Another week ticked by without a Grand
Prize being revealed in the Cash for Life Family $4 game. Your chances to win
either $1000/wk for life or $675,000 is now estimated at 675,000:1 and this
with a game that returns 67% of its revenue to players and contains one winner
in every 3.54 tickets. Twenty-five cents of every dollar spent on the game is
returned to the two winners as of today. This game represents significant value
and towers above all other choices at this time. I am playing it exclusively.
Top Rated Games
$4 Cash for Life #1165 (19% of
float remaining, +/- 3%)
$3 Scrabble #1777 (9%, +/- 3%)
$20 Extraordinaire #1742 (94%,
+/- 4%)
$1 Red Hot 50s #1788 (46%, +/-
$20 200 Million #1740 (43%, +/-
Games to Avoid
$3 Tetris #1793 (no Grand
Prizes remaining)
$3 More Lucky Lines #1775 (no
Grand Prizes remaining)
$2 Fat Cat #1729 (no Grand
Prizes remaining)
$3 Keno #1412
$3 Crossword #3205
$1 - $2 Game Update
Both Cash for Life games have now been retired. Red Hot 50s is
playable but keep in mind that the highest prize you can win is $50. There
still are over 5000 of those prizes to be claimed.
$3 Game Update
Scrabble #1777 is the best choice by far in this area.
$4 - $5 Game Update
The game of choice stands alone. Don’t look at another game until
one of its two Grand Prizes is claimed.
$10 - $20 Game Update
Avoid Classic Gold. For $10 you have to right to expect much more.
Comings and Goings
It was house cleaning week at the OLG. Four games were retired from
play: $2 Cash for Life Family, Mahjong, Cross Tripler, and Emerald 7’s. All
four were good choices and each had at least one grand prize left. Despite
that, these games were deep sixed while three games continue to be sold that
are devoid of grand prizes. I’m getting wound up again.
Personal Play
Ten Cash for Life $4 games were purchased. Four were winners
returning $28. An altogether expected result. I am not discouraged.
A poster last week asked about the difference between Ontario 49 and
Lottario. These are both “Winner Take All” type games but I thought that I
would give them a look-see. Each game costs $1.
Lottario is a game where the pot builds if it is not won. You get
two lines and 45 numbers to choose from. Your chance to win the jackpot is a
little over 4 million:1. The OLG takes 50% of the money invested. It then takes
$50,000 of the total invested and dedicates it to Early Bird players who must
match all 4 numbers drawn in the early bird draw. In the results that I
reviewed, there were 111 Early Bird
winners. The total money of people who won $5 is then subtracted from what is
left. There were over 33,000 $5 winners in the draw I reviewed. What is left is
then split between the bigger winners on a percentage basis with the grand
Prize winner(s) accruing 44% of the total funds. In other words, a little over
20% of all money that goes into the game goes to the one or maybe two winners.
Ontario 49 uses four more numbers and establishes fixed prizes for
its top two winners. You receive one line of numbers and have one chance in 14
million to win the Grand Prize of $2 million. That amount will be split if
there are two winners. The players with 5 of 6 plus the bonus split $50,000.
There were 6 of those in the draw I reviewed. All other winners received fixed
amounts regardless of the number of winners. The OLG has tried to enhance the
number of winners by providing a free ticket to those who have 2 of six numbers
plus the bonus number.
Which game is better? I would keep an eye on the Grand Prize for
Lottario. If it is unclaimed for a few draws then I would prefer that game to
Ontario 49. Lottario is also better for having 4 or 5 numbers correct. Ontario
49 is better for smaller prizes. Both games are poor by this standard when
compared to Scratch and Win games. One final comment is that Ontario 49 markets
itself on the basis of having lots of winners. Lottario yields one winner in
every 20.89 tickets. Ontario 49 claims to have one winner in every 6.6 tickets.
That’s true but remember that 80% of its winners win a free ticket. Your odds
to win any monetary prize are 32:1.
I had fun looking at that. Please send along any other questions you
may have.
Best of luck to Vic at Lac Leamy tomorrow.