Thursday, 11 February 2016

Scrabble #1861 Ascends the Throne

The pursuit of the elusive CFL 1161 ran aground as many posters predicted. The OLG is the proud winner of the $675,000. Replacing it is #1861 Scrabble. This game rates well as two of its three Grand Prizes remain to be claimed with only an estimated 17% of its float left to sell. That is still slightly over 1 million tickets so you should be able to find the game at your local retailer. A warning that all of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place prizes have been claimed. There are three $5000 prizes left in addition to the two $75,000 prizes.

Also on the plus side, the game offers one cash in every 3.33 tickets which is the best of any game. On the downside, 12.9% of total revenue is returned to folks who "win" the cost of the ticket. That is the second highest of any game.


Top Rated Games

  1. $3 Scrabble #1861 - Strong numbers. 
  2. $3 Crossword #3210 - Only 5% of float left. 
  3. $3 Crossword #3212 - Both Crossword's are good choices. 
  4. $3 Keno #1417 - 4 of 5 Grand Prizes left and only 60% of the float. 
  5. $10 Diamond #1781 - The best of the expensive games.

Games to Avoid

  1. $1 Red Hot 50's - Save your $1 for a person who needs it. 
  2. $1 Hit 100 - Another terrible choice. 
  3. $10 Classic White - Max prize is $1000 other than one $50k prize. For $10!!!
  4. $4 Cash For Life #1171 - not like its sister version. 
  5. $2 Golden 7's #1824 - Bad numbers across the board.

Game Devoid of Grand Prizes

  • Tripling 7's
  • Classic White

Comings and Goings

It was clean-out week at the OLG. All five Christmas games were retired in addition to More Lucky Lines and Cash For Life. Both Instant Gift Pack and Spectacular went down with over 20% of their respective floats left to sell. Each had one Grand Prize left to yield.

New on the scene  is 7,11,21. See CL66's review. I rate it 14th of the 26 games which is right about where new games should start: in the middle. The game looks like it has potential to me. The only thing I don't like is that you have a better chance to win the Grand Prize than you do either the  second or third prize. I prefer games whose prize structure looks like a pyramid.

Three Grand Prizes were claimed this past week. One each for: Money Multiplier, Tripling 7's, and 250 Golden. We're all watching to see if the GTA snags another Grand Prize in that game.

Personal Play

Nothing to report

Post Script

Differing points of view from two communities on the prospect of a casino:

From the articles I have read, the projected revenue increases outlined in the OLG's vaunted "Modernization Report" are failing to materialize. If that continues, who will be responsible? Certainly not Misters Godfrey and Phillips who are, at this very moment, busy gutting the Ottawa Citizen to the glee of the US Hedge Funds that own it.

My last item for this week was a press release from the OLG that wasn't picked up by any outlet that I could find: .

The OLG likes to describe itself as "A global leader in responsible gaming." Who recognizes them as such, you ask? Why, the association of casino operators. Really? How about outsourcing Play Smart initiatives to NGO groups likes the Responsible Gaming Council? If you can outsource all of the casinos, why not that?

My research into Break Open tickets continues. Stay tuned.



  1. Thanks once again for your detailed report. I had another try at The Walking Dead to no avail. May move back up to higher cost tickets now that you have clarified what is now left in prizes.

    1. I kind of like the walking dead tickets, won $5 on one, the other day I bought 4 of them and I won $3, $2, $2, and one was a dud. $2 isnt much, but whenever I get the cost of a ticket back I look at it as the same as $5 on a $5 ticket, or $10 on a $10 ticket.

    2. Took another chance on The Walking Dead. Grabbed the recommended Scrabble also as well as my normal Friday lottery tickets. 6/49 bonus draw tomorrow. 0/2 on both scratchers. Going to grab some 5/10 dollar ones next.

  2. For the past week Ive had a pretty rough time with $3 tickets, havent been playing that many (2 crosswords, 1 keno, 1 bingo, and a QFG) all Ive gotten from them was 3 bucks on a crossword.

    for 5 7-11-21 tickets im down only $10, from 2 wins ($10 and $5).

    Broke even on Bingo Doublers ($10 win) in Crossword Triplers im up $30, winning $65 in across 7 tickets, most of that coming from the bonus area, and a couple triple wins.

    Since ive started really tracking everything the only things sandbagging my play are the 7-11-21 tickets, and the Poker tickets, lol, Im due to win something on the poker so I keep swinging away, Ive been giving the 7-11-21 tickets to my girlfriend cause I dont really enjoy playing them.

    I need a different name to call is also, saying 7-11-21 is kind of weird, Ive been referring to it as "That math ticket" when I ask my girlfriend if she feels like playing one.

  3. Bought another mix of tickets for $20 while buying gas the other day, returned $50!

    That included my first 7-11-21 ticket, which was a funny experience. Scratching the first box on my first 7-11-21 ticket and all of the numbers added up to 11. I had to double check the rules. Turns out it IS that easy!

    Funny how luck goes, a doubler on the first scratch of my first 7-11-21 ticket and I'm still 0 for 11 on those damn Diamond Payouts! LOL

  4. OLG weekly estimated ticket sales Febrary 4th-11th:

    1 - $3 CROSSWORD (winter words) 1,373,973
    2 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 602,026
    3 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 410,447
    4 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 394,747
    5 - $3 BINGO (purple) 358,519
    6 - $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 298,893
    7 - $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 283,250
    8 - $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 259,997
    9 - $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 254,777
    10 - $5 7-11-21 (4 day) 246,663
    11 - $2 WALKING DEAD 230,323
    12 - $2 GOLDEN 7's 211,035
    13 - $5 JACKPOT 194,780
    14 - $1 HIT $100 185,717
    15 - $3 KENO 163,333
    16 - $3 SCRABBLE 156,850
    17 - $5 BINGO DOUBLER 153,381
    18 - $10 WILD 10`s 111,650
    19 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 96,064
    20 - $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 79,416
    21 - $1 RED HOT $50's 78,780
    22 - $3 BINGO (old) 46,235
    23 - $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 29,723
    24 - $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 17,286 (deactivated Jan.22)
    25 - $3 CROSSWORD 13,944 (deactivated Jan.15)
    26 - $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 6,616 (deactivated Jan.22)

    Tickets sold: 6,258,425 / $26,174,565
    48.93% $3
    20.69% $5
    9.62% $4
    7.05% $2
    6.21% $10
    5.76% $1
    1.27% $30
    0.47% $20

  5. Interesting how many tickets that stinker Cash For Life 1171 is selling.

  6. What sells the most doesn`t mean it's actually any good:

    How else is there to explain Kanye West? lol - i`ve said it often here and i`ll say it again: unfortunately the vast majority of scratch ticket buyers do so with mostly wishful intent and hardly any factual information, many are even oblivious to such - i don`t mean to belittle anyone, but the phrase "a fool and his money are soon parted" comes to mind - the numbers i`ve posted here back up my view that the OLG is daily-sales driven and prizes, or whether a ticket is any good, are distant 2nd factors - their current most aired tv commercial now is for "the NEW Bingo Doubler" ticket, which actually has been available for over 5 months - most likley they are trying to push sales on these due to under performance with considerable remaining printed tickets - many may not notice this, but in any of their scratch game tv spots the cost of a ticket or odds on winning prizes are never shown, stated or spoken - $3 Crossword always sells a LOT more tickets than anything else - thats why "winter words" had upon it's release 14.7 million tickets - within that massive amount was only a tiny total of 30 prizes worth more than $100 - your odds to win more than $25 on this game are 1 in 5,325 and it's the 3rd worst game on odds to win any prize, at 1 in 4.25 - yet this game i estimated sold almost 1.4 million tickets over the last week, which is as much as the 2nd,3rd and 4th best selling tickets combined.

    1. Some aspects of the Winter Crossword actually look better to me than the 7-11-21 or the Money Multiplier games.

      Especially when looking at not just the top prizes, but Money Multiplier only has 1 $25,000 second prize, where Winter Crossword has 9, 7-11-21 comes in with only 3 $20,000 prizes at that level. They also have 1/4 of the "cost of ticket" prizes compared to the Crossword.

      Its funny to me that there are more $3 prizes in the Winter Crossword than there are total prizes available for either Money Multiplier or 7-11-21, funnier still is if you add the available prizes for both of those games its still less than the amount available for Winter Crossword.

      When looking at any of these games the chances of finding a winner is still like finding a needle in a haystack, since there is so much hay and so few needles, but when looking at these games I think it might be better sometimes to go with the one that has the most needles even if it means theyre sitting in a larger pile of hay.

      Also considering that if you spend the same amount on tickets you would get 3 Money Multiplier or 7-11-21 tickets for $15 or 5 Winter Crosswords, one of those puts you above the odds or any prize in one game and just below them in the other.

      Though still I think personal play is the most important factor, for example the lady in Kingston who took the top prize in the tripling 7s, I couldnt get much out of them when I played them, and certainly wouldnt have gotten one around the time she did with most of the top prizes having been gone, but time and time again you see someone stroll in often times not knowing anything about the game other than "thats a pretty ticket" and hitting the top prize, lol.

    2. Enjoyed the post, Jason, as usual.

      I would point out that Winter Crossword has a float of 15 million whereas the other two games have floats of 3 million.


    3. While it's a matter of perspective, i think the amount of tickets for a game is important. The fact there's nearly 5 times as many tickets with Winter Words than Money Multiplier or 7-11-21 is clearly reason why it should have more prizes. Yet it only has 30 prizes over $100 while Money Multiplier had 682 and 7-11-21 had 1,491. With nearly 5 times as many tickets, Winter Words $ value of all it's "needle-in-a-haystack" prizes of $5,000+ is still less than Money Multiplier or 7-11-21.

    4. When I use the term "needle in a haystack" Im using it in reference to winning any amount, not just a certain section of top prizes, when the number of available tickets is in the millions I just dont see how much I can let something like the number of prizes and the number of tickets received affect my play. Unless you are going in and removing a large section of tickets at a time, say like 1000+, which I dont think anyone does, it might beneficial to take a look at prizes available and weight that more.

      I just like the idea of there being 3 million somethings out there that I could potentially get vs 7 or 800 thousand somethings, considering that they are all spread out over every store that has a ticket tray throughout the entire province and that I will be buying between 3-5 of them.

      Lately Ive been playing just to win, so that I can hopefully keep rolling money forward, and the only categories of tickets that Ive been playing that are letting me do that are the ones with the # of higher available prizes for some reason, of all the Jackpots and Money Multipliers Ive bought Ive only gotten back 2-3 buy ins, so $15 on what I believe is around 30-40 tickets between those two.

      It just feels like the amount of tickets for every game is so high and spread out so much throughout all the retailers that the higher # of prizes has to play a factor, especially for people who are picking a few tickets from the tray and arent buying whole "rolls". Youre taking a pretty small sampling (your tickets) out of a large group (tickets available) and hoping to win something (prizes available), where I think with any ticket the group (tickets available) is such a large number it wont cause much variance in play, but the prizes available could, looking for 1 of 3 million in 14 million feels better to me than 1 of 800k in 3 million.

      But as I said, Ive been running this last week differently than I used to, after you burn through enough losing tickets on any game it starts to become more fun just to find a winner at all, which is why Ive been leaning more towards games with the higher number of lower prizes, since those always have the best chances of showing up in your selection of tickets.

  7. hasn't been updated since the beginning of January. It had previously been updated every month. I wonder why?

    In other news, I used my $50 winnings to buy another Diamond Payout and I'm now 0 for 12. I don't know why I keep trying with them. It's ridiculous!

    1. That is indeed strange JayDee. Maybe the DART Team has hunkered down for the winter in the Sault.

  8. Current Scratch Tickets Estimated Odds
    (from info on the OLG unclaimed prize page as of 9am Sunday February 14th)

    Available grand prizes (by the odds):
    1 in 8,478 $10,000 $10 WILD 10`S
    1 in 237,581 $75,000 $3 SCRABBLE
    1 in 314,878 $100,000 $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER
    1 in 396,627 $100,000 $5 7-11-21
    1 in 419,355 $100,000 $5 JACKPOT
    1 in 541,746 $100,000 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER
    1 in 550,142 $35,000 $2 WALKING DEAD
    1 in 635,755 $1,000,000 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS
    1 in 718,940 $50,000 $3 CROSSWORD
    1 in 721,034 $35,000 $2 GOLDEN 7s
    1 in 736,701 $50,000 $3 KENO
    1 in 853,873 $75,000 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION
    1 in 1,095,542 $75,000 $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER
    1 in 1,107,364 $10,000 $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS
    1 in 1,777,746 $50,000 $3 BINGO
    1 in 1,198,149 $50,000 $3 BINGO (purple)
    1 in 1,241,000 $1,000,000 $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT
    1 in 1,266,804 $2,500,000 $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES
    1 in 1,270,247 $100,000 $5 BINGO DOUBLER
    1 in 1,950,019 $50,000 $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD
    1 in 2,343,267 $675,000 $4 CASH FOR LIFE

    Available grand prizes (by amount):
    $2,500,000 $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 1,266,804
    $1,000,000 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 635,755
    $1,000,000 $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 1,241,000
    $675,000 $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 2,343,267
    $100,000 $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 314,878
    $100,000 $5 7-11-21 1 in 396,627
    $100,000 $5 JACKPOT 1 in 419,355
    $100,000 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 541,746
    $100,000 $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 1,270,247
    $75,000 $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 237,581
    $75,000 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 853,873
    $75,000 $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 1,095,542
    $50,000 $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 718,940
    $50,000 $3 KENO 1 in 736,701
    $50,000 $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 1,198,149
    $50,000 $3 BINGO 1 in 1,777,746
    $50,000 $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 1,950,019
    $35,000 $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 550,142
    $35,000 $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 721,034
    $10,000 $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8,478
    $10,000 $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,107,364

    1. If we were to divide the odds into the Grand Prize amount and then by the ticket price (to create an even playing field), the result would represent the best games for chasing a Grand Prize. They are:

      1. Wild 10's
      2. Scrabble
      3. Diamond
      4. Extreme
      5. CFL

  9. Odds to win $50,000 or more:
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 237,581
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 314,878
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 317,877
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 396,627
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 419,355
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 496,400
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 541,746
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 635,123
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 718,940
    $3 KENO 1 in 736,701
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 814,374
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 853,873
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 1,095,542
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 1,198,149
    $3 BINGO 1 in 1,777,746
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 1,950,019
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,952,723
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 2,488,846

    Odds to win $5,000 or more:
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 8,478
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 95,032
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 111,133
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 185,092
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 194,667
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 211,918
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 215,682
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 284,624
    $3 BINGO 1 in 296,291
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 314,517
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 317,562
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 319,506
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 361,164
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 365,181
    $3 KENO 1 in 420,972
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 497,064
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 550,142
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 600,065
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 721,034
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,107,364
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 1,171,634
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 2,488,846

    Odds to win $1,000 or more:
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 6,990
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 11,332
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 11,551
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18,436
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 26,609
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 30,845
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 46,575
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 64,444
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 88,733
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 95,032
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 116,800
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 180,259
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 215,682
    $3 KENO 1 in 226,677
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 295,498
    $3 BINGO 1 in 296,291
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 314,517
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 317,562
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 319,506
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 344,598
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 497,064
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,107,364

    Odds to win $250 or more:
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 3,742
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 4,016
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 4,333
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 4,908
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 5,171
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 9,732
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,916
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 11,522
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 21,911
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 22,627
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 29,954
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7'S 1 in 40,108
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 46,575
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 65,549
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 81,377
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 88,733
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 146,454
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 215,682
    $3 KENO 1 in 226,677
    $3 BINGO 1 in 296,291
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 319,506
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 497,064
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,107,364

  10. Odds to win $100 or more:
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 10
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 251
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 330
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 467
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 506
    $1 HIT $100 1 In 590
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 956
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 1,334
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7'S 1 in 1,654
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 1,694
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 1,960
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER in 2,207
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 2,307
    $3 BINGO 1 in 2,312
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 2,313
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 3,475
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 5,325
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 6,348
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 6,581
    $3 KENO 1 in 6,806
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 35,172
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 46,310
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 1,107,364

    Odds to win 8-10x your $ or better:
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 45
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 76
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 92
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 130
    $3 KENO 1 in 131
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 175
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 177
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 184
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 193
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 202
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 213
    $3 BINGO 1 in 217
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 217
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 221
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 247
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 247
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 251
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 314
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 376
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 396
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3,683
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 4,909
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 6,568
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,910

    Odds to win 6-8x your $ or better:
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 45
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 55
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 55
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 62
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 76
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 102
    $3 KENO 1 in 104
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 105
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 107
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 116
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 118
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 125
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 128
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 130
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 165
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 165
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 177
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 184
    $3 BINGO 1 in 196
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 196
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 414
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 1,185
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 4,909
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 9,910

    Odds to win 5x your $ or better:
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 12.43
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 16.64
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 28.61
    $3 KENO 1 in 29.78
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 32.27
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 32.94
    $3 BINGO 1 in 35.13
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 35.13
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 39.66
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 41.71
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 43.07
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 43.48
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 44.77
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 54.83
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 60.50
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 64.40
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 71.76
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 73.86
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 74.35
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 75.63
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 92.32
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 125
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 4,909

  11. Odds to win 4x your $ or better:
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 12.43
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 15.81
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 16.64
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 18.76
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 19.10
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 20.65
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 22.59
    $3 KENO 1 in 25.83
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 26.30
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 26.79
    $3 BINGO 1 in 28.08
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 28.08
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 28.61
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 31.66
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 32.09
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 32.94
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 44.77
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 46.45
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 66.15
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 71.76
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 73.86
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 74.35
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 1,301
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 4,909

    Odds to win 3x your $ or better:
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 9.98
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 10.11
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 11.52
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 11.94
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 12.43
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 13.83
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 13.87
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 13.88
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 14.28
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 14.62
    $3 KENO 1 in 14.86
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 15.09
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 16.64
    $3 BINGO 1 in 16.70
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 16.70
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 18.14
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 18.19
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 18.26
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 18.76
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 19.85
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 25.08
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 26.30
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 44.77
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 63.85
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 71.76

    Odds to win 2x your $ or better:
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 4.77
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 5.72
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 6.17
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 6.62
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 6.64
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 6.79
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 6.84
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 6.89
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 7.24
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 7.29
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 7.43
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 7.44
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 8.05
    $3 BINGO 1 in 8.15
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 8.15
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 8.27
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 8.33
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 8.75
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 8.77
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 9.28
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 10.35
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 10.36
    $3 KENO 1 in 11.94
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 12.43
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 1 in 16.64

    Odds of winning any prize:
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 1 in 3.00
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 1 in 3.31
    $3 SCRABBLE 1 in 3.33
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 1 in 3.34
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 1 in 3.37
    $3 KENO 1 in 3.40
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1 in 3.41
    $10 WILD 10`S 1 in 3.42
    $3 BINGO 1 in 3.45
    $3 BINGO (purple) 1 in 3.45
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 1 in 3.53
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 1 in 3.55
    $2 WALKING DEAD 1 in 3.68
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 1 in 3.70
    $5 JACKPOT 1 in 3.78
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1 in 3.84
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 1 in 3.86
    $5 7-11-21 1 in 3.90
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 1 in 3.93
    $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1 in 4.06
    $2 GOLDEN 7s 1 in 4.17
    $3 CROSSWORD 1 in 4.25
    $1 RED HOT $50s 1 in 4.27
    $1 HIT $100 1 in 4.47

  12. Number Crunch: Compact

    $50K+/$5K+/$1K+/$250+/$100+/8-10x+/6-8x+/5x+/4x+/3x+/2x+/Any Prize/Overall rating

    $5 MONEY MULITPLIER: 2 3 5 3 4 8 18 13 6 7 4 21 69/100
    $5 7-11-21: 4 4 2 1 7 3 6 21 5 19 7 19 67/100
    $5 JACKPOT: 5 10 17 11 9 10 5 12 8 3 6 15 63/100
    $10 WILD 10`S: 25 1 1 2 3 15 10 17 19 9 9 8 60/100
    $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER: 7 13 15 6 13 21 3 15 2 2 11 14 59/100
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER: 8 11 18 5 5 12 16 11 11 17 3 11 57/100
    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION: 12 8 7 13 11 20 13 23 15 4 5 5 55/100
    $3 SCRABBLE: 1 2 10 10 14 19 14 19 22 6 18 3 54/100
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2: 18 22 4 8 2 18 11 3 4 18 21 4 53/100
    $3 CROSSWORD: 9 7 13 18 18 5 15 1 1 5 24 23 52/100
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT: 6 5 11 15 19 24 23 4 14 21 2 2 51/100
    $3 KENO: 10 15 14 19 21 6 8 5 9 11 23 6 50/100
    $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER: 13 14 8 9 12 16 7 22 20 16 10 7 49/100
    $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD: 16 16 21 22 17 1 1 2 3 13 25 18 48/100
    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS: 3 6 6 7 8 25 25 24 24 24 1 1 47/100
    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES: 11 18 3 4 1 23 24 25 25 1 8 12 46/100
    $3 BINGO: 15 9 16 20 15 13 20 8 12 14 14 9 45/100
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7'S: 25 25 25 12 10 4 3 10 7 12 20 17 43/100
    $3 BINGO (purple): 14 12 19 21 16 13 20 8 12 14 14 9 42/100
    $2 GOLDEN 7s: 25 19 12 14 22 7 9 16 10 8 17 22 40 /100
    $2 WALKING DEAD: 25 17 9 16 20 16 16 7 17 20 16 13 36/100
    $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS: 25 20 22 23 24 2 2 14 18 23 12 16 33/100
    $4 CASH FOR LIFE: 17 21 20 17 23 22 22 6 16 10 22 20 28/100
    $1 HIT $100: 25 25 25 25 6 9 19 18 21 25 19 25 19/100
    $1 RED HOT $50s: 25 25 25 25 25 11 12 20 23 22 13 24 17/100

  13. Current Top Rated Games:

    1 - $5 MONEY MULITPLIER 69/100
    2 - $5 7-11-21 67/100
    3 - $5 JACKPOT 63/100
    4 - $10 WILD 10`s 60/100
    5 - $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 59/100
    6 - $5 BINGO DOUBLER 57/100
    7 - $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 55/100
    8 - $3 SCRABBLE 54/100
    9 - $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 53/100
    10 - $3 CROSSWORD 52/100
    11 - $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 51/100
    12 - $3 KENO 50/100
    13 - $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 49/100
    14 - $3 QUEST FOR GOLD CROSSWORD 48/100
    15 - $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 47/100
    16 - $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 46/100
    17 - $3 BINGO 45/100
    18 - $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 43/100
    19 - $3 BINGO (purple) 42/100
    20 - $2 GOLDEN 7's 40 /100
    21 - $2 WALKING DEAD 36/100
    22 - $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 33/100
    23 - $4 CASH FOR LIFE 28/100
    24 - $1 HIT $100 19/100
    25 - $1 RED HOT $50's 17/100

    Current Top Rated Games (by ticket price):

    $30 $250 MILLION GOLDEN TREASURES 46/100

    $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 47/100

    $10 WILD 10`s 60/100
    $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 53/100
    $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 51/100

    $5 MONEY MULITPLIER 69/100
    $5 7-11-21 67/100
    $5 JACKPOT 63/100
    $5 BINGO DOUBLER 57/100
    $5 TRIPLING RED 7's 43/100

    $4 CASH FOR LIFE 28/100

    $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 55/100
    $3 SCRABBLE 54/100
    $3 CROSSWORD 52/100
    $3 KENO 50/100
    $3 BINGO 45/100
    $3 BINGO (purple) 42/100

    $2 GOLDEN 7's 40 /100
    $2 WALKING DEAD 36/100

    $1 HIT $100 19/100
    $1 RED HOT $50's 17/100

  14. Just out of interest to get a rough idea of how many grand prize numbers would be in play last night for Ontario in the Super Draw, I bought a ticket Thursday morning (to see approximately where sales started after the Wednesday draw) and another towards the end of sales last night (to see approximately where sales ended). The Thursday morning ticket started with 4788 and last night's was 4927, which is around 1.4 million numbers difference. That's a really low estimate though, because it only assumes 1 number per ticket (because we don't know how many multi-line tickets were out there and we know some people get more than 1 line/many lines), and it also doesn't include people who played multiple draws (like the guaranteed prize winners whose numbers were 466, those would have been bought a few draws ago when the guaranteed prize numbers that were selling were in the 466's, not 478's and above).

    Kind of interesting that in the 14 extra draws, none went to BC (nothing started with 0 or 1), 5 went to the Prairies (numbers starting with 2 or 3), 6 to Ontario (numbers starting with 4 or 5), 2 to Quebec (numbers starting with 6 or 7), and 1 to the Atlantic provinces (numbers starting with 8 or 9).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like your thinking and calculations.
      I bought my tickets Saturday afternoon and had all higher #'s and saw that most of Ontario's winner #s were lower and likely bought on thursday or Friday. .

    3. Based on reported sales of $21,677,974, plus an allowance for free tickets, I estimate the national 649 float was about 8.1 million tickets, about 3.1 million of those in Ontario.

      So each 649 bought in ON should have about a 1/442,857 chance of winning any of the 7 guaranteed prizes awarded here.

      Not too bad for $3, compares pretty well with scratch grand prize odds.

  15. Current estimated ticket floats by quantity:

    320,861 $5 TRIPLING RED 7'S 10.50% of 3,054,800 (deactivated Jan.22nd)
    475,161 $3 SCRABBLE 15.12% of 3,141,600
    573,611 $1 RED HOT $50s 18.93% of 3,030,000
    915,665 $10 WILD 10`S 62.83% of 1,457,400
    1,095,542 $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 34.87% of 3,141,600
    1,107,364 $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 36.43% of 3,040,000
    1,258,066 $5 JACKPOT 40.72% of 3,089,800
    1,442,069 $2 GOLDEN 7s 47.13% of 3,060,000
    1,777,746 $3 BINGO 18.81% of 9,452,800
    1,889,265 $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 58.42% of 3,234,000
    2,156,819 $3 CROSSWORD 14.68% of 14,693,000
    2,488,846 $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 31.47% of 7,909,000 (deactivated Jan.22nd)
    2,561,618 $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 79.83% of 3,208,800
    2,562,683 $1 HIT $100 85.14% of 3,010,000
    2,750,710 $2 WALKING DEAD 89.89% of 3,060,000
    2,776,386 $5 7-11-21 88.37% of 3,141,600
    2,946,805 $3 KENO 57.28% of 5,145,000
    3,250,476 $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 36.85% of 8,820,200
    3,810,740 $5 BINGO DOUBLER 45.82% of 8,316,000
    4,792,596 $3 BINGO(purple) 48.47% of 9,888,200
    9,928,000 $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 68.00% of 14,600,000
    11,443,582 $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 76.81% of 14,898,250
    11,716,337 $4 CASH FOR LIFE 76.20% of 15,374,800
    25,350,244 $3 QFG CROSSWORD 97.84% of 25,909,800
    11,401,233 $30 GOLDEN TREASURES 92.24% of 12,360,000

    Current estimated ticket floats by %:

    10.50% $5 TRIPLING RED 7'S 320,861/3,054,800 (deactivated Jan.22nd)
    14.68% $3 CROSSWORD 2,156,819/4,693,000
    15.12% $3 SCRABBLE 475,161/3,141,600
    18.81% $3 BINGO 1,777,746/9,452,800
    18.93% $1 RED HOT $50s 573,611/3,030,000
    31.47% $10 CLASSIC WHITE 2 2,488,846/7,909,000 (deactivated Jan.22nd)
    34.87% $3 LUCKY DRAGON DOUBLER 1,095,542/3,141,600
    36.43% $1 LUCKY LINES EXPRESS 1,107,364/3,040,000
    36.85% $5 CROSSWORD TRIPLER 3,250,476/8,820,200
    40.72% $5 JACKPOT 1,258,066/3,089,800
    45.82% $5 BINGO DOUBLER 3,810,740/8,316,000
    47.13% $2 GOLDEN 7s 1,442,069/3,060,000
    48.47% $3 BINGO(purple) 4,792,596/9,888,200
    57.28% $3 KENO 2,946,805/5,145,000
    58.42% $5 MONEY MULTIPLIER 1,889,265/3,234,000
    62.83% $10 WILD 10`S 915,665/1,457,400
    68.00% $10 DIAMOND PAYOUT 9,928,000/14,600,000
    76.20% $4 CASH FOR LIFE 11,716,337/15,374,800
    76.81% $20 EXTREME MILLIONS 11,443,582/14,898,250
    79.83% $3 FRUIT EXPLOSION 2,561,618/3,208,800
    85.14% $1 HIT $100 2,562,683/3,010,000
    88.37% $5 7-11-21 2,776,386/3,141,600
    89.89% $2 WALKING DEAD 2,750,710/3,060,000
    92.24% $30 GOLDEN TREASURES 11,401,233/12,360,000
    97.84% $3 QFG CROSSWORD 25,350,244/25,909,800

  16. The next new games coming out, on March 7th, will be $3 Pacman Slots & $5 High Roller.

    1. awesome, thanks for the info. hopefully they rate well.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.


    College hoops wins I've had recently for anyone's interest.
    $1525 in winnings spread over 5 tickets.


      Difficult to fit into one pic so here's the other $400..
      its sure nice of the OLG to send some cake my direction for a change .lol.

    2. Well done Darth. Are you a College Hoops expert? I enjoy the sport but I doubt that I could cash a three game ticket let alone what you are able to do.

  19. I notice OLG is running ads for its Play Smart program on radio this week.

    On that site, I came across this statement:

    "We don’t send winning tickets to specific locations, and there is no secret formula for picking winning numbers."

    That would appear to address directly the question I and others have had, of whether scratch winners are targeted geographically.

    Any comments? Do people find this persuasive, or are there other questions to be asked? (For example, does OLG knowingly send out separate tranches of tickets with big winners, so they won't all be on the shelves in the first weeks?)

    1. Seems like theyre just trying to address a few common misconceptions about the games, that any store would be luckier than any other one, and that there is a system for picking winning numbers.

      Ive gotten spam emails before claiming to be selling a secret software that helps you pick the winning numbers somehow, not sure if people have actually bought it but there are some people selling books about picking lottery numbers / scratch tickets so I assume theyre trying to protect people from being taken advantage of by people like that.

  20. We've had a lightning strikes twice moment today in Poker Lotto. Two straight flushes at the same store within 2 hours of each other. I can't even imagine the odds of that happening. The odds are likely so astromical that it almost has to be a mistake, no?

    1. Wow! On one hand, that does seem unbelievable. On the other, as long as every hand dealt is an independent event (choose any 5 cards out of a deck), the very next hand dealt at the same location could have been another straight flush.

      Quick, everyone in your car and head to the Mac's on Main Street in Grand Valley! hehe

  21. Wow, he's at it again! Innisfil guy claimed about 15 prizes, over $120,000 on Friday all in sports betting on OLG.

    He appeared in an OLG news release a little while back, and had a sort of "aw shucks, I'm just lucky" attitude in that winner's story.

    I think there is something much more sophisticated going on, however. Love to see his balance sheets.......

    1. His LinkedIn profile (which has now disappeared) showed that he was some sort of statistics and probability wizard. He's clearly found a loophole or exploit in OLG's sports betting system.

      I'm sorry, but there's no way he's winning all of this money by chance. I mean, good for him. If OLG doesn't care, why should we?

    2. Yeah that guys amazing.
      My earlier pics I posted would have had my name on the list several times I'm mostly an under $20 bettor. .now if I was a $100 bettor. .hmmmm

    3. fanduel and draftkings both claim sports betting is a game of skill, not chance

  22. Played 20 hands all in today only won 2$ fail.

  23. I came upon a retailer today that had a number of $10 Holiday Spectacular tickets available. Are these worth going back to get? They've removed this ticket from the unclaimed prize list, so I don't know if there was a $250,000 grand prize left for this game or not.

    1. Last I saw there was a $250k along with a $100k prize still unclaimed..a few weeks back I picked up if I remember correctly I picked up 14 of them and won back $110 including one prize of $50.

  24. Wow same store won 2 poker prizes today back to back just over 2 hours apart
