Fruit Explosion remains the top selection with one of its three Grand Prizes of $75,000 left to claim, two of its three second prizes of $25,000 and one of its three third prizes of $10,000. Your chances to win the top prize are 260,000:1 which is the best of any game with the exception of Wild 10's and its plentiful but small Grand Prizes. Your chances to win any prize are 1:3.27 and your chances to win any prize greater than the cost of the ticket are 1:5.87. Altogether, a good choice. Now the bad news - a blog commentator has informed us that retailers have been instructed not to open any new packages for the game. That means that you will have to be on the lookout for the game.
Only an estimated 10% of the float remains and it looks like once again we may not get the chance to get the last remaining prize. Readers have been quite vocal about this concern in the comments section, and I agree with what they have been saying. For anyone who is traveling the 401, I stopped in at several Canadian Tire gas bars along the way and they all seemed to have Fruit Explosions left. I picked a few up and would have purchased more had I known about the pending retirement of the game.

Hello new More Lucky Lines! We still had the bitter taste of the old version of the game in our mouths when the brain trust at OLG headquarters rolled out the new version. After the old version went to its grave with all of its Grand Prizes intact, this version coughed up two of its Grand Prizes in its first week. Come on! I guess the good news is that this game is unlikely to ever become a recommended play.
For the record, here is the prize distribution:
Grand Prizes - 2.3% of revenue (5th of 9 in Group)
Other Top Prizes - 2.6% of revenue (4th of 9 in Group)
Smaller Prizes - 46.5% of revenue (6th of 9 in Group)
Win your $3 back - 13.5% of revenue (2nd highest of nine in Group and that is not a good thing)
Bottom Line: at present, your chances of winning $75,000 for your $3 investment are one in 2.9 million the worst of any game currently for sale.
I would like to clarify one point with readers: OLG policy is to cancel games that are devoid of Grand Prizes only if the Grand Prize is less than $100,000. Why? They have learned from surveying their players that those who buy $1 - $3 tickets care not if there are any prizes left whatsoever. Only people spending $5 and more care about such trivial matters. Do you agree?
I wrote to the OLG four years ago and asked them to state their criteria to cancel a game. Here is what I was told, in writing, by their Acting CEO in October 2010:
It strikes me that reasons 1,2,4,5 are all objective and 3 is subjective and can justify almost any decision on their behalf. Average weekly sales are a function of many factors other than popularity with the public. How about simply canceling print runs and not sending out additional tickets to retailers. That would certainly create the appearance of "decreased customer demand".
For anyone who wishes to see my original letter and the OLG response, drop me a line and I will send you a link to the documents.
I hope you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.
Only an estimated 10% of the float remains and it looks like once again we may not get the chance to get the last remaining prize. Readers have been quite vocal about this concern in the comments section, and I agree with what they have been saying. For anyone who is traveling the 401, I stopped in at several Canadian Tire gas bars along the way and they all seemed to have Fruit Explosions left. I picked a few up and would have purchased more had I known about the pending retirement of the game.
Top Rated Games
- $3 Fruit Explosion #1803- Get em while you can.
- $3 Cashingo #1801 - One Grand Prize and one Second Prize left and only 13% of the float.
- $4 Bonus Cash For Life #1168 - All five Grand Prizes left after 44% of float sold Odds are 1.1 million:1 to win $675,000 for a $4 ticket. Not bad.
- $3 Crossword #3205 - The secondary prizes have been hollowed out. If you don't get the remaining Grand Prize, the next best prize is $100.
- $1 Cash Cow #1805 - Three of the Five Grand Prizes of $10,000 remain and 31% of the float. Second prize is only $200.
Games to Avoid
- Cross Tripler #1766 - All of the top three prize levels are gone. The most you can win is $300. Cancel this game OLG!
- Win Take All #1800 - All seven Grand Prizes are gone. Stay away.
- Crazy 8's #1765 - Blog commentators love to hate this game. The numbers agree with them.
- More Lucky Lines #1794 - Launched last week and sinks to the bottom. Two of its three Grand Prizes were claimed in the first week. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
- Bingo #3015 - Lots of tickets - few good prizes. How about 1 chance in 1.9 million to win $50k for your $3 investment. Horrible.
$1 - $2 Game Update
Either Cash Cow or Royal 7's are good choices.$3 Game Update
Avoid Bingo, More Lucky Lines, and Scrabble.$4 - $5 Game Update
Avoid Cross Tripler #1791, Win Take All, and Jacks are Wild.$10 - $20 Game Update
Fortune is the best play but any game is playable.Comings and Goings
Hello new More Lucky Lines! We still had the bitter taste of the old version of the game in our mouths when the brain trust at OLG headquarters rolled out the new version. After the old version went to its grave with all of its Grand Prizes intact, this version coughed up two of its Grand Prizes in its first week. Come on! I guess the good news is that this game is unlikely to ever become a recommended play.
For the record, here is the prize distribution:
Grand Prizes - 2.3% of revenue (5th of 9 in Group)
Other Top Prizes - 2.6% of revenue (4th of 9 in Group)
Smaller Prizes - 46.5% of revenue (6th of 9 in Group)
Win your $3 back - 13.5% of revenue (2nd highest of nine in Group and that is not a good thing)
Bottom Line: at present, your chances of winning $75,000 for your $3 investment are one in 2.9 million the worst of any game currently for sale.
Personal Play
I have been taking a beating. Two Bonus CFLs were worth nothing. I am, at present, 1 for 14 and a return of $4 on this game. Two Black Pearls bought just to be different returned nothing and six Fruit Explosions returned nothing. That's right - shut out! My Year To Date return is now 60%. The bloom is off the rose.Meanderings
I thank all the posters for keeping us up to date on game cancellations, reporting on phone conversations at the OLG call center, and on individual results. I enjoy reading them.I would like to clarify one point with readers: OLG policy is to cancel games that are devoid of Grand Prizes only if the Grand Prize is less than $100,000. Why? They have learned from surveying their players that those who buy $1 - $3 tickets care not if there are any prizes left whatsoever. Only people spending $5 and more care about such trivial matters. Do you agree?
I wrote to the OLG four years ago and asked them to state their criteria to cancel a game. Here is what I was told, in writing, by their Acting CEO in October 2010:
- Inventory for a game is completely sold out.
- All top prizes are claimed for games with $100,000 or greater top prize.
- Average weekly sales reflect significantly decreased customer demand and a new replacement game is scheduled to be launched or has launched.
- Quality issue with game in market.
- Security issue with game in market.
It strikes me that reasons 1,2,4,5 are all objective and 3 is subjective and can justify almost any decision on their behalf. Average weekly sales are a function of many factors other than popularity with the public. How about simply canceling print runs and not sending out additional tickets to retailers. That would certainly create the appearance of "decreased customer demand".
For anyone who wishes to see my original letter and the OLG response, drop me a line and I will send you a link to the documents.
I hope you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving.
1766 crossword tripler was cancelled on Sept 26..thnx Doug for insight and update.
ReplyDelete$1 wild 8's. .lol..that game they just slipped in there with no warning..
ReplyDeleteI've been chipping away at a stores Fruit Explosions and doing ok so I bought their last 6 and had 3 winners of $3, $3, and $20. Bought a Wild 10 to celebrate and lost.
ReplyDelete7 Fruit X's yielded $21, for a 100% recoup of cost, much better than any other game I have been playing - In the Niagara area
ReplyDeletePlayed 9 dollars ( games) of poker lotto, won $152.00. I got 3 Kings and 2 Sixes which is the biggest win I've had in over a year. Won it in Ottawa at the quickie near Lincoln fields.
ReplyDeleteAnd now for something different - awhile back, when buying some scratch tickets, i overheard a comment qustioning what's a better ticket to win small $ on, but more $ than the ticket price - so here's an odds list on winning 2x, 3x, 4x or 5x or better, the cost of a scratch ticket - notice the most expensive ticket, is the best for doubling your $, but REALLY bad for anything else - lol - i expect to post my regular odds listing late thursday or by friday morning - good luck everyone ^_^
ReplyDeleteOdds to win 2x your $ or better:
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 5.19:1
$3 HORSESHOES 6.06:1
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 6.09:1
$1 CASH COW 6.30:1
$2 ROYAL 7`S 6.55:1
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 6.65:1
$2 CRAZY 8`S 6.72:1
$5 BLACK PEARLS 6.92:1
$10 WILD 10`S 7.24:1
$5 CASH IN 7.42:1
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 7.43:1
$3 KENO 7.85:1
$3 CASHINGO 7.97:1
$3 BINGO 8.15:1
$3 SCRABBLE 8.75:1
$3 CROSSWORD 14.79:1
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 14.79:1
Odds to win 3x your $ or better:
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 8.45:1
$5 BLACK PEARLS 9.86:1
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 10.11:1
$3 HORSESHOES 11.36:1
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 11.45:1
$5 CASH IN 12.19:1
$3 SCRABBLE 13.84:1
$10 WILD 10`S 14.28:1
$1 CASH COW 14.55:1
$3 CROSSWORD 14.79:1
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 14.79:1
$2 ROYAL 7`S 15.00:1
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 16.33:1
$3 BINGO 16.70:1
$2 CRAZY 8`S 19.86:1
$3 CASHINGO 20.72:1
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 30.37:1
$3 KENO 90.95:1
Odds to win 4x your $ or better:
ReplyDelete$5 BLACK PEARLS 11.03:1
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 13.69:1
$3 CROSSWORD 14.79:1
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 14.79:1
$5 CASH IN 14.93:1
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 15.81:1
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 21.30:1
$2 CRAZY 8`S 22.04:1
$1 CASH COW 22.87:1
$3 BINGO 28.08:1
$3 HORSESHOES 29.62:1
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 37.38:1
$10 WILD 10`S 46.46:1
$2 ROYAL 7`S 56.65:1
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 59.32:1
$3 SCRABBLE 73.89:1
$3 CASHINGO 79.41:1
$3 KENO 363.12:1
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1,267.37:1
Odds to win 5x your $ or better:
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 13.69:1
$3 CROSSWORD 14.79:1
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 14.79:1
$5 CASH IN 26.78:1
$1 CASH COW 33.26:1
$3 BINGO 35.13:1
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 37.38:1
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 54.33:1
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 54.83:1
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 59.95:1
$10 WILD 10`S 64.41:1
$3 SCRABBLE 73.89:1
$3 CASHINGO 92.52:1
$2 CRAZY 8`S 115.40:1
$5 BLACK PEARLS 146.67:1
$2 ROYAL 7`S 150.20:1
$3 HORSESHOES 243.31:1
$3 KENO 568.06:1
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1,267.37:1
Top rated games to win 2x-5x your $ or better:
1 - $5 CASH IN 69/100
2 - $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 67/100
3 - $1 CASH COW 66/100
4 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 65/100
6 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 61/100
7 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 60/100
8 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 59/100
9 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 58/100
10 - $3 CROSSWORD 57/100
11 - $3 CROSSWORD (new) 54/100
12 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 53/100
13 - $3 HORSESHOES 52/100
14 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 51/100
15 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 47/100
16 - $10 WILD 10`S 45/100
17 - $2 CRAZY 8`S 44/100
18 - $3 BINGO 43/100
19 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 38/100
20 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 35/100
21 - $3 SCRABBLE 31/100
22 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 25/100
23 - $3 CASHINGO 21/100
24 - $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 20/100
25 - $3 KENO 11/100
Just pondering your numbers..some games are better than I thought like pearls cashin cadillac and my fave Bcfl. While games like keno not ad good ss I thought. find with keno it's more difficult not to win anything when buying 4 tickets. .lol..try it although you may not come ahead its very difficult to lose your $12..
DeleteI have played keno often enough to know from experience how it is easy to win on - what i know now after an in depth "crunching of it's numbers", is that $8 or less is most likley all your to win, as far as small prizes - if you don't mind that, then it's a decent game - the odds to win $9 with it are 194:1, $10 is 1,718:1, $11 is 400:1, $14 is 1,007:1 etc. - it is the best game on odds to win any prize, but when that's limited to most liklely $3, $5 or $8, it lacks appeal.
DeleteIt ended up being a worthwhile "number crunch" Darth - this "odds at 2x-5x+" - it helped me gain insight into games that offer the better odds with small prizes that i can now try to tie to games with grand prizes at good odds, so as to choose what to play - like your often stated "return on investment - lower overall costs - chance at a decent grand prize" - sorry Doug, but your picks are, in my opinion, seemingly still too weighted on just the best odds to win a grand prize, while almost ignoring what is most likely a realistic win - my personal view i guess is just more grounded in reality while still having hope for one day of a great lotto win - just, i`ve never won a grand prize on a scratch ticket in my life, probaly never will, don't know anobody who has either, so making a choice on what to play, i think should be based on many factors.
DeleteYes cl66 if you take a game that has decent grand prize to ticket float ratio..and if it rates decent in your 2x/5x post it would appear that may potentially although not always recommended (playing within your budget) a decent game to try some volume
Deletedisclaimer..I'm not endorsing any form of gambling and im a buyer of mentioned games..know your limit play within
I'd just hate to see someone go buying packs and get poor results then have too eat cat food and get mad at us CL. .
good luck buddy
$3 More Lucky Lines ALL grand prizes claimed!
ReplyDelete"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"
In just 10 days after it's release, all 3 of the top prizes of $75,000 have now been claimed, as well as 1 of the 4 next best prizes of $5,000. How fitting it is to see the game that previously screwed over many of us for seemingly non-existant top prizes, lose it's main appeal so early on! This game is now a $1,000 and UNDER play only! With an estimated float of 85% or 2.75 million tickets remaining, the odds on winning 1 of those 3 $5,000 prizes is a terrible 915,000:1. To play a game with a chance at mid range and higher prizes, your better off playing almost any other game now! To the OLG, i say, "what goes around, comes around". On behalf of the many of us who lost a lot, chasing down something that never existed on the previous game, i hope you LOSE a LOT of $ on this. My buddy Karma would like to extend to you a middle finger. Have a nice day. ^_^
We know that OLG is just going to continue to milk this untill they get their money back because $5,000 is a 'worthy' prize according to the OLG. Look at Crazy 8's it lost it grand prizes along time ago but yet I can find it at pretty much every store here. Trust me OLG won't let this bring them down lol. I think that retailers should have a tag that slips in frount of the tickets and says "All grand prizes have been claimed" like the new ticket tags. Because i know OLG is going to just take advantage of uninformed.
DeleteI agree 100% - at least all of us who frequent this blog are the "informed", so we now know to avoid this ticket - i didn't notice it at first, on my listing for tickets offering best chances at 2-5x + your $, $3 More Lucky Lines is 2nd last - the ONLY thing this ticket seems to be good for, is to win $3-$5 - all the more reason to NOT play it. (0_o)
DeleteWe should start a pool with entrants guessing on which date the OLG will pull this game. I will track its ticket sales week over week to see if it becomes "unpopular" with the buying public. This is the sort of thing, in combination with the last version of the game, that drives me nuts. Still, as CL66 says, at least we know to avoid the game. It is the trusting folks who take it in the ear.
Delete"I've got a bad feeling about this." - lol - I also think this game is going to be around a LOT longer than it should - with an el-perdicto, my crystal balls are cloudy on this one ^_^ - for now i get the sense this twisted uncle OLG is gonna serve these to us right up until christmas time. (0_o)
DeleteI bet the people who won the top 3 prizes are related to OLG staff.
DeleteWell I guess I'll have to do my routine call too OLG and get the same run around. .lol..they likely going to say it's a high selling game that the public likes and theres no replacement game for it yet..and that some player's may feel the 2nd tier 5k prizes are worthy too strive for. .lol...but yeah they aren't going to yank that game anytime soon..I still encourage others too call and voice their opinions. .at the very least they will know they're being watched and players are concerned about their "do what suits them attitude"and for me I normally play the under $5 games which seems like the policy on those games is totally wishy washy. .
ReplyDeleteOLG, fair gaming , integrity, ethics,transparency and what ever..ugh.Darth is frustrated already and hasn't even called yet..
I wonder if im still tagged in their system. .lol..I may have to call from another phone because my cell phone I never get through. .indefinitly left in que in their call priority list..
My olg phone call results:
ReplyDelete#1794 lucky lines shall be sold until sales drop drastically. They feel that there's enough secondary prizes that are worthy for players too strive for.
#1765 crazy'8s ticket sales are not low enough yet so game will continue to be sold, also secondary prizes are
#1801 cashingo and #1803 fruit x both suffered from a severe decline in sales so they were cancelled to make room for newer games..I was told that although I may have liked those games the ticket sales data shows the genera
l public didn't like them..
..So it appears the policy for games with prizes under $100k is all about sales and the amount of prizes is irrelevant.
They still claim the old 1776 lucky lines game was 95% sold and the remaining approx 150,000 tickets were destroyed ..the numbers just aren't adding up on that one..
Also games with under $100k prizes the details page will not show the bright red warning that all top prizes are claimed. .
My personal opinion is they base all game cancellation on sales
data and concerns about making room for newer games , kinda like prestige getting the boot so fortune could step in ..and theres many other examples of that money multiplier traded for Cash-in.etc.
So like everyone says atleast we know what games to avoid and it's not very ethical of Olg but its also buyer beware with the scratch games. .
We're going too see the new lucky lines for a while ..sigh..
Happy Hunting..
Instant Poker, some lucky person won quite the jackpot today.
ReplyDeleteIn some sense I am kind of glad because I have been buying up ALL in tickets like mad lately.
I swear I never even won 2$ since my last post. They must be funding the next gas plant scandal with the sales.
Lol..yeah someone hit that nice all in pot..wasn't me, but I sure tried also..
Deletethe night draws cards came
up 4 of a'd even
be happy with that as an instant would be worthy of a spot in my winning tickets photo album..
11 tickets spent $44
ReplyDeleteWin $50
5 winning tickets. .
I'll wait till Sunday or monday and post my weeks results for anyone interested. .lol.I found a bunch of fruit x to work on over the weekend.
GL everyone
Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 1/2
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 242,667
1 x $75,000
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 273,296
3 x $100,000
$5 CASH IN 1 in 381,920
5 x $100,000
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 383,887
1 x $75,000
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 410,544
8 x $250,000 - 2 x $100,000
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 443,613
5 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE) - 7 x $100,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 509,348
12 x $1,000,000 - 5 x $100,000 - 10 x $50,000
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 521,665
11 x $100,000
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 583,644
7 x $2,000,000 - 13 x $200,000
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 838,553
1 x $100,000
$3 KENO 1 in 858,616
2 x $50,000
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,204,000
1 x $75,000
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 1,549,356
7 x $50,000
$3 BINGO 1 in 1,896,723
2 x $50,000
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,118,738
1 x $675,000 (1K$ WEEK LIFE)
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8,951
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 60,667
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 93,173
$3 KENO 1 in 156,112
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 188,389
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 191,944
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 204,972
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 205,272
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 233,287
$5 CASH IN 1 in 238,700
$3 BINGO 1 in 252,896
$1 CASH COW 1 in 300,769
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 307,181
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 309,255
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 337,548
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 373,982
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 409,488
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 525,000
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 602,000
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 738,000
$3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 914,401
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,118,738
Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds 2/2
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7,363
$5 CASH IN 1 in 13,448
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 15,167
$3 KENO 1 in 17,523
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 21,383
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 24,544
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 26,711
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 27,018
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 27,050
$3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 47,296
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 51,677
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 80,267
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 100,441
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 114,393
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 120,635
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 191,944
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 204,972
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 233,287
$3 BINGO 1 in 252,896
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 260,833
$1 CASH COW 1 in 300,769
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 373,982
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 525,000
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 738,000
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 2,649
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,266
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6,155
$5 CASH IN 1 in 8.800
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 8,928
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 8,980
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9,452
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 11,487
$3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 13,785
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 15,167
$3 KENO 1 in 17,523
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 17,945
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 24,544
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 24,636
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 39,726
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 42,897
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 69,108
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 80,267
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 204,972
$3 BINGO 1 in 252,896
$1 CASH COW 1 in 300,769
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 373,982
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 525.000
$1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 738,000
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 37
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 64
$5 CASH IN 1 in 240
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 265
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 396
$3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 466
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 611
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 665
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 667
$3 BINGO 1 in 802
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 847
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 1,105
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 1,140
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 1,160
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 1,190
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,392
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 1,395
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 1,614
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,806
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 2,126
$3 KENO 1 in 6,199
$1 CASH COW 1 in 8,278
Odds to win your ticket price back:
ReplyDelete$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 6.10
$3 KENO 1 in 7.00
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 7.37
$3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 7.40
$3 CASHINGO 1 on 7.57
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 7.73
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 7.78
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 7.78
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 8.00
$3 BINGO 1 in 8.28
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8.33
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 8.71
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 8.74
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 8.75
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 8.75
$5 CASH IN 1 in 9.30
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 9.34
$1 CASH COW 1 in 9.58
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 9.79
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 9.79
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 9.98
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 10.48
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 10.51
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 12.30
Rating to win 2x-5x your $ or better:
$5 CASH IN 69/100
$1 CASH COW 66/100
$5 BLACK PEARLS 65/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 61/100
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 60/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 58/100
$3 CROSSWORD 57/100
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 54/100
$3 HORSESHOES 52/100
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 52/100
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 51/100
$10 WILD 10`S 45/100
$2 CRAZY 8`S 44/100
$3 BINGO 43/100
$2 ROYAL 7`S 38/100
$3 SCRABBLE 31/100
$3 CASHINGO 21/100
$3 KENO 11/100
Odds of winning any prize:
$3 KENO 1 in 2.70
$20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 1 in 3.00
$3 CASHINGO 1 in 3.24
$3 MORE LUCKY LINES 1 in 3.27
$10 CADILLAC RICHES 1 in 3.28
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 1 in 3.28
$3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
$3 HORSESHOES 1 in 3.41
$10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
$3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
$3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 3.62
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 1 in 3.70
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 1 in 3.72
$2 ROYAL 7`S 1 in 3.74
$2 CRAZY 8`S 1 in 3.79
$1 CASH COW 1 in 3.80
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 1 in 3.84
$3 CROSSWORD 1 in 3.84
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 1 in 3.86
$5 BLACK PEARLS 1 in 3.97
$4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.99
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 4.01
$5 CASH IN 1 in 4.13
$5 WINNER TAKE ALL 1 in 4.59
What about pearls now CL ?
DeleteIt's another all or nothing game but it's improving in odds and high up on your 2x/5x odds..I think I'll try a few for a change over the weekend. .
$5 BLACK PEARLS i rate as 48/100, making it 12th out of all 26 games, but 4th out of the 6 $5 games. The current float is estimated at 31% or 820,000 tickets remaining. It's BIG attraction is 3 grand prizes of $100,000 and 1 prize of $25,000, but after this, it takes a HUGE drop, down to only $105 as the 3rd highest amount you can possibly win. It's 273,000:1 to win 1 of those $100,00 prizes or 205,000:1 to win 1 of those top 4 prizes. To win $50 or more on this game comes at odds of 1,160:1, which sucks. Yes, it has good odds in the 2x-5x area, mostly at $5 and $20 wins. The small wins break down: $5 9:1 / $10 23:1 / $15 93:1 /$20 12:1 / $30 240:1 etc. As you stated before, i am also "not endorsing..", just providing the facts and let you make your own choice, good luck buddy! ^_^
DeleteThnx buddy.i saw some today and passed on them..picked up more bcfl instead. .thnx for detailed breakdown. I'm still contemplating the pearls game..
2 more of the bonus cfl $100k prizes claimed, Keswick and Thornhill. .thnx for updates CL
ReplyDeleteCurrent Top Rated Games
ReplyDelete1 - $10 CADILLAC RICHES 78/100
2 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 68/100
3 - $5 CASH IN 67/100
4 - $10 WILD 10`S 65/100
5 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 64/100
6 - $3 CASHINGO 63/100
7 - $3 KENO 59/100
8 - $20 200 MILLION $ EXTRAORDINAIRE 58/100
9 - $5 JACK$ ARE WILD 57/100
10 - $10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 55/100
11 - $3 HORSESHOES 49/100
12 - $5 BLACK PEARLS 48/100
13 - $3 MORE LUCKY LINES 47/100
14 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 44/100
15 - $3 BINGO 43/100
16 - $5 WINNER TAKE ALL 42/100
17 - $3 SCRABBLE 41/100
18 - $4 BONUS CASH FOR LIFE 39/100
19 - $3 CROSSWORD (new) 38/100
20 - $2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
21 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 32/100
22 - $2 CRAZY 8`S 29/100
23 - $1 CASH COW 28/100
24 - $1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 26/100
25 - $3 CROSSWORD 22/100
26 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 18/100
Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price)
$10 WILD 10`S 65/100
$10 100 MILLION $ FORTUNE 55/100
$5 CASH IN 67/100
$5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER (new) 64/100
$5 JACK$ ARE WILD 57/100
$5 BLACK PEARLS 48/100
$4 CASH FOR LIFE 32/100
$3 CASHINGO 63/100
$3 KENO 59/100
$3 HORSESHOES 49/100
$3 BINGO 43/100
$3 SCRABBLE 41/100
$3 CROSSWORD (new) 38/100
$3 CROSSWORD 22/100
$2 ROYAL 7`S 37/100
$2 CRAZY 8`S 29/100
$1 CASH COW 28/100
$1 WILD 8s DOUBLER 26/100
There are two stores at queen and Bathurst in Toronto that have open packs of Fruit Explosion, at least 100 between them.
ReplyDeleteIs it still worth buying them? Retailers are telling me the game is over.
Game is cancelled.already open pack's contain 70 tickets and no more pack's can be activated , so those tickets were activated before Oct 10. And absolutely fine too buy..and also a decent choice right now..
Deletesome retailers empty their whole inventory when a game is cancelled but most retailers continue to sell cancelled games from their previously activated packs rather than send them back to OLG. .I just bought 21 fruit explosion yesterday for my wife to play..
hope this helps
Lol..yeah I don't recommend going crazy and buy them all..try a few..if you do good roll those winners into a few more..
DeleteI rank $3 Fruit Explosion as #2 out of all 26 games, as the best to play, and as the #1 $3 ticket to play. Here is a list off all the prizes it offer's with estimated odds to win each prize or any amount above that. It's a worthy game if you choose to play it, but in general, i recommend to do so within your limits, going out of your way to get these, or buying an excessive amount, of ANY tickets, is not recommended. Good luck. ^_^
Delete$3+ 1 in 3.62
$6+ 1 in 6.81
$9+ 1 in 11
$12+ 1 in 28
$20+ 1 in 119
$25+ 1 in 331
$35+ 1 in 512
$43+ 1 in 706
$100+ 1 in 1,408
$124+ 1 in 5,733
$1000+ 1 in 16,053
$10,000+ 1 in 609,200
$25.000+ 1 in 802,667
$75,000 1 in 240,800
Whoops! my bad - 0_o
Delete$10,000+ "1 in 609,200" - should be 1 in 60,200
$25.000+ "1 in 802,667" - should be 1 in 80,267
ReplyDeleteThe status of the game is that retailers are no longer able to activate new packages. The can, however, sell the tickets from packages that were already activated. So, they can sell you one or more of the tickets that they have.
Fruit Explosion remains the top choice but remember that your chances to win that last remaining Grand Prize of $75,000 are remote. Don't go crazy.
Especially if they printed it before cancelling the game :p (Lucky Lined)
DeleteThanks for the guidance, I wouldn't buy them all, but I will pick up a few tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteWith my luck the remaining 75K is in thunder bay!
I live in thunder bay ... and i do buy them ... i hope i win lol
ReplyDeleteI live in scarborough ... and i cant find them ... i cant win ,,, d'oh!
ReplyDeleteDarth - are you still contemplating Black Pearls? - i have chosen Cash In as a target game - i started with the 1k$+ group as an ideal goal - it has the 3rd most 1k$+ prizes at 137 - ranks #2 on odds for a 1k$+ win - ranks #1 at 2x-5x+ your $ - has 5 $100,000 prizes available - with Pearls having only 3 prizes over $105, Cash In seems like a much better pursuit for the same $5 ticket cost.
ReplyDeleteI picked up 3 pearls this morning and won $5 , I'm just trying to figure out another good game to add too my bonus CFL games.fruit x and cashingo nearly impossible too is definitely full of mid level prizes. .maybe try a few of them also ..thnx
DeleteFruit Explosions are getting pretty rare around here in East York too. My lunch hour store in North York has even pulled the activated tickets. They believe that once a game is cancelled they can't sell them anymore. No amount of talking to them will change their minds on this. They also believe that once a game is cancelled that means it has no grand prizes left.
ReplyDeleteYeah some retailers pull all the tickets once a game is cancelled. .lol..I think retailers hardly know what to do can ask 3 retailers the same question and get 3 different answers.
DeleteIt seems you can ask 3 retailers the same question and get 3 different answers. .
Deletemy understanding from olg is that when a game is cancelled they are supposed too empty the trays and entire inventory for return .but it appears to be a "grey area" because we still see buy and redeem are small prizes on cancelled games.
2 CFL were duds. 2 Cash In, one winner of $15.
ReplyDeleteBlack pearls took a only 2 remaining $100k prizes left..
ReplyDeleteHave bought 6 Cash-in's in total, no winners yet. Have bought 6 fortune's, no wins. Have been winning quite often on crosstripler, $10 and $20 wins.
ReplyDeletewhat is everyones take on horseshoes?
I haven't done well with Horsehoes - played at least 15 in total since it came out and have won 3 times at it - each win was $3 - the odds on the small wins for it: $3 8:1 / $6 6:1 / $9 11:1 / $12 30:1 / $15 243:1
ReplyDeleteHaven't played much horseshoes.
ReplyDeleteI think the float to large prizes ratio is poor..I'd buy keno before horse shoe.easy to win little prizes. Even though its a butt ugly ticket..and hard to scratch. .kinda like plastic
I've also done poor on cash - in, but I have 5 of them for later tonight..
5 cash-in tickets bought from same pack in sequential order #13 to #17. .one winner ticket #13 prize of $25..not bad break even
ReplyDeleteHere's a pic for you cl66 ..thnx for the insights..Here's a pic of your #1 ticket in your 2x/5x post
Nice grab Darth, I don't recall ever winning anything on Cash-In. Maybe I should grab a few since I've been doing horrible on Keno and Horseshoes, both of which I don't like. But there's really not many alternatives in the $3 range worth playing except Crossword and we all know the odds on that one.
DeleteWell, I picked up all the tickets at Queen/Bathurst (50 tickets). To ease the curiosity of one of the posters here none of them were winners of more than $12 although I did get about 70% back which I'm fairly happy about considering...
ReplyDeleteThe owner was going to open activate another pack but as we know they can no longer be activated.
they were fruit explosion tickets
DeleteYeah at 70% return on fruit x that means you've played 50 tickets that had decent odds at 90 cents a ticket too win some real nice prizes..well done
DeleteNice to hear someone on this blog got to them ;)
DeleteI've baughten 3 cadillac tickets throughout this past week. 1 each day i chose to buy it, and each at a different store. i scratched all 3, won 50 bux on each ticket. put in 30 won 150
ReplyDeleteThat's decent vic.better than the've only played maybe 5 cadillac and won 15/15/10..
Deleteyeah, it is better than slots lol much better
Deletei don't know if i just got rly lucky, or if those caddy tix are filled with 50 dollar wins. cuz whenever i play a wild 10's its either i dud out or win my money back. barely ever get lucky with that
DeleteMy results for last 6 days:
ReplyDelete3 keno-win $6
21 fruit x-win $45
45 bonus cfl-win $138
3 black pearls-win $50
5 cash-in -win $25
Total spent $292-total won $219
Lose $73 for a 75% return. .
Still a loss but I played a lot of tickets that had decent odds at a nicely reduced cost..
Pearls win $5 not $50.
DeleteYou can say you bought 45 CFL tickets @ $1 each. Makes it feel better right?
DeleteLol..yeah..I've been lucky hitting the $20 Bcfl winner tickets. .I think there was 3 of them out of that 45 tickets and several $12's. .all the tickets were bought gradually through the week by rolling wins over..too bad it doesn't work that well all the time.
DeleteAnyone still buying prestige?? I know it has been retired... But I know of a store that still has some open packs. Couldn't resist, so I bought 1 and some kenos, will scratch tonight.
ReplyDelete4 Fruit Explosions
ReplyDelete5 Cross Triplers
2 Royal 7s
1 Crossword
4 Kenos
Total return = $5 on 1 Cross Tripler
Your last post about your returns from last week wasn't good either Lloyd. .you're due for a luck streak..
Deletegood luck too you
That's the way it goes Darth. Ups and downs. 3 weeks ago I think we actually came out a few bucks ahead. But like they say, if ya don't buys the ticket ya don't wins the money.
DeleteI haven't even seen a Prestige ticket for sale in my area for maybe 3 months now - it`s not a surprise tho, to sometimes find old tickets being sold, mostly from non-frequented retailers - a Loblaws Super Center i frequent tho, just yesterday, has $10 Turbo Cash tickets - this same place, around early August, was offering $3 Mahjong tickets, some 2-3 months after that game was retired - i understand if a retailer has just a few leftovers not worth much face value, so they still offer them, but not when it could be say $50+ worth - why would a seller not want to get credited for old tickets they have, or is it, an OLG ticket agent isn't doing their job properly, by not reclaiming ALL tickets for cancelled games from ALL ticket sellers? 0_o
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere online that loose activated tickets that are returned to OLG require more paperwork, accounting , and some kind of special sealed tamper proof envelope for security reasons..they get treated differently from unactivated sealed packs I think because of possible theft or tampering , it sounds like way too much regulations and time and headaches too return loose tickets so I think thats why most retailers prefer too just sell them and also their 8% commission is also attractive..
DeleteNice to see a few of you doing well on tickets that i rate as worthy - such also makes my views gain credibility - my budget doesn't permit me to buy as often, or as many, as some of you - so thats why i developed my "number crunch" for scratch tickets to help me decide what to play - and since i have a beleif in "karma", is why i share it with everyone here - while i can tell you what's good "on paper", with choosing a ticket, ACTUAL results from buying them should be weighed in as well - i appreciate everybody who posts here about their results - good luck everyone ^_^
ReplyDeleteSo far loving cash-in hit another 5x.. $25..thnx cl66 it's a game I may have passed on if it weren't for your insight. Hoping karma visits you soon..
I've bought 5 Cash In so far and had two winners of $25 & $15. It's a game I buy one every week just in case lining strikes twice.
ReplyDeleteHere's a pic of today's pack inventory/launch/cancelled games report..these aren't supposed to be made available too the public so I tore the retailers I.d. number off the top..
Along with super bingo being released Oct 27 there are 3 holiday tickets ready for release on Nov 03..this retailer already has 10 packs of super bingo..I'm thinking it's one of those huge float games like crossword. .
also there's no new cancelled games, atleast not yet but they soon going to make room for the holiday games..
$2 holiday cashout -nov 03
$3 holly jolly-Nov 03
$5 merry money-Nov 02
$3 super bingo-oct 27
I'm wondering what $5 and $10 games they gonna can too make room..likely pearls for one and I expect soon coming will be the $10 variety gift packs..
Havnt bought scratch tickets in awhile. Seen alot of fruit explosion n bought only 33 of them. First ticket was $100 :). I had 9/33 winners.
$9× 2
$6× 2
That's you remember the $100 ticket # ..just curious if it was very near the beginning or end of maybe ticket number 62 out of 69 ..or number 12 out of 69..THNX and yeah congrats thats a rare ticket..nice find
ReplyDeleteAww that's a beauty..worthy of a photo..thnx for posting a pic..and satisfies my curiosity decent winner $100 bcfl tickets was #63/69
DeleteTy for showing ticket #s I meant too say.cheers
DeleteEarlier today I rolled some previous winning tickets into some more bonus CFL. .the retailer opened a fresh pack for me and I bought the 1st 15 tickets and last 15..all in sequential order. .I've had slightly better returns atleast I think by passing on tickets from the middle of the packs..but who knows? Maybe thats where the grandprizes are everyone
ReplyDeleteI have recently purchased 146 BCFL's and won $282. That is a return of 48.3%. I am new to volume buying and keeping stats but it looks to me like some bad luck. I plan to keep at it while all 5 grand prizes are out there and hope my return improves. Are others seeing the same results with this game?
ReplyDeleteVolume buying seems too be a unpopular subject on here..I believe if you have no prizes over $99 you should expect 56% return. .not real great..I've had some poor runs on bonus CFL also..
DeleteTake a look back thru the posts here- there's many comments on Bonus CFL - uhm.. you won't find much positive ones tho - lol - sorry Darth, you know i try to avoid giving your fave a knock - ^_^
DeleteBonus Cash For Life:
ReplyDeleteHere's a full prize listing with odds to win each prize or any amount above that - good odds at $20 and under, then a big jump at $22 or + at 1 in 847. 0_o
To win any prize 3.99:1
$6 or + 6.74:1
$8 or + 8.01:1
$10 or + 8.76:1
$12 or + 9.05:1
$14 or + 32.34:1
$16 or + 32.99:1
$20 or + 33.13:1
$22 or + 847:1
$30 or + 1,099:1
$50 or + 1,808:1
$60 or + 2,832:1
$80 or + 5,299:1
$100 or + 11,262:1
$120 or + 16,606:1
$500 or + 40,737:1
$560 or + 41,384:1
$1,000 or + 102,243:1
$1,500 or + 104,288:1
$10,000 or + 434,533
$100,000 or + 474,036:1
Cash For Life 1,042,879:1
DeleteWhat your numbers fail to take into account is that each of those 5 Grand Prizes is worth $675,000 for a $4 ticket. By comparison, each one of those prizes is worth more than all remaining 43 Grand Prizes in Wild 10's combined and those tickets cost $10. As for your favourite game, the 8 remaining Grand Prizes for Cadillac are worth $250,000 each. That totals $2 million; your chances to win one are 1 in 500,000; and the ticket costs $10. By comparison, the 5 BCFL tickets total $3.4 million; your chances are 1 in a million; and the ticket costs $4. BCFL is better value if you are hunting for grand prizes.
Further, your chances to win any prize greater than the cost of the ticket is 1 in 6.74 in BCFL and 1 in 7.11 for Cadillac. Another advantage. Still, what you gain on the turn you lose in the straightaway when it comes to these games. Cadillac has is all over BCFL when it comes to prizes of $100 or more but less that the Grand Prize. I rate Cadillac as the 11th best game at the moment but it could move up to the top five if it keeps its Grand Prizes hidden for another week or two.
You have commented before that you feel that my evaluation method provides too much weight to the top prize factor. I have given this some thought. If all I was concerned about was the Grand Prize then I should be playing Lotto Max. I don't like those "Winner Take All" games. I think we agree that we are looking at some happy medium that involves winning smaller amounts while still having a chance to win Grand Prizes. The formula I use attempts to balance those factors. The number of Grand Prizes and the value of those Grand Prizes has to be an important consideration . How much is open to debate. Your approach fails to provide sufficient weight to that factor, in my opinion. Vive la difference! I am always looking at my results to see if the formula I use yields results that trouble me. That continues.
I would note that we often agree on games but sometimes we differ. Visitors are welcome to compare your approach to mine and ultimately find their own course. What pleases me is that most people who leave comments are simply buying the games they like and for whatever reason strikes their fancy. That's the way it should be. Perhaps what is most important is that none of us is buying games that should be avoided. Good luck.
I appreciate your input cl66...hoping you not feeling spanked right now..but I agree with Doug and feel you undervalue the grand prize too ticket cost ratio on bonus CFL. .
DeleteI'm glad you added a $100 k and up odds to your list because before you had it's grandprizes in the same category as the keno and crossword grandprizes which are only $50 grand.and then it does appear too be a poor choice. .at least your $100k and up odds give it a bit more credibility..
Are view on tickets is different ,I more strive for a 60% return for rolling more tickets over too play more volume at a reduced cost..while you seem more likely to buy fewer more selective games with a more realistic mid level prizes, hence your view on bonus CFL. .
But if you can hit a 60% return it lowers your ticket cost down too $1. 60 per play and at ten prizes 100 k and up it's likely one of the best tickets or even game Olg offers ..
Anyway I jabbering to much..thnx again for your insights and odds..
Hi Everyone.
ReplyDeleteBought 6 Fruit E in Toronto yesterday and won 15.00
Bought 5 Cashingo and won 18.00....
Bought 1 Cadilliac and won 0 :0( but I did enter the online draw for this game, I've bought these in the past and forgot to enter the draw which sucks, this is the first time I've not one anything on the Cadillac.
A woman who owns a convenience store told me even tho she had open packs of Fruit E and Cashingo she was told to send them back and I told her once there open its her choice and I don't believe she understood that...
Fruits are getting very sparse but lots of Cashingo still it seems...
We have a great Scratch Family here and I love reading this blog everyday, Thanks to Doug for starting this so long ago.
Good luck to everyone.
Lost the last 14 straight Cadillac and Fortunes. Think I am done with $10 tickets.
ReplyDeleteI normally avoid the $10 games just for that very reason. .you need a huge bankroll too overcome the variances..if you hit a losing streak I'd rather lose on ten $3 tickets than the $10 or $20 games. .
DeleteThat so sucks I just lost on another Cadillac as well which bites that's 2 in a row for me and I may be done as well for awhile, Darth is right about buying the $3 tickets instead.
DeleteI bought 10 bcfl on the weekend and only one of them payed out ... $4.
DeleteOn the upside I was so frustrated I bought the only $10 fortune on the rack and it payed $50, so I squared out!