Thursday, 18 June 2020

Strange Days Indeed

Now that we are 100 days into the world of Covid, I decided to do a blog update. Personally, I have not been purchasing any tickets but I can feel the urge returning, bit by bit. My local variety store has been open almost throughout this ordeal but I've been too cautious to go inside.That could change shortly.

When I reviewed the outstanding prize information that I use for the updates, I was shocked at the number of games that were in positive status. Many were in unbelievably strong "buy" positions. In fact, it was so strong as to not be possible.

After thinking about the situation for a while, the eureka moment struck me. What's going on is that OLG Prize Center has been closed since min-March. At present, people can cash winning tickets of less that $1000 at local retailers, if those retailers have a sufficient float. Tickets from between $1000 and $50,000 can be mailed in to the OLG. The website warns that the vetting process normally takes 4-6 weeks. This will be extended due to Covid. I also have to ask myself that if I had a $5000 winning ticket, would I mail it in? Not likely. All tickets of $50,000 or greater cannot be cashed at present.

The result is that web site shows many games that were launched over the past four months as having all or almost all of their Grand Prizes remaining outstanding. People are cashing small tickets at their local retailers so it appears that the games are proceeding as one would expect from that vantage point.

So, what games to play at this time? I would recommend either games that are brand new or the games with large numbers of grand prizes. In the latter category, it is very difficult for an imbalance to be created given the large number of winning tickets. If you're buying any other games there is a chance that the Grand Prizes have been either all or mostly won. On that basis, here is my recommended list of games:

$3 Bingo 3030 (beware and avoid version 3029)
$3 Crossword 3228 (beware versions 3226 and 3227)
$3 Wild $100  2177
$5 Bingo Doubler 2180 (beware version 2171)
$5 Fast $500 2183
$5 Tripling 2186
$10 5000 Flash 2174

OLG News

Of note is the $500 million line of credit that the Province has extended to the OLG. One would think that a positive side effect of the privatization of the the casinos would be that the off loading of risk would have worked in their favour. However, one of the reasons for the financial support is the "Contractual Payments to Casino Operators!" Huh? Someone needs to look under that stone.

The OLG also lost a court case recently as it relates to First Nations groups. The original agreements called for First Nations groups to receive 1.7% of all OLG revenue. It was the OLG's view that since the casinos had been privatized, the casino companies fell outside that agreement. Not so said a judge.

The OLG is now only reporting financially on an annual basis. They used to report quarterly but now the casino revenue is accruing to private businesses. I'm particularly interested in their revenue from . The OLG made lots of predictions about the growth in revenue from that source and that was before the Covid closures of casinos. It's my view that the revenue growth there will not be explosive. I have a friend who logged on, deposited $100 and promptly lost it on the virtual slots. He won't go back. There is something discomforting about losing money on a fake slot machine. I want to know if other people have the same reaction that I do.

Lastly, a feather for the OLG. Poster AJ had some damaged tickets that he mailed into the OLG. The OLG verified the tickets and sent him his winnings in prompt order. For more information, drop AJ a line.

Stay save everyone. The OLG needs your money.



  1. Doug, is Wild Cards 2166 still an excellent buy? My local store still has them!

    1. Anonymous, That game is no longer listed which makes it difficult to answer your question. It was the top pick 3 months ago but that can change. It's risky but if your local store still has them I's likely give them a try.

  2. Welcome back to virtual reality Doug!

    I noticed the same thing over recent weeks, a big statistical disconnect between unclaimed lower value and jackpot prizes. I am automatically assuming that about 30-50% of the "unclaimed" major prizes are sitting in drawers right now and will be swept up quickly after the claim centre opens again. No word on that yet, and I bet it may not be until September. What do you think, Doug? It also makes me think that having just one major claim centre in germy Toronto does not look so smart right now.

    The other anonymous commenter mentioned Wild Cards 2166, your highest ranked game from March. I have also seen retailers reopening this last month with, pleasant surprise, small batches of those available, and I have grabbed a few dozen and will scratch 'em over the long weekend. Who knows, eh!

  3. P.S. I also agree with you about many people not wanting to mail in $5000 winners etc.. Given that lottery buyers are skewed towards older adults (just look at the winners pics, it's usually a sea of grey hair like mine!) most are not so trusting of mail delivery/mail boxes in these times of boarded up shops.

    Interesting that OLG ads have been touting PlayOLG online sales for the last few months, and the site brags about the $25 million online winner this month, but the reported winners still show under 10% of major winners seem to be online. (They keep repeating those two back to back tv ads about this all the time.) Again, maybe an age thing. And I think as the economy stutters and older buyers start to fade away, there will be a potentially big drop in sales as the millennials just don't have the cash or same level of interest.

    Credit to the OLG, it does seem that they are processing online or mailed-in claims quickly, often within a few days based on the dates in the Winners section. Some quirks there with odd big prizes getting claimed and not clear if they were insider wins past or how they got there. And it is a bit annoying to see the WCLC website showing people being handed big jackpot cheques with hockey sticks for social distancing - surely we could try something like that here?

    For small prize payback, I have kept an eye out for $2 Cashilicious (top prizes only $35K) plus $3 Wild 100, $5 Fast 500 and $10 5000 Flash for the best chances to win a decent prize that could be claimed at the store or mailed in if you feel like it for the biggest prizes. These last three games are getting much harder to find and I expect will be gone soon.

  4. Final note Doug - I notice we both agree on good prospects for games like Wild 100, Fast 500 and 5000 Flash in these times. I notice that the website of the fellow who used to post here a lot ranks these very low, even near the bottom of his list. He doesn't seem to have a grasp on what's been happening so his automatic algorithms or whatever he does are even less trustworthy. Your assessments have always been pretty reasonable.

  5. Randy, I agree with everything you have said. I'm going to keep an eye out for Cashilicious. The OLG wants to direct players to the PlayOLG website as they earn a bigger slice of the pie there. They are now splitting revenue with casino companies and when someone buys a lotto ticket from the web site the OLG saves the compensation paid to retail sellers. Quite a partner, eh?

    The other chap who used to post here started small then began to dominate the remarks section with very detailed breakdowns. After a while he began criticizing my approach. There is more than one way to approach this puzzle and I have no quarrel with him. I think that there is plenty room on the internet for the two of us. I'm glad that he has his own location now.

    My best to you Randy.


  6. Thanks for your efforts and comments, Doug.

    Interesting that even big retailers like Loblaws and Metro have been selling the old Wild cards 2166 this week, long after OLG withdrew it. Obviously staff changes and reopening confusion has affected retailers. A number of shops I've been to have also complained that OLG isn't sending them ticket supplies promptly. So I wonder if some games might be as rare as it seems, though the claim numbers show that barely 15-25% of small prizes for Fast 500 and 5000 Flash are left.

    Of the 'mystery games' with unverified major prize claim status, Bigger Spin 2130 is enticing, as it still shows 5/6 Big Spins and 12/16 $150K wins available, which also moved very slowly well before COVID. Looks like about 25% of the float remains based on small prize claims.

    With the delays in claiming, I wonder how long before the OLG faces pressure to pay people 'interest' or 'opportunity cost' in addition to larger prize amounts. If I won the $70 million in Chatham, I'd be ticked about losing $200K or more monthly just in interest. Also, if PlayOLG is so efficient, they should have already paid out that $25 million amount to the winner this month - why delay if they already have a verified account? Seems OLG is only willing to step halfway into the modern tech age, as long as it profits them. Leaving retailers behind is not so nice either, as I see so many corner stores have stayed open to sell, though some have refused to take/check existing tickets, while almost all have been open and eager to issue new purchases.

    (Sheesh - I am commenting so much, like somebody with nothing to do stuck in quarantine during a pandemic or something!)

  7. Doug - something has changed.

    Yesterday, I was getting curious why there seem to have been so many large prize claims ($1 million or more) just this last week on the Winners board, since the claim centre is 'officially' closed. Are these all PlayOLG or has the corp. been making special arrangements with people requesting big payouts, maybe for health/age/family reasons?

    Now I see a news release on this site, saying that OLG is booking special appointments for large prize winners. Change is here.

  8. Thanks for mentioning on my post in the last blog posting Doug. If anyone has any questions, by all means drop me a line!

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