$10 Cash For Life Family and Prestige are in a virtual dead heat atop the ratings. Prestige is a rock solid all round game. The Cash for Life game is the best at the top end with 3 Grand Prizes, each with a Present Value of $2,025,000. This game is poor at the low end. For the player, the choice is personal: do you want the best value for Grand Prizes or the best balanced game? There is no right answer.

New on the scene are two $3 Games - More Lucky Lines and Bingo 3014. Bingo is a jumbo game with 9 million tickets. More Lucky Lines has 3 million. More Lucky Lines is better at the top end with 3 $75,000 prizes versus 10-$50,000 prizes for Bingo. Both games are OK and it is my hope that one or both of them become reasonable choices for players - just not yet.
A shout out to Ryan who, as indicated a couple of weeks ago, intended to pound away on Emerald Sevens. He reports that he has purchased $275 worth of tickets and obtained a total return of $278. I would have thought that the law of averages would have caught up to him by this time but his head is still above water. He has achieved his results by cashing on 19 of 55 tickets with the largest prize being $34. He's getting a lot of fun for his money, that's for sure.
Here's to scratching during Sochi.
Top Rated Games
- Cash For Life Family $10 (83% of float left to sell)
- Prestige (56%)
- Money Multiplier (14%)
- $200 Million (52%)
- Cash For Life Family $4 (64%)
Games to Avoid
- Black Pearls (17%)
- QFG Crossword (95%)
- Mahjong (60%)
- Cherry Triple (38%)
- Instant Gift Pack (23%)
$1 - $2 Game Update
My pet game of $1 CFL Family took another hit this past week and is now a poor game. The $2 version of the game is the best in this category.$3 Games
The OLG is turning things over in this area. That's good for players. Keno and Super Bingo are the best choices at present but I would recommend looking elsewhere for the time being.$4 - $5 Games
Money Multiplier is a super choice but tickets are scarce. The $4 Cash for Life Family is a good choice. Emerald Seven's and Cash In are also reasonable choices.$10 - $20 Games
Avoid Instant Gift Pack and Classic Gold. The other three games are superior choices.Comings and Goings
It's moving time! The OLG retired all of the Christmas games this past week with the exception of the $10 Instant Gift Pack. Cashingo and Crossword 3203 also were recalled. Finally, the Inter-provincial folks sent Classic White to bed. That decision was overdue. The only one of those games that I lament seeing gone is Holly Jolly. I wanted to buy tickets for that game for weeks and could never locate any.New on the scene are two $3 Games - More Lucky Lines and Bingo 3014. Bingo is a jumbo game with 9 million tickets. More Lucky Lines has 3 million. More Lucky Lines is better at the top end with 3 $75,000 prizes versus 10-$50,000 prizes for Bingo. Both games are OK and it is my hope that one or both of them become reasonable choices for players - just not yet.
Personal Play
My year is starting out poorly. One $10 Cash for Life ticket was a loser and 3 - $4 Cash for Life Family tickets returned one winner of $4.A shout out to Ryan who, as indicated a couple of weeks ago, intended to pound away on Emerald Sevens. He reports that he has purchased $275 worth of tickets and obtained a total return of $278. I would have thought that the law of averages would have caught up to him by this time but his head is still above water. He has achieved his results by cashing on 19 of 55 tickets with the largest prize being $34. He's getting a lot of fun for his money, that's for sure.
Here's to scratching during Sochi.
I still prefer cash for life because its a bigger grand prize, ticket float is a lot lower and all the prizes are in Ontario unlike prestige which is inter provincial and they are the same prize.
ReplyDeleteClassic gold is selling pretty fast compared to prestige and $200 million (based on redemptions so far) it seems players are falling in love with that format (Classic white sold fast as well for a $10 game)
I'm just wondering how you find out the amount of scratch tickets that have been sold for each game? can't find it on the OLG website anywhere...
DeleteI don't know those numbers. Instead, I estimate them by taking the total number of top prizes left to be won and dividing that by the number of top prizes at the beginning of the game. I then multiply that percentage number by the size of the initial float of tickets. In a game like Cross Tripler where there are 3000 top prizes listed, the number is going to be accurate. In a game where there are few prizes listed, such as the $1 CFL Family game, there are only 18 top prizes limited. The calculation for that game is much more likely to off by some margin. I have tested the method by obtaining the final results from the OLG and it has proven to be very accurate.
Thanks for the note.
it says in the game in-depth details/odds on the log site,
ReplyDeletedoug, i have a question i need answered, i know a convenience store nearby still selling money multipliers, should i get those instead since they have them in stock??
DeleteI like that game and it is a $5 game.There are 2 of 7 Grand prizes left and only 14% of the ticket float left. That is currently the largest imbalance. Your changes to win a Grand Prize of $100,000 are 216,000:1. The one draw back is that there are no second of third prizes left to be claimed.
I wish you good luck.
No luck on Classic Gold... bought 5 tickets and won $10, sticking to prestige
ReplyDeleteI had not luck on Prestige this week either. Good Luck.
ReplyDeleteI've bought 3 $10 CFL in the last two weeks and won $10, $15, $0. None of the other games interest me.
ReplyDeletethanks for the response doug, baught 3 money multipliers, all duds lol
ReplyDeleteit pisses me off, every time (or most of the time) i play keno pick 3 5 and 10 dollar bets, i would get the 1st number right, second number would be their also, but then I'm always either 1 digit under or over the 3rd number. ex. i would pick 4 10 and 19, then 4 and 10 would come out, but the 19 wouldn't come out, it would be like an 18 or a 20. It makes me wonder if OlG takes all our inputs on each drawn then makes certain numbers come out so people don't win. what do you think?, Im trying to chase the 250 winner or even 125, but I've been getting so close it has me extremely frustrated every time. i really hope luck comes my way for that game or any game .
I always wonder this too, when you choose the numbers on the selection slip and hand it over to lottery retailer he/she puts it in the "system" .. that system could give olg all combinations played. I think a program looks at those combinations played through people like you and I and then manipulates the data to the fewest winning combinations for that draw. Olg wants fewer people to win... you know how I can prove that? Play the game on paper.. choose your 3pick on a paper and write it down, you will notice that you would win MORE than if you give that "selection slip" to olg system. The sad part is you win nothing on paper and only win on handing over the selection slip and paying your wager amount. But try it on paper and you will realize how they RIGG these games.
DeleteIn a casino that has all types of games, keno is the worst one to play. It looks like it should be easy to win but the house has a huge advantage.
ReplyDeleteI did try it last week myself. I did $1 pick 7 x 5 plays. I won $5 and consider myself very lucky I did.
Thanks for all the input and ideas towards the game, i had just felt extremelly fristerated wen every time i would play 3 pick 5 or 10 dollar bets i would always get the first 2 numbers correct, but the last number i need is always 1 digit below or above the number thay comes out, so i just wanted to see others views on if they think the game is rigged, in which my cAse i certainly do think it is
ReplyDeleteAnd im sure they do this method for pick 2 pick 3,pick 4 and all the other lotto games but i think its easier to notice in keno i think
ReplyDeleteand I'm talking about daily keno, not the keno in casinos, but i bet its all the same concept of manipulating the wins based on peoples selections like anonymous said
ReplyDeletedon't the daily keno numbers get drawn out of a machine ? or are they computer generated?
ReplyDeleteDaily keno can be a quick pick which is numbers from the computer system.. and this game also has selection slips where players choose thier own numbers. Vic and I are talking about how olg changes winning numbers drawn so fewer people win, its arguably one of the most frustrating game
Deleteno I thought 70 balls are thrown in a machine the first 20 out are the numbers .... or are those 20 numbers selected by a computer ?
ReplyDeleteyeah Im pretty sure its balls that come through a machine, but honestly maybe there already pre picked combinations and the balls are just for show. like i think certain balls in each draw are specifically picked for OLG to payout the least for each draw.
ReplyDeletei literally play 20 bux a day for 3 pick 5 dollar bets, and i never win. its annoying as hell lol. maybe I'm just picking the wrong numbers, but I've gotten really close but its always ….that last number
ReplyDeleteI don't think the OLG has to fix any of the lotteries. As with all gambling the odds are in favor of the house. And yes, buying lottery and scratch tickets is gambling. The fact that the most winners are ones that get zero numbers out of the 20 drawn on a 10 pick Keno should tell you something. The odds of winning the 10 pick are 1 in 2,147,181. Your odds are better to win the big one on the $10 Cash For Life.
ReplyDeleteI do know someone that has won $25,000 twice on Keno.
I was leaning towards the balls - I'd drop it in a heartbeat if it was computer .. I go for broke most often with 1o picks but do 8 too - why do encore with this .. speaking of encore why don't people play two Ontario/49 instead for the same price??
ReplyDeleteIMO, it's definitely rigged.
ReplyDeleteThe Interprovincial Lottery Corp. runs all 6/49 and LottoMax draws. OLG is just a provincial rep, just like our BCLC. They have nothing to do with the draws themselves (which are "drawn live" in a small, privately-owned studio - I think I read that on this forum a while ago).
Why don't we have the draws done live on TV with the independent auditor watching off to the side and multiple beautiful smiling people performing the draw?
Why can we only pick numbers for one line out of three on a single $5 dollar ticket?
Why do I keep seeing the same patterns on my quick pick tickets? (I've been watching closely for the past three months, trust me).
for example, my first line will be
4 13 15 22 41 43 49 (or whatever) then the quick pick will spit out the next two lines where the first two numbers match exactly...
3 6 13 19 27 43 44
3 6 18 20 30 44 45
This has happened to me 5 times in the last three months, random my ass!
Notice how the $50 million draw usually rolls once(the big 50 has been won only twice on the first offering, WC and BC) thereby increasing the Maxmillions on offer. Then watch how a small number of those Maxmillions are won(the last 50mil draw especially), thereby inflating the next draw's initial 10-mil to somewhere above 20 million...not many people bother with the 10mil, 15mil, 20mil draws due to the ticket cost and horrible odds. Sales definitely increase beyond the 20mil mark.
Our group at work bought $160 worth of tickets last draw - a whopping 62% of the lines had one pair of consecutive numbers
In our free plays which our 'leader' just picked up today, there were consecutives in 40% of the lines 'quick picked'
In studying LottoMax I found it odd how many winning numbers contained a pair of consecutives. It seemed like most draws that no ticket matched had these evil consecutives.
This means nothing, but for the last three 50 million winning draws I correctly predicted where the winner would be sold for 2 out of 3(first BC, then ON, then I figured QUE but ON won again)
The next 50 mil will be shared - one in BC, one in ALC (again, predictions mean nothing, just for fun)
Why do they lie about the odds? 1 in 26 million is a complete lie. Just because they give you three plays per ticket that somehow eliminates the other 55 million combos in a 7/49? You cannot just fraction it away! (true odds are 3 in 85 million).
Sorry for rambling on in a mish mashed order but I really believe we're being scammed, (and even so I can't stop buying the damn things )
They control the numbers played with totally non-random quick picks and they choose when the jackpot will be won and where(by corporation of course, BCLC, WCLC, OLG. LOTTO QUE, ALC)
Lotto 6/49 is rigged as well, except there are more winners due to better odds and ability to pick your own numbers
I know and in QUE you can pick your 3 lines yourself on lottomax yourself - why?
ReplyDeleteI only do a single lottomax each week no matter how high it goes .. I'd rather do the rest on scratch that's why I come here .. sometimes your damned if you or damned if you don't .. I've been playing a set of numbers on 6/49 for 20 yrs and how can I stop ? my neighbors sister was in a bank lotto pool 8 players she got a promotion moved west within a year that pool won 12 million it only had to be split 7 ways then :( its all chance
I have an accounting background and I know most of the review process for olg, draws and I can tell you there is no rigging whatsoever plenty of times agco which is an independent body is involved as well and the opp comes in as well some times
ReplyDeleteGrant thornton does the audit and in regards to Quebec been able to choose their lotto max numbers there is no real advantage there as many people do quick picks anyway, in fact Quebec is the worst performing province for lotto max when you compare its sales to its wins (according to wlc) which shows that it gains nothing from choosing its own numbers.
How can you say lotto 649 is rigged when you have 5 different lottery corporations running it? in whose favour will they rig it for? will lotto quebec allow it to go Ontario's way? they always set out a payout rate for most games and a lot of times with their annual reports you can see if they met it or not and most times they pay more than the target payout rate.
trust me its not ironic for the same patterns to always happen on quick picks. My sister is even a charter account for MNP and she even thinks that its extremely controlled when it comes to the outcomes and winnings. You don't know how they truly do the lottomax drawings, it makes perfectly sense to go "live" for the drawings, when the desired combination comes out depending on if the IPL corp wants to increase the jackpot or have someone win. with each draw they roll, they can tell in seconds whether its a jackpot hit or not, thus controlling it meaning that they will roll it "live" only when the IPL is certain on Who wins, where, etc… or if its a non jackpot combo, where they will roll up more money for their increased draw.
ReplyDelete6/49 is not as bad because players have full control of choosing their own numbers every timem but similar concept.
ReplyDeleteA Convienience store near by has 10 $2 fast 200's should I get a couple?
ReplyDeleteno, they shouldn't be selling them, olg, retired fast 200's a month ago i believe
ReplyDeleteI liked that game. It had a maximum prize of $200 but the number I saw reported was 750 Grand Prizes left at the point that the game was retired. Have no worries about the validity of the tickets. The risk is that the OLG is likely no longer reporting status updates which means that the last accurate information we have is about one month old. It was a highly rated $2 game. I would buy a couple if presented with the opportunity.
It is interesting that they are still being sold. I believe that sellers are instructed to return unsold tickets to OLG headquarters when that happens. You're likely dealing with a seller who does not read his OLG emails as regularly as he should. Maybe Vic can add some information.
Hello sir, I read your post carefully.. I like the game very much. Thanks for your post.
ReplyDeleteThese are the latest lottery results, jackpots, and prize payouts for Western Canada (WC). Lottery Post has the fastest and most accurate online lottery results on the Internet for the United States (all states in the USA), Canada, United Kingdom (UK), Germany, Ireland, and around the world. You can obtain more detailed information about lotto max western prize breakdown
simply by clicking on the game name, and choosing the feature you want from the popup menu that appears.