I would have thought that the top rated game, Diamond 7's, would have been deleted from the OLG O/S prize list by now, but it remains for at least today. The game has an estimated 11% of its float left to sell and two Grand Prizes to cough up. Your chances to win one are 170,000:1. The game retains 265 of its 2391 top prizes. Both of the second prizes of $27,777 have been claimed. The third prize level is $900 which is the most you can win if you don't connect for a big one. The game was de-activated on 01 May which makes me almost certain the last hoorah for the game is just around the corner. Go get em, if you can find em.

In a fit of excess I violated my budget limits when I stumbled upon a trove of Diamond 7's. Twenty-two of the suckers contained six winners totaling $58. The only good news is that I thought I had won $38 until I checked the tickets. It took me a while to figure out that a horseshoe meant that the prize was doubled. As a poster mentioned this past week, always always always check your tickets, even when you're sure that they were losers.
The topic of Grand Prize distribution has been batted around this past week. Are those tickets randomly distributed in the full sense of the word, as some believe, or does the OLG ensure that all Ontarians live with the hope of winning by ensuring that those tickets are well dispersed?
We can form conclusions about this by studying winning tickets by zone versus the volume of tickets sold in the same zone. Of course, the sample size would have to be large. I don't have the wherewithal to undertake the task now but maybe next winter....
I leave you with a question that points to the difference between our rational minds and our emotional beings (no, not your example TMF). You enter your local slot palace and happen upon a machine that is displaying a jackpot winning combination. It's clear that the last person to play the machine hit the jackpot and left immediately. You,
A) Sit down at that machine because it's "hot".
B) Avoid the machine as the chances of hitting the jackpot twice is almost zero, squared.
C) Head to the bar to see if you can't find the lucky winner celebrating and assess if you can pick his pocket.
Top Rated Games
- $5 Diamond 7's #1822- going, going, .....
- $3 Fruit Explosion #1834 - a steady climber based upon the one remaining Grand Prize
- $3 Super Bingo #3018 - Second best low prize availability of any game for sale.
- $3 QFG Crossword #3208 - Only 2.4 million:1 to win $50,000!
- $3 Bingo #3016 - 7 of 10 Grand Prizes remain - 49% of the float remains.
Games to Avoid
- $4 DBL Cash For Life #1170 - Opt for Lotto Max if you are leaning toward this game.
- $2 Fast 200's #1817 - $200 is the Grand Prize.
- $2 Black Jack #1804 - game has been moribund for months.
- $2 CFL #1169 - Grand Prizes have been gutted.
- $10 Bejeweled #1786 - Poor on both rating factors.
Games To Play If It Is Grand Prize Or Bust
- Double Cash For Life
- Diamond 7's
- Extraordinary
- Bejeweled
- Hit Jackpot
Games Devoid Of Grand Prizes
- Words With Friends
- Wheel Of Fortune
- Cashingo
- Black Jack
Comings and Goings
We bid adieu to Crossword #3207. It was on the stinker list.Personal Play
In a fit of excess I violated my budget limits when I stumbled upon a trove of Diamond 7's. Twenty-two of the suckers contained six winners totaling $58. The only good news is that I thought I had won $38 until I checked the tickets. It took me a while to figure out that a horseshoe meant that the prize was doubled. As a poster mentioned this past week, always always always check your tickets, even when you're sure that they were losers.
In Conclusion
The topic of Grand Prize distribution has been batted around this past week. Are those tickets randomly distributed in the full sense of the word, as some believe, or does the OLG ensure that all Ontarians live with the hope of winning by ensuring that those tickets are well dispersed?
We can form conclusions about this by studying winning tickets by zone versus the volume of tickets sold in the same zone. Of course, the sample size would have to be large. I don't have the wherewithal to undertake the task now but maybe next winter....
I leave you with a question that points to the difference between our rational minds and our emotional beings (no, not your example TMF). You enter your local slot palace and happen upon a machine that is displaying a jackpot winning combination. It's clear that the last person to play the machine hit the jackpot and left immediately. You,
A) Sit down at that machine because it's "hot".
B) Avoid the machine as the chances of hitting the jackpot twice is almost zero, squared.
C) Head to the bar to see if you can't find the lucky winner celebrating and assess if you can pick his pocket.