Prestige sold an estimated whopping 2 million tickets last week without losing a single Grand Prize! Eleven of the twelve Grand Prizes remain to be claimed after selling one third of the ticket float. Your chances of winning one now stand at 830,000:1 versus the 1.2 million:1 that existed at the outset of the game.
I know that this game is expensive at $10/ticket but it is by far and away the best game to play at this time. Almost 12 cents of every dollar spent on the game is returned to the Grand Prize winners and this number is the best that is currently available. At the same time, the game has a high percentage of winners and a high percentage of winners that pay more that the cost of the ticket. The game is strong in every respect.

Note: Percentage figures indicate the estimated percentage of the float left to be sold.
Crossword Tripler #1755 was added this week. The game is very similar to the other Crossword Triple #1743 game that is also for sale. I'm not crazy about the game as the 3.6 cents per dollar of revenue dedicated to Grand Prizes is low for $5 games and the 13.6% of revenue returned to players who "win" back the cost of the ticket is high. The float for the game is over 8 million tickets so it will be around for a while. The earlier version of the game was launched back in April and there is still 1.5 million tickets left to sell in that game. If you must play this game, play the new version.
Three Prestige Tickets contained one winner of $20. That is about par for the course. Norm in Mississauga purchased one Prestige ticket for his "friend". It was a $50 winner. He cashed the ticket and bought one more - it was worth $20. I know it's not a huge win but nicely done nonetheless.
I received an interesting message this past week from a visitor to the blog. She had taken the time to write the OLG complaining about the manner is which it retires games. The letter she got in response was interesting in that I'd be curious to know if the author actually believes what she is saying. I respect the OLG for the fact that they take the time to respond but their explanations for their decisions do not hold water. It is my view that the criteria for canceling games should be entirely objective. The letter they sent states clearly that there can be judgement in their decisions. Whenever the OLG applies discretion, their priority should be the interest of the players. Sadly, it often is the interest of the OLG. How else does one explain why games with Grand Prizes unclaimed are routinely canceled while games with not only no Grand Prizes but also no Second Prizes and in one case no Third Prizes continue to be offered for sale. It's a case of player beware but it can't hurt to write to them as this individual has done.
I know that this game is expensive at $10/ticket but it is by far and away the best game to play at this time. Almost 12 cents of every dollar spent on the game is returned to the Grand Prize winners and this number is the best that is currently available. At the same time, the game has a high percentage of winners and a high percentage of winners that pay more that the cost of the ticket. The game is strong in every respect.
Top Rated Games
- Prestige 63%
- Cash Blast 63%
- Fast 200's 50%
- $200 Million 63%
- Cherry Jubilee 40%
Games to Avoid
- Horse Shoes 52%
- More Lucky 19%
- Scrabble #1754 5%
- Blackjack Tripler 17%
- Bingo #3008 30%
Note: Percentage figures indicate the estimated percentage of the float left to be sold.
$1 - $2 Game Update
Cherry Jubilee and Fast 200's are both good choices to play. It's unusual for an inexpensive game to rate highly given the higher take out in these games.$3 Game Update
It's tough to recommend any game in this area. Crossword #3200 is better than Crossword #3203 and Bingo #3009 is better than Bingo #3008. Don't be fooled.$4 - $5 Game Update
Black Pearls, Money Multiplier, and Cash for Life are all reasonable choices in this area.$10 - $20 Game Update
Just avoid Classic White. Each of the other three is a good choice.Comings and Goings
Crossword Tripler #1755 was added this week. The game is very similar to the other Crossword Triple #1743 game that is also for sale. I'm not crazy about the game as the 3.6 cents per dollar of revenue dedicated to Grand Prizes is low for $5 games and the 13.6% of revenue returned to players who "win" back the cost of the ticket is high. The float for the game is over 8 million tickets so it will be around for a while. The earlier version of the game was launched back in April and there is still 1.5 million tickets left to sell in that game. If you must play this game, play the new version.
Personal Play
Three Prestige Tickets contained one winner of $20. That is about par for the course. Norm in Mississauga purchased one Prestige ticket for his "friend". It was a $50 winner. He cashed the ticket and bought one more - it was worth $20. I know it's not a huge win but nicely done nonetheless.
I received an interesting message this past week from a visitor to the blog. She had taken the time to write the OLG complaining about the manner is which it retires games. The letter she got in response was interesting in that I'd be curious to know if the author actually believes what she is saying. I respect the OLG for the fact that they take the time to respond but their explanations for their decisions do not hold water. It is my view that the criteria for canceling games should be entirely objective. The letter they sent states clearly that there can be judgement in their decisions. Whenever the OLG applies discretion, their priority should be the interest of the players. Sadly, it often is the interest of the OLG. How else does one explain why games with Grand Prizes unclaimed are routinely canceled while games with not only no Grand Prizes but also no Second Prizes and in one case no Third Prizes continue to be offered for sale. It's a case of player beware but it can't hurt to write to them as this individual has done.
Your prestige numbers are way off, you might want to recalculate it. There is no way it has sold as much as $200 million given the no of prizes left in all categories. There was a new $3 game launched today so hopefully olg starts to retire scrabble and/or more lucky lines, horseshoes needs to go as well.
ReplyDeleteMy focus for now has been on prestige, cash blast and $200 million if i am going to win i want to win big
ReplyDeleteThanks for the note. I re-checked the numbers and I did make a mistake. Prestige is still the best game to play but by a lesser margin than I had indicated. Comparing it to $200, each game has about the same number of tickets. $200 Million has sold about 37% of its float while revealing 6 of its 12 Grand Prizes of $2 million. Prestige has sold about 23% of its float while revealing 1 of its 11 Grand Prizes of $1 m.
Does that sound better to you?