Sunday 23 February 2014

Cash For Life Family $10 Remains the Best of Three Excellent Choices

No jackpot winners from any of the top three games means that there is no change at the top this week. Each of these games is a good choice. Play Cash for Life if the big Grand Prize is your priority (one chance in 900,000 to win $2 Million for $10), Prestige if you want the maximum smaller prize results (6 - $1 Million Grand Prizes remaining and 59.6% of the revenue returned to small prize winners)  and Money Multiplier for the best chance to win a $100,000 Grand Prize at 1 in 200,000 for $5.


Top Rated Games

  1. Cash for Life $10 (75% of ticket float left to be sold)
  2. Money Multiplier (13%)
  3. Prestige (51%)
  4. Emerald 7's (36%)
  5. Cash In (37%)

Games to Avoid

  1. Black Pearls (17%)
  2. Cherry Triple (31%)
  3. Fat Cat (51%)
  4. QFG Crossword (85%)
  5. Bingo Express (100%)

$1 - $2 Game Update

Cash For Life $2 is a good game and great value in the $1 - $2 game area.

$3 Game Update

Keno #1412 is the top rated game here. Avoid that monster Quest For Gold Crossword game. It is a dog at this point in time.

$4 - $5 Game Update

Avoid Black Pearls. The OLG should have retired this game by now. All the remaining choices are acceptable plays.

$10 - $20 Game Update

Avoid Classic Gold.

Comings and Goings

Two new games were added this week: $1 Bingo Express and $5 Aces and Eights. Bingo Express has absolutely nothing going for it. If you don't win a Grand Prize, the next best prize is $50. Aces and Eights is interesting in that there are 7-$100,000 Grand Prizes. The game has the potential to move up the ratings. I'm not sure that I'm totally on board with the marketing of the game. Was Aces and Eights not the hand that Jesse James was holding when he was murdered?

Personal Play

Two Cash for Life $10 tickets each returned the cost of the ticket. Two $2 Cash for Life and 1 Holly Jolly orphan that I happened upon all were losers. I continue to struggle. Maybe I'll break out in a big way!

And Finally

Thanks to the posters who keep us updated on their winnings. I find it encouraging to know that winning remains a possibility. Read the comments section to keep yourself updated.



  1. the lotto line was deep the other day so waiting I couldn't help but notice this guy who bot a handful of emerald7s just scratch the bar code and scan at the self checker ?? why not get some enjoyment out of it and play the damn game :) lol

    1. That's nuts! The playing is the the only reason why we give the house a 30% edge.

  2. Two cash for lifes today paid out $110. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Hey its really hard to find money multipliers ... I live in Richmond hill area.. anyone seen some in their areas?

  4. Dang one of the $10 CFL got claimed. Overall I've bought 12 CFL and won back $95 which for cfl is pretty good from my experience. Think I'll move to something else until the float goes down some.

  5. today i found 7 money multipliers, 3 at one store and 4 at another so i bought them all, one card i won $10 and another i won $20.

  6. The olg retired money multiplier with two top prizes remaining....Something fishy is going on.

  7. I have 200 million supreme that i'm afraid to scratch off...It might be the winner :P

  8. one person also won $500,000 from classic gold as well, olg retires games like that sometimes, they become hard to find and then they say due to low sales they have to take it out thats what they did for wild 10's

    200 supreme is good but when you hit a cold streak that $20 hits the wallet hard, I had a stretch when I lost 4 in roll i.e all duds and I felt it for a while

  9. i just came across this site a few weeks ago and now i only buy the cfl tickets i bought 6 $2 tickets and won $10 on 2, 2 free $4 tickets and $2! only 1 loser :)

    1. Wow! That's remarkable. That $2 Cash for Life is a very good game for the money although I have not had any luck at it. I may try again.

    2. Anonymous.
      May I ask how you came upon the blog? Was it through a search? If so, what term did you search?

    3. i came across this site a couple weeks ago too, i found the blog by searching "olg scratch ticket advice" in google, it was the first link

  10. i found 12 more money multipliers today, but i only won $15 on all of them

  11. I won $100.00 on the classic Gold card that was my first time. I will play again
