHINGO 1 in 3.24
4 $10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
4 $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 3.28
4 $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
7 $10 CLASSIC GOLD 1 in 3.30
8 $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
9 $3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
10 $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
11 $3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
12 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 3.62
13 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 3.70
13 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 3.70
15 $2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
16 $2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 3.79
17 $1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
18 $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3.84
18 $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 3.84
18 $3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 3.84
21 $5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 3.86
21 $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 3.86
23 $5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
24 $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
25 $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
26 $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 4.59
Hmm... I was scratching a crossword tripler and I didn't think I won anything but under the tripler it says 'tripler' so I don't think a losing ticket would have a tripler under it, I have studied it for over 20min now and can't seem to figure it out. Has this happened to anyone? I know I can overlook these tickets because just yesterday I thought I won nothing on one but it turned out to be a $50 winner.
ReplyDeleteI have come across this many times. On the FRONT of any ticket with a "Tripler", it says win 3x your prize If you uncover “TRIPLE”, while on the back it says "uncover TRIPLE and you have won in the game..". Notice "and you have won" in bold characters. So this is kind of misleading, as one gets a first impression of "i must have won", when in fact, it doesn't. Tickets that have "2x your prize", don't do this, so why OLG permits this with "Tripler" tickets, doesn't make sense. 0_o
DeleteThis drives everybody I know nuts, OLG should not put you won triple on a losing ticket but they do. That's like they used to give you the Encore number on your lottery ticket even tho you didn't play it. Bottom line is run every ticket through the machine to check it for sure. I've won on a few that I thought were losers by doing that.
Deleteide have to say that this is true. they should never have a card that shows u won triple, when you truly won no prize from the main games.
DeleteCurrent Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 377,387
3 x $1,000,000 - 4 x $100,000 - 2 x $50,000
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 399,261
8 x $250,000 - 3 x $100,000
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 401,310
3 x $100,000
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 416,806
1 x $75,000
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 459,200
1 x $75,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 467,196
12 x $1,000,000 - 8 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 504,078
5 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 8 x $100,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 509,343
14 x $100,000
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 575,718
1 x $75,000
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 607,048
7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 805,631
1 x $100,000
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,047,669
2 x $75,000
$3 KENO 1 in 1,082,667
2 x $50,000
$3 BINGO 1 in 1,327,706
4 x $50,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,404,027
1 x $50,000
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 1,441,885
1 x $100,000
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 1,637,523
10 x $50,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,296,263
1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 9,246
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 102,992
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 104,202
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 114,800
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 175,198
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 178,762
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 190,951
$3 KENO 1 in 196,848
$3 BINGO 1 in 265,541
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 287,859
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 300,983
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 319,499
$1 CASH COW 1 in 353,077
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 356,540
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 416,995
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 442,574
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 468,072
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 523,834
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 702,014
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 805,631
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 951,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,296,263
Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,655
$3 KENO 1 in 18,196
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,217
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 21,867
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 25,582
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,062
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,801
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 33,532
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 52,188
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 70,760
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 75,455
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 95,243
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 104,202
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 111,068
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 114,884
$3 BINGO 1 in 265,541
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 274,262
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 287,859
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 300,983
$1 CASH COW 1 in 353,077
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 442,574
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 702,014
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 805,631
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 951,000
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 2,547
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,188
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,142
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 9,138
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 9,084
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,463
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 13,603
$3 KENO 1 in 18,196
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 20,784
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 21,687
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 21,937
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 25,234
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,062
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 36,133
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 37,727
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 43,112
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 67,062
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 95,243
$3 BINGO 1 in 265,541
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 300,983
$1 CASH COW 1 in 353,077
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 442,574
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 702,014
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 951,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 38
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 66
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 265
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 396
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 534
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 606
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 666
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 666
$3 BINGO 1 in 800
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 848
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,105
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 1,105
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,159
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,226
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,393
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 1,431
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,629
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,812
$3 KENO 1 in 6,169
$1 CASH COW 1 in 8,259
Odds to win your ticket price back
ReplyDelete$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
$3 KENO 1 in 7.00
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 7.37
$3 CASHINGO 1 on 7.57
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 7.73
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 7.78
$3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 8.71
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 8.75
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 8.75
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
$1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 9.79
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 10.38
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 10.45
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10.51
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
Overall odds of winning
$3 KENO 1 in 2.70
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 3.24
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 3.28
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
$3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 3.62
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 3.70
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 3.79
$1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 3.84
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 3.84
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 3.86
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 1 in 3.86
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 4.59
Thnx for updated odds cl66. .
ReplyDeleteHere's my ticket results for the past week.
5 royal 7's. .win $6
5 crossword ..win $35
70 bonus cfl ..win $126
5 crossword tripler..win $15
..total spent on all tickets $330
..total won $182..for a 55% return. .
If I would have avoided bonus cfl I would have shown a small profit .lol..
good luck everyone
Couldn't find any scrabble or fruit explosion over my way so I tried the $3 crossword (new)instead .
DeleteStill no prob getting Scrabble around here. Actually we've been playing them all weekend on just the winnings we've been getting. Still got $13 left to roll over tomorrow. However Cadillac has been a different story. Zero for 3 tries.
DeleteCurrent Top Rated Games
ReplyDelete1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 87/100
2 - $10 WILD 10`S 69/100
3 - $3 KENO 66/100
4 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 66/100
5 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 65/100
6 - $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 65/100
7 - $3 CASHINGO 64/100
8 - $3 SCRABBLE 63/100
9 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 62/100
10 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 57/100
11 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 53/100
12 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 52/100
13 - $3 HORSESHOES 48/100
14 - $3 BINGO 47/100
15 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 38/100
16 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 38/100
17 - $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 38/100
18 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 32/100
19 - $2 CRAZY 8`S 31/100
20 - $3 CROSSWORD (new) 31/100
21 - $3 CROSSWORD 28/100
22 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 26/100
23 - $5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 22/100
24 - $1 CASH COW 21/100
25 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 18/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)
$10 WILD 10`S 69/100
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 65/100
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 57/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 62/100
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 53/100
$5 BLACK PEARLS 38/100
$5 SAPPHIRE 7`S 22/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 26/100
$3 KENO 66/100
$3 CASHINGO 64/100
$3 SCRABBLE 63/100
$3 HORSESHOES 48/100
$3 BINGO 47/100
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 31/100
$3 CROSSWORD 28/100
$2 ROYAL 7`S 38/100
$2 CRAZY 8`S 31/100
$1 CASH COW 21/100
A co worker got a straight flush last week. I was the one who got him turned on to scratch tickets and poker lotto and this is my reward....
ReplyDeletei like buying lotto poker when the jackpot gets high. I havnt really bought any tickets in weeks cuz i quit smoking and i dont need to run into the store everyday. Last week I was at avondale n my dads song that was played at his funeral was on the radio I bought 2 all in poker on the same ticket n won a free play so i paid the xtra $1 n got a fullhouse nice $150 win. Feeling good n with the song still playing I bought $5 in nevada tickets (i never buy only bought cuz the guy infront was playing) n first ticket won $100 haha good day everyone in the store couldnt believe it. When u feel lucky or u clue into the signs around u thats when u gamble. Good luck everyone :)
Delete$5 Sapphire 7`s has finally been removed from the instant unclaimed prize list - it should have been retired awhile ago as it had all it's grand prizes claimed over a month ago! - expect the older Crossword 3205 and the older Crossword Tripler 1766 to be retired next.
ReplyDeleteMy results over last couple days:
ReplyDelete-10 bonus cfl. ..all duds..puke..
-6 cross tripler..win $40 ..3 winner ticks including a $30
-3 cadillac. .win $25..2 winner ticks
win $65..and then rolled that into :
-6 fortune. .win $40..3 winner ticks.
And again the bonus cfl hurt my bottom line..I never learn lol..
..total spent $160...total won $105.for an overall return of 66%..
..on another note sitting on my front deck I just witnessed a skateboard teen wipe out and get all road rashed ..I can't stop laughing. .
Are keno guy had a decent few days 47 seperate 2k prizes over a couple days for$ 94 k in winnings.
ReplyDeleteA guy from innisfil on sept 18 cashed in $236 k on pools and point spread.he must have hit all his football picks..profitable weekend for him...nice.
I've been watching what stores the bigger scratch prizes come from and Sept 11 another shoppers drugmart had a $100k winner tick..Jack's wild..I haven't seen shoppers much lately but around a month ago they seemed to have a disproportionate number of large instant wins.
Does anyone here enter the 2nd chance draw for the cadillac tickets? I have several now, I suppose it's a free draw so eventually I'll get around to entering it...I'd rather have a brand new Ford f150. .lol.
ReplyDeleteI always make time to enter it. In fact my cousin couldn't be bothered so he gives me the codes. I'm a big Caddy fan (with Olds long gone) and have no problem winning a CTS or whatever. Plus it would be nice to have something to drive so I can put my new Mustang away in the winter.
DeleteI`m awaiting the final draw for $10,000 this Friday of the Bingo 2nd chance internet contest - i ended up with 800 total entries, most of those came from people giving me their losing tickets/codes - i haven't won on the 49 weekly 2 x $500 draws, but since it was really no cost to play, it was worth trying - i never bought the tickets because of the contest either - with the Cadillac Riches contest, since the entry deadline is so far off, September 30th 2015! and just for a single prize, i`ll wait till whenever i stop buying the ticket and enter whatever amount of codes i`ve collected then.
Deleteon bay street i spotted 20-30 used cfl tickets laying on the ground. someone must have been pretty upset to toss them like that...moral of the story. ...just buy one ticket. your luck wont increase if you buy 10+
ReplyDeleteI think some people just play with their heart and not their head - "cash-for-life" as a prize is very enticing and CFL has a low cost for a very high prize - but the reality of it is, the regular CFL has just 1 top prize available at current estimated odds of 1 in 2.26 million - just to win your 4$ back comes at odds of 1 in 12.3, which is the worst odds of ALL scratch tickets to win your ticket price back - since i`m aware of these facts is why i would never play this game - i do play Bonus CFL once in awhile, since there's currently 5 top prizes available, but when i do, i only buy ONE ticket - a game so "top heavy" brings to mind that saying "if it seems to good to be true, it probaly is".
DeleteMaybe in the city you just cross the street to grab a ticket and a coffee.City lifestyle has some benefits but I'd never leave my rural lifestyle. .
DeleteI play a lot of scratcoffs and to buy 1 ticket at a time just isn't practical because I drive everywhere..As far as someone just tossing old tickets on ground and littering, well thats just wrong..remember are old license plate motto"Ontario keep it beautiful"
Why do people take $100's of dollars to Rama and the Niagara casinos, why not go there and spin the slot 1 time and leave as your odds won't increase by doing multiple spins..lol..My reading posts here brings me to the conclusion of two types of scratch players. .the person who does it for enjoyment and then the gamblers.And you can tell by my posts I'm more the gambler type although my wife and I really enjoy drinking a T immys and going through a stack of tickets ..if I did my 10 km round trip drive to get a Timmy, s and only brought home 1 ticket from my preffered retailer she would say.WTF are my tickets..lol..
ReplyDeleteSo I'm just like the casino patron who prefers to give the slot machine more than 1 spin before he drives home .
If your budget allows you to buy several tickets or entire packs or just 1 ticket you decide. .personally I believe if you have to stress about if 1 ticket can fit in your budget then probably it doesn't. .
Moral of the story...Know your limit play with in it. .
I have bought about 15 cadillac tickets with zero winners, I really don't understand why it is rated to so high...I mean I do, but damn I am having really bad luck with them.
ReplyDeleteI have also bought 7 or 8 100 million fortune cards with nothing to show.
Keno has been good to me so far, with small wins of $3, $5 or $6, but at least that is something.
There are still many scrabble tickets as well as cashingo tickets in my neck of the woods, but again, have very bad luck with these, not as bad as bonus CFL...but almost as bad.
Wow, and I thought I had bad luck. I hope things turn around for you.
DeleteMost games claim 1 in 3 approx. are winners so that's not very good on your cadillac and fortune ticks. .kinda like my bonus cfl tickets. .
Delete..myself I've had better results by getting 5 or 6 tickets at a time
for a variety of the preffered games...atleast you're playing the correct games..maybe throw a few new crossword tripler in there ,
if I had to have 15 losing tickets I'd rather they be $3 games
verses the $10 games..lol..
hopefully your luck changes..GL
A couple of months ago I had a run of 23 losing Crossword tickets in a row and finally won $3 on the 24th try, so I know how you feel. I have also never won anything on Cadillac, ever. We've been keeping our heads above water lately on Scrabble tho. Don't really have any advice for you other than keep plugging away and maybe luck will come your way.
DeleteYesterday/today :
ReplyDelete5 cash cow-win $2
6 blaze 7's-duds
3 crossword-win $3
3 bonus cfl-duds
1 cadillac-win $15
6 fortune-win $30
..spend $98..win $50..return of 51%
..ho hum..half price on my next $100 ticket purchases. .lol
Spend $108..win $50.for 46% return. .
DeleteFound another 4 Lucky Lines this week at my local Canadian Tire Gas bar. Bought them all and made out with $13 spread over two tickets. Not the jackpot I was looking for, but I'll take $1 profits anytime!
ReplyDeleteNice find..early October they're bringing out the new lucky line's..lol..it's back..
DeleteLol I shouldn't be surprised. I guess every now and then you get lucky plus there is something to be said about the thrill of the hunt . I found the yellow lucky lines from last winter in mid august before my vacation so I seem to have a bit of luck in pulling the long retired stuff now and then. That or I am really good at chatting the clerk up and paying attention!
DeleteI can't even find fruit explosion or cashingo and gave up looking for scrabble and prestige. .even keno is scarce..lol.the Olg must have forgotten about my part of Ontario.
ReplyDeleteCurrent Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 345,265
1 x $75,000
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 377,387
3 x $1,000,000 - 4 x $100,000 - 2 x $50,000
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 378,933
1 x $75,000
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 388,204
3 x $100,000
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 394,821
8 x $250,000 - 3 x $100,000
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 486,118
5 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 8 x $100,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 492,722
14 x $100,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 502,448
12 x $1,000,000 - 6 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 514,970
1 x $75,000
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 602,660
7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 774,525
1 x $100,000
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 952,000
2 x $75,000
$3 KENO 1 in 1,032,922
2 x $50,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,252,023
1 x $50,000
$3 BINGO 1 in 1,265,415
4 x $50,000
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 1,296,915
1 x $100,000
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 1,537,128
10 x $50,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,258,925
1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8,990
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 86,316
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 94,733
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 99,763
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 178,762
$3 KENO 1 in 187,804
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 185,113
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 188,875
$3 BINGO 1 in 253,083
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 257,485
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 291,153
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 317,189
$1 CASH COW 1 in 338,365
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 344,906
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 407,019
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 415,440
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 451,395
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 476,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 774,525
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 927,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,252,023
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,258,925
Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,576
$3 KENO 1 in 18,121
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 21,052
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,191
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,091
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 26,356
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,785
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 32,423
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 51,339
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 70,760
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 78.000
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 86,316
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 90,667
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 112,849
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 120,244
$3 BINGO 1 in 253,083
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 257,485
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 275,925
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 291,153
$1 CASH COW 1 in 338,365
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 415,440
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 774,525
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 927,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,252,023
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 2,586
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,162
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,144
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 9,035
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 9,100
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,461
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 13,652
$3 KENO 1 in 18,121
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 18,172
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 21,052
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 24,823
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 26,091
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 36,133
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 37,143
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 43,583
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 68,963
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 90,667
$3 BINGO 1 in 253,083
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 291,153
$1 CASH COW 1 in 338,365
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 415,440
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 927,000
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 1,252,023
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 38
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 66
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 265
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 396
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 608
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 666
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 666
$3 BINGO 1 in 799
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 847
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 1,103
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,106
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,161
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,195
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,391
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 1,430
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,629
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,813
$3 KENO 1 in 6,241
$1 CASH COW 1 in 10,915
Odds to win your ticket price back:
ReplyDelete$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
$3 KENO 1 in 7.00
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 7.37
$3 CASHINGO 1 on 7.57
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 7.73
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 7.78
$3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 8.71
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 8.75
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 8.75
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
$1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 9.79
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 10.38
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10.51
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
Overall odds of winning:
$3 KENO 1 in 2.70
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 3.24
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 1 in 3.28
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
$3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 3.62
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 3.70
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 3.79
$1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 3.84
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 3.84
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 3.86
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 4.59
In my area of Scarborough, i have not see Prestige in at least 2 to 3 months! Scrabble disappeared 3 weeks ago and Fruit Explosion vanished in the last week. I still see a lot of the older Crossword and older Crossword Tripler, Cashingo and Winner Take All. This is the same at about 8 different locations i can frequent over a weeks time. I don't get why tickets with almost nothing to offer remain easily available, while tickets with something to offer at nice odds disappear prematurely. It seems the OLG likes to make additional profit by selling remaining tickets that offer little in prizes while worthy games with low floats get yanked before we get a last chance at them, so they can profit more. Or is it, these yanked games are due to non-existant tickets, where a final print run was cancelled and we don't get to know that, so we end up chasing down tickets that DON'T EXIST. The Prestige float is now estimated at about 23% or almost 3.4 million tickets. What's more likely - that the OLG'S 35% of those inter-provincial tickets, 1.2 million tickets, are actually available? or they now have them in their holding facility? or perhaps a large % of these supposedly remaining tickets were of a cancelled last print run, so they don't actually exist? In an effort to increase profit with low morals, i wouldn't be surpised if cancelling final print runs to save $ and yanking games with low floats that have worthy prizes, is an unspoken way of doing business at the OLG. O_0
ReplyDeleteLook at how texas runs their scratch games cl66. .I expect Olg is similar..except when you dig deeper into the texas disclosures on cancelled games they say whether there was cancelled runs of tickets and disclose costs of printing and retailers percentages..
ReplyDelete..overall they offer up a lot of info on the scratch game inner workings.I wish Olg would incorporate the way they do things down there...lol some of their games have 30million ticket floats.
..it was very suspicious they yanked lucky lines with almost 500,000 tickets left with 6/7 top
prizes left..and many other poor games remained up for sale namely sapphire 7's.
I went to a retailer that I despise and normally avoid and bought his last 3 fruit explosion and 8 cashingo and a few keno today..
thnx for updates cl66. .bonus cfl looking better every update lol..but it sucks real bad at return on little prizes. .makes me think you correct a few weeks back you suggested maybe on the first releases of tickets there's a higher amount of low and medium-sized winner ticks peppered in there to entice people into buying more..because the first couple weeks on release of bonus cfl I actually showed a small profit by hitting a $100 winner and very many $20's ...
thnx GL
A quick online search reveals Texas has a population roughly 2x what Ontario has. The current OLG game that had the most tickets printed, is $3 Crossword with 21.3 million, so i beleive Texas could have a game with as many as 40 million printed tickets - lol. If Texas can have the transparency, as you have revealed Darth, and remain a profitable entity, then why can't the OLG be as forthcoming? Isn't it always better in the long run to be honest?! I think, in an effort for the OLG to squeeze more profits out of scratch games, in part, it has resulted in a lack of transparency and some questionable morals on how they run some scratch games. Upper management may be of the view that the greater percentage of it's customer do not enquire much about the tickets they buy, so "what they don't know is not their concern". Since you and i are part of a minority of "aware" customers, there's seems to be not much we can really do about this. What we can do, thru the use of Doug's blog here, is for everyone who visits this blog to keep on posting, so that all of us might have better luck thru wiser choices on what we play, gathered from the use of everyone's opinions, experiences and insights here. "Fight The Power!" lol - Good luck everybody ^_^
DeleteWell said..I totally agree.
DeleteVisually speaking keno is a butt ugly unappealing ticket the crossword tripler orange tickets just pop out at me , I love that colour kinda "Hemi Orange".And the girl on bonus cfl isn't too bad..Fortune kinda plain looking and Cadillac feels like fine grit sandpaper while scratching. .
ReplyDeleteCurrent Top Rated Games
ReplyDelete1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 84/100
2 - $10 WILD 10`S 69/100
3 - $3 KENO 68/100
4 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 67/100
5 - $3 SCRABBLE 66/100
6 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 65/100
7 - $10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 64/100
8 - $3 CASHINGO 62/100
9 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 60/100
10 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 54/100
11 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 52/100
12 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 49/100
13 - $3 HORSESHOES 46/100
14 - $3 BINGO 45/100
15 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 38/100
16 - $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 37/100
17 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 36/100
18 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 32/100
19 - $2 CRAZY 8`S 31/100
20 - $3 CROSSWORD (new) 29/100
21 - $3 CROSSWORD 25/100
22 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 24/100
23 - $1 CASH COW 20/100
24 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 18/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)
$10 WILD 10`S 69/100
$10 100 MILLION $ PRESTIGE 64/100
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 54/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 60/100
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 49/100
$5 BLACK PEARLS 36/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 24/100
$3 KENO 68/100
$3 SCRABBLE 66/100
$3 CASHINGO 62/100
$3 HORSESHOES 46/100
$3 BINGO 45/100
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 29/100
$3 CROSSWORD 25/100
$2 ROYAL 7`S 38/100
$2 CRAZY 8`S 31/100
$1 CASH COW 20/100
I had a previous triple win on Jack$ Are Wild with all double symbols that resulted in a disapointing $12 ($2 x 2 + $2 x 2 + $2 x 2). I now got a quadruple (4) win with ALL double symbols! I was expecting another bogus $2 or $3 amounts, but it ended up as $50 ($10 x 2 + $8 x 2 + $5 x 2 + $2 x 2). The odds on this win are 1 in 1,077. I had about a month ago, a double win with double symbols that won me $100 ($25 x 2 + $25 x 2), odds on that win are 1 in 8,228. That this game currently has only 1 grand prize remaining out of 7 does not bother me at all, since my overall play on this game has me at about +$200. And no, i`m not buying a bunch of them at a time, just ONE each time.
ReplyDeleteI was looking at some of your posts on this website and I conceive this web site is really instructive! Keep putting up..